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Digital signature capability now available in Army Career Explorer

By Mikayla MastMarch 1, 2022

FORT KNOX, Ky. – Applicants are now able to digitally sign pre-enlistment processing forms in their Army Career Explorer accounts from any touchscreen device, reducing the amount of time and paper used in the application process.

Using the Scribble digital signature capability will cut the amount of time recruiting noncommissioned officers spend traveling to collect signatures from applicants, as well as the time it takes to digitize those hardcopies, according to Ronnie Creech, U.S. Army Recruiting Command’s director of G-6, chief information officer.

“Using the digital signature capability will completely eliminate the need to print a document, obtain signatures, scan the signed copy and then upload it into Recruiter Zone,” Creech said. “The Army is the first branch to employ a touchscreen signature capability within the enlistment process, and our recruiting NCOs get to benefit from being the first to use it.”

Additionally, parents of minor applicants can use Scribble to sign digitally. Since minor applicants require two-parent consent, it can be time-consuming to collect signatures on all the required forms, especially if one parent lives in another state. Now, recruiting NCOs can video chat with parents who cannot physically be present, to witness while they digitally sign the documents.

This new capability is also aligned with the USAREC Campaign Plan to drive digital adaption.

“Through Army Career Explorer, applicants can initiate their enlistment application, upload copies of their source documents, and now sign pre-enlistment processing forms in a digital ecosystem that completely integrates with Recruiter Zone,” Creech said.