This quarter, I would like to express my appreciation for the excellent participation in our recent annual workshop from the entire Army Lessons Learned Program community. A lot of thought and effort goes into identifying the focus topics for collection each fiscal year. My assessment is that we are on target with our plan for FY23, although some topics may be overcome by higher-priority directives as we remain responsive to Army needs. Remember to remain flexible and be ready to shift focus, if necessary. Looking ahead, we have several highly anticipated products in the works and several are nearing completion including FY 21 Combat Training Center Trends and the First 100 Days of Company Leadership. Be sure to order copies for your formations when they become available.
I am also excited to announce we are in the process of producing our first audiobooks! Our intent is always to provide Soldiers with products in a format they find most useful for their professional development, and audiobooks are another means of reaching a “learning-hungry” audience. We have selected five existing products for redistribution in audiobook format and are working with a vendor on production. We expect the first of these to be available in 4th quarter, FY22. From here, we will assess the demand signal and determine if this is an effective means to share our insights. As always, I encourage you to stay tuned to CALL social media and to our website at CALL for updates on this topic, new releases, and lessons learned from the field.
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