Marne Justice

By 3rd Infantry Division Public AffairsMay 15, 2022

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Marne Justice is a reoccurring report of Uniformed Code of Military Justice violations under the jurisdiction of 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield. This is to maintain transparency, inform the community of military justice trends and to deter future misconduct by Soldiers. The following are from the period of 1 February- 31 March 2022.

Justice in Action

A Cpl. was derelict in the performance of his duties and improperly maintained his equipment. The Cpl. was also found to have wrongfully used cocaine.

The Result: Criminal charges were preferred, Reduced to E1, separated from the Army with an Other than Honorable Discharge.

A Capt. got into a verbal altercation with his spouse, which turned physical when he punched her in the face in front of their children.

The Result: Received a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand, which was placed in his permanent file.

A Pvt. strangled, kidnapped, pushed, punched, and threw an object his wife; restrained, threw an object, and pulled the hair of his girlfriend; strangled, pushed, and punched another girlfriend in the stomach while she was pregnant with his child. The offenses committed against these three women occurred over a 2 year period.

The Result: Prosecuted at a General Court Martial, convicted of 23 offenses, forfeited all pay and allowances, sentenced to 10yrs 15 days of confinement, and dishonorably discharged from the Army.

A Staff Sgt. openly disrespected and disobeyed the orders of his company and battalion commanders and went AWOL. The Staff Sgt. was also found to have unlawfully used cocaine and fentanyl.

The Result: Spent one month in Pretrial Confinement, Criminal charges were preferred, Reduced to E1, Separated from the Army, with an Other than Honorable Discharge

A Pfc. laid on top of and grabbed the buttocks of a female Soldier without her consent. The Pfc. then lied to law enforcement.

The Result: Criminal charges were preferred, Reduced to E1, separated from the Army, with an Other than Honorable Discharge

A Pvt. inappropriately touched the genitalia of and had sexual intercourse with a female Soldier without her consent.

The Result: Reduced to E1, Separated from the Army, with an Other than Honorable Discharge

A Sgt. sent sexually explicit images of his genitals to a minor and solicited child pornography from a minor.

The Result: Confined by civilian authorities pending a civilian prosecution. Reduced to E1, separated from the Army, with an Other than Honorable Discharge

Justice Statistics

Non-Judicial Punishments

Field Grade Article 15s Issued………….. 132

Number Issued for DUIs…………..36

Number Issued for AWOLs……..….3

Number Issued for Drugs…….…. 62

Number Issued for Other Offenses……….. 31

The maximum punishments for a Field Grade Article 15 include 45 days of extra duty, 60 days of restriction, the loss of ½ month of pay for up to two months, and a reduction in rank. Soldiers in the rank of E1 to E4 may be reduced multiple ranks. Soldiers in the rank of E5 or E6 may be reduced one grade. Lastly, the Officer issuing the Article 15 may elect to file a reprimand in the performance section of the Soldier’s Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR).

General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand or GOMORs:

Total Initiated………..39

Total Filed……..30

Total filed for DUIs……..27


Soldiers Separated Prior to ETS: 145

What is a GOMOR?

A GOMOR, or General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand, is an administrative reprimand issued in the form of a memorandum. A GOMOR may be issued for any type of misconduct and may be issued in addition to any other punitive actions taken by the Chain of Command without creating any Double Jeopardy concerns. GOMORs may be filed in a Soldier’s local file or in a Soldier’s AMHRR. If placed in the Soldier’s local file, the GOMOR will remain in the Soldiers file at 3ID for 18 months, or until the Soldier changes duty locations, whichever comes first. If placed in the Soldiers AMHRR, the GOMOR will remain in the Soldiers permanent, military record.