403rd Army Field Support Brigade Personality Spotlight: Phylip-Michael Agee

By Galen Putnam, 403rd AFSB Public AffairsMay 2, 2022

Phylip-Michael Agee and his wife Vestria Lovell Agee.
Phylip-Michael Agee and his wife Vestria Lovell Agee. (Photo Credit: Courtesy Photo) VIEW ORIGINAL


I am an Air Force BRAT so that has always been a difficult question to answer. A lot of my childhood was spent in Brevard County Florida (Melbourne/Palm Bay area) where much of my mother’s side of the family resides.

How long have you been working for the U.S. Army?

I started working for the Army on 28 February 2011. This is an easy date to remember because it is the same day that I met my wife of 6 years now … and it just so happens to be the same day my daughter was born … well, same day of the month but different year!

What other positions have you held with the U.S. Military?

I am a career Loggie. As a logistician, I have served as a Class VII and Class IX Item Manager. I have also managed a $100 Million Performance Based Logistics Contractor Logistics Support contract for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System and Multiple Launch Rocket System.

Tell us about your job and what you do:

Currently, I am the Installation Logistics Division chief with the Army Field Support Battalion-Korea at Camp Humphreys, South Korea. I assist with providing/coordinating logistical services from transportation, maintenance, and supply in support of Area III to enhance operational readiness for U.S. Army Garrison–Humphreys. As the ILD chief, I support and engage with the Garrison for all installation logistical requirements in support of garrison operations.

How long have you been in this position?

I have been in this position for the last six months.

What other duties are you responsible for?

As the ILD chief, I develop logistics support plans, coordinate, and submit annual Wartime Host Nation Support and Wartime Korean Service Corps requirements, provide quarterly/annual Installation Status Report submission oversight, and provide multi-functional logistical planning and coordination to the Garrison Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security in support of contingency operations, exercises, training, and base operations.

What are some of your accomplishments while at AFSBn-Korea?

Well, after six months of working here at AFSBn-Korea, I have managed to keep my sanity. That, in a nutshell is the biggest accomplished thus far. There are a lot of moving pieces, and the work here is always plentiful and very seldom routine. Every day, I am learning something different and new challenges are always on the horizon. I absolutely love it!

What is the best thing about working at AFSBn-Korea?

Working at AFSBn-Korea affords me the opportunity to positively impact the lives of so many people. Many essential services on the Garrison fall within the purview of the 403rd Army Field Support Brigade. These services are critical to the everyday living that happens within the walls of this installation. In this position, I feel a lot closer to the “tip of the spear” and very much closer to the “fight.”

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time, I play basketball and I love spending time with my family! As of lately, I have thoroughly enjoyed driving around the peninsula and taking in all of the beautiful views Korea has to offer!

Do you have a special skill or talent you would like to share (what is something people might not know about you)?

In the 36 years that I have been alive, I have developed some pretty interesting … ummm … well I guess you could call them talents … sure … lol! Most of these, unique abilities will never ever be shared in public again! Not falling for that again … nope!

However, something that I wouldn’t mind other people knowing is that I am a fairly decent barber. WARNING…I can cut, trim, fade, style your hair to help you look clean and presentable. I can turn your Phil Spectre blow out into a Will Smith fade. However, I CANNOT turn your Howie Mandel spit shine into a buttery Fabio Lanzoni feathery pelt!