First Army World War II hero has medical clinic named in his honor

By Warren MarlowApril 19, 2022

The Woodson Health Clinic is dedicated on Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., on April 14, named in honor of First Army D-Day hero, Staff Sgt. Waverly Woodson. From left are: Woodson's son, Stephen Woodson; First Army Commanding General, Lt. Gen....
The Woodson Health Clinic is dedicated on Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., on April 14, named in honor of First Army D-Day hero, Staff Sgt. Waverly Woodson. From left are: Woodson's son, Stephen Woodson; First Army Commanding General, Lt. Gen. Antonio Aguto Jr.; and former First Army Commanding General, retired Lt. Gen. Thomas James Jr. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, Ill. - A First Army World War II hero has been recognized by having a medical clinic named in his honor. Dedicated on April 14, the Woodson Health Clinic, provides primary care services to nearly 2,000 Soldiers, retirees, and family members.

It was named after Staff Sgt. Waverly Woodson, who served as a combat medic with First Army and who distinguished himself with valorous actions on Omaha Beach. Woodson was a corporal with the 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion on June 6, 1944, and is credited with saving the lives of dozens, and perhaps even hundreds, of fellow Soldiers over 30 hours. He did this despite suffering shrapnel wounds to his groin, back, and thigh.

Working through these injuries, Woodson established a first aid station, where he treated other wounded Soldiers. His lifesaving actions included rescuing Soldiers who were drowning, as well as setting limbs, removing bullets, dispensing plasma, and a foot amputation, all under enemy fire.

“Through the hail of bullets, the dirt, the sweat, and the pounding of artillery, a young Soldier shows up with his aid bag. Every ounce of his being is dedicated to saving the lives and limbs of those in his unit,” said retired Lt. Gen. Thomas James Jr., who served as the ceremony’s keynote speaker. “For over 30 hours, more than 200 Soldiers were treated and many lives were saved. I am honored to have been in the same Army as Waverly Woodson.”

Woodson’s son, Stephen Woodson, also spoke at the ceremony.

“He was honored to be a member of the 1st Army,” he said of his father. ‘I can’t tell you how much this means to our family.”

For his heroic response on D-Day, Woodson received the Bronze Star. Additionally, two Congressional bills have been introduced to posthumously award Woodson the Medal of Honor.