ANSBACH, Germany –General Counsel of the Army, the Honorable Carrie F. Ricci, sits in a darkened room, surrounded by panels, each detailing an aspect of the monumental Nuremberg Trials. She holds an audio player to her ear, examining each photo as it’s described. To be in the very place where the precedent for international court was set is a grounding experience for most, but most especially for those who have made upholding the law their livelihood.
Ricci is the 23rd General Counsel of the Army. She was appointed by the President of the United States and sworn in January 3rd. As the General Counsel, she serves as the chief legal officer of the Army and legal counsel to the Secretary of the Army, and determines the Army’s final position on legal questions.
After her appointment in January, Ricci traveled to Europe to visit each of the major Army headquarters and their legal teams to understand exactly how their organizations support the effort in Eastern Europe, as well as their day-to-day missions.
As part of her tour of V Corps and U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach, the V Corps Legal team took Ricci to see the Nuremberg Tribunal exhibit.
“The Nuremberg Tribunal is very significant to legal history and international law,” said Lt. Col. Jennifer Venghaus, deputy staff judge advocate, V Corps. “As attorneys, it’s important for us to understand our history and the significance of it to our practice today.”
During her time at USAG Ansbach and with V Corps, Ricci sat in on briefs, ate lunch with V Corps Soldiers, and took a tour of the V Corps’ facilities.
“V Corps is doing some amazing things here in Europe,” said Ricci. “It’s fantastic to see them back in Germany. It shows resiliency and how the Army can rise to the challenge at any moment, and change mission if needed.”
V Corps works alongside NATO allies and regional security partners to provide combat ready forces, execute joint and multinational training exercises to improve interoperability, and to ensure an appropriate collective posture of deterrence and defense.
V Corps, under the command of U.S. Army Europe and Africa, retains command and control for all rotational and assigned U.S. Army units in the European Theater and currently has operational control of 1st Infantry Division; 2d Cavalry Regiment; 12th Combat Aviation Brigade; 41st Field Artillery Brigade; 4th Security Forces Assistance Brigade; and 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment.
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