21-652 - SOF-CF Interoperability in Large-Scale Combat Operations

By MAJ David M. SpangenbergAugust 20, 2021


Warfighter exercises (WFXs) train special operations forces (SOF) and conventional forces (CF) in a simulated, multi-domain, large-scale conflict against a peer-level threat. While these forces have distinct mission sets, their interoperability is essential for a unity of effort to achieve success on the battlefield. These exercises have highlighted two interrelated areas that consistently impact SOF-CF interoperability, particularly within the division and corps command posts. These two areas are knowledge of SOF capabilities and roles of liaison officers. The purpose of this article is to discuss these two areas, highlighting the observed challenges and best practices from the exercises over the last few years. This article also discusses some unresolved issues still requiring additional attention, and it provides recommendations for improving SOF-CF interoperability within the exercises.

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