Security enterprise honors employee of quarter

By Terri StoverMay 27, 2022

Security enterprise honors employee of quarter
Terra Good (Photo Credit: USASAC) VIEW ORIGINAL

Since becoming the Security Assistance Command’s program manager for the Security Assistance Liaison Officer program in 2019, Terra Good has transformed the program from a basic SALO administrative support program into an exceptional engagement tool. This is just one reason why she was chosen as USASAC’s first Employee of the Quarter for fiscal 2022.

Good “has demonstrated outstanding vision, initiative, and talent, elevating the SALO program to a level of distinction and performance previously unimagined,” Mike Casciaro, director of logistics and acquisition, said. Her improvements to the SALO program have “integrated (the program) into USASAC operations and fully supports USASAC efforts to optimize the security assistance structure and capabilities, advance security assistance policies, and improve enterprise success.”

Just after a one-star senior leader engagement with Brazil in September 2021, Good planned and coordinated three additional significant partner engagements before the end of the year. Most notable was a meeting with the one-star Turkish defense attache, the EUCOM/AFRICOM regional operations director of USASAC, other USASAC leaders, and various security assistance representatives.

She helped execute a sound engagement with this important NATO ally by coordinating all foreign visitor requests and installation access, escorting the delegation, ensuring they met COVID-related protocols, yet made sure the visitors had a positive experience during their visit.

“Terra has (used) her outstanding program management and protocol skills,” Casciaro said. “Demonstrating political savvy and excellent judgement regarding the importance of the one-star engagement with the Turkish attache, Terra arranged an engaging agenda that included a one-on-one engagement between (the general) and the EUCOM/AFRICOM regional operations director.”

At the request of the Security Cooperation Office in the U.S. Embassy, Cairo, Egypt, Good coordinated and presented a SALO program briefing via MS Teams to the SCO for Egypt. In light of Egypt’s growing foreign military sales requirements, the SCO has expressed interest in having a SALO at USASAC.

The request for the briefing was to expand Egypt’s knowledge of the foreign military sales execution process, systems capabilities in the USASAC Pennsylvania location, and the rapid and direct access to information that SALOs have regarding the status of their cases. “At the end of her well-received presentation, the SCO requested … information requirements for adding a SALO to an FMS case on Egypt’s behalf,” Casciaro said.

Egypt is reportedly now developing a letter of request to place a SALO in New Cumberland. “Having a SALO from Egypt would be extremely beneficial in light of the growth and complexity of Egypt’s FMS program,” Casciaro said. “If it comes to fruition, Terra’s professionalism and expertise will have been a direct contributing factor.”

Casciaro added that Good is also working actively with attaches to obtain SALOs for Indonesia, Morocco, Poland and Romania.

Throughout the year, Good also continues her initiative to grow the SALO program into an outstanding outreach capability to the local Pennsylvania community. This initiative helps fulfill the SALOs’ desire to be a part of the local community, to exchange cultural experiences with Americans, and to strengthen cooperation between our respective countries. This initiative also builds awareness in the local community of USASAC and its involvement with our foreign partners and their officers.

Many local citizens have the false perception that the only foreign officers in the area are at the Army War College. Good is working to correct these false ideas, with examples such as having the SALOs speak at local schools for Veterans Day. Not only were students and their families interested to hear from the SALOs, but the SALOs were also genuinely touched to participate in Veterans Day commemorations.

In December, she collaborated to have SALOs participate in “Wreaths Across America” remembrances of fallen Soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. The SALOs laid numerous wreaths and had the honor of visiting the graves of Australian and Greek military officers buried at Arlington. “As with the Veterans Day commemorations, this was a moving and meaningful engagement to our SALO partners, and it would not have happened without Terra’s vision for the SALO program, her desire to grow the program’s outreach and engagement capabilities,” Casciaro said.

No matter the season, Good continuously seeks opportunities to deepen U.S. and USASAC relationships with the SALOs, make the SALOs feel at home in America, and promote the exchange of cultures and traditions. She could not physically attend the SALO Thanksgiving dinner in 2021, but she decorated their building in a Thanksgiving theme, brought in her own china and silverware for a formal dinner setting for the 15 SALOs and their five administrative assistants.

For the December holidays, she set up a Christmas tree in the SALO building and coordinated a decorating event to commemorate the Christmas and Menorah lighting traditions, followed by a holiday meal for the SALOs. At Good’s invitation the USASAC deputy commander, who happened to be in New Cumberland, participated in the tree decorating and lighting festivities.

As an extension of a SALO visit to the U.S. Military Academy, Good collaborated with the USASAC public affairs office to create a fun and outstanding Army-Navy football game spirit video. The video included the USASAC commander, command sergeant major, the New Cumberland director and 10 SALOs. The SALOs loved being included in the celebration of this historic game between longstanding football rivals and appreciated being in a video with the commanding general and command sergeant major.

Apart from her excellent planning, execution, and diplomatic leadership of the SALO program, Good has boundless energy that helps her develop and implement programs for other parts of the USASAC workforce in Pennsylvania.

The USASAC Mentor Program is not part of the SALO program, but she volunteered to assist in coordinating and executing the program in 2021. Good was the runner-up Mentee of the Year in 2020-21 and feels strongly that the program is a powerful personal and professional development tool. She assists with leading and organizing the 2021-22 mentor program involving 22 participants assigned to Redstone Arsenal, New Cumberland and the Washington Field Office.

“Her work on this challenging extracurricular personal and professional growth program for USASAC employees has been nothing short of stellar, particularly given that 2021-22 is the first year for a combined location program,” Casciaro said. “Terra also is mentor in the program and is doing an outstanding job of guiding and leading her mentee and leveraging the program to continue her own growth and development. Her efforts as a mentor and organizer directly support the Army strategy ‘people first,’ and demonstrate her commitment to continued learning, developing highly competent leaders, and helping them excel in their careers.”