Executive Summary
This handbook is meant to assist senior mission commanders in implementing the Army Suicide Prevention Program (SPP). It demonstrates how leaders at echelon, with support, can synchronize installation efforts to achieve effects that improve readiness and help prevent deaths by suicide.
Although there is no single action that will prevent suicide, leaders who apply consistent and systematic whole-of-person approaches will positively impact individual resilience and unit readiness.
Suicide results from complex, interrelated factors, and thus, requires a comprehensive and integrated prevention approach. This handbook describes the strengthening influence of recognized protective factors in many facets of Soldiers’, Army civilian professionals, and Army families’ lives.
Suicide prevention features the role of active engagement in identifying early indicators of risk propensity to prevent their destructive outcomes through graduated assistance, building protective factors, and intervening before the risk behavior is acted out.
Many risk behaviors can have severe personal, family, and mission readiness impacts, often resulting in legal and administrative actions. This handbook provides guidance on managing the effects of some of these risk behaviors, mitigating where possible.
It identifies the unit resources and the community prevention workforce associated with risk and protective factors to improve collaboration and leader knowledge. Leaders need to be aware of available resources to maintain the highest unit readiness, personnel readiness, and their individual Soldiers’ ability to perform their duties.
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