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Auto Repair Lot Now Open for Business

By Lanessa HillMay 2, 2022

For the DIY car care maintenance fans out there, Fort Detrick now has a place to go if you want to get your hands dirty, change oil, rotate tires, etc. On Tues. April 5, the Directorate of Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation held a ribbon cutting to open the new Auto Repair Lot located at 121 Hamilton Street, Fort Detrick.

The location was much needed after the closing of the auto skills center. One of the only approved areas on post because it is an existing environmentally compliant location.

Col. Danford Bryant, garrison commander spoke with excitement about this opening and the opportunity and resource it will give our Service Members.

“Sergeant Major Gusman talks about it all the time, about how service members in the barracks come up to him all the time and want to do brake work during the weekend or at night. He has to tell them no, working on vehicles is not permitted in the parking lots of the barracks.  Now we have a spot for them and if they need anything they can rent the tools they need”.

Brig. Gen. Tony McQueen, commanding general of US Army Medical Research and Development Command and Fort Detrick, is joined by Col. Dan Bryant, US Army Garrison Commander, and representatives of the Directorate of Family, Morale, Welfare and...
Brig. Gen. Tony McQueen, commanding general of US Army Medical Research and Development Command and Fort Detrick, is joined by Col. Dan Bryant, US Army Garrison Commander, and representatives of the Directorate of Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation: Chico Medina, Shanise Swanson and Jennifer Aponte-Rivera, as they officially open the Auto Repair Lot, April 5, 2022. (Photo Credit: Photo by Lanessa Hill, USAG Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL

The lot will allow patrons to perform routine maintenance on their vehicles from dusk to dawn. Tool rental is available Mon. through Wed. 9 am to 1 pm and Thurs. through Fri. 9 am through 5pm. Please call (301) 619-3972 for more information.