Lion Brigade Commander ready to lead into unit’s future

By Victor Everhart Jr.June 24, 2021

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FORT GORDON, GA. – The Soldiers of the 35th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade (TTSB) welcomed the incoming brigade commander, Col. Bernard Brogan, a Fairhope, Ala. native, during an Assumption of Command Ceremony held the 23rd of June, here at Signal Theater.

The ceremony was officiated by Maj. Gen. James Kraft, the XVIII Airborne Corps deputy commanding general, and hosted the various battalion leadership from the geographically dispersed Lion Brigade.

This significant ceremony presented the last transition of a brigade commander on Fort Gordon as the 35th TTSB prepares to move closer to its higher headquarters, XVIII Airborne Corps, located on Fort Bragg, N.C.

“[Colonel] Brogan is the right man, at the right time for the job,” said Kraft. “We have full faith and confidence in your ability to take this historically great signal brigade and continue the lineage it’s known for providing the best signal support to Army and joint forces across the globe.”

During Brogan’s speech he thanked his family, mentors and all the Soldiers who helped him get to this point in his career.

“I appreciate the opportunity to command our Nation’s best signal brigade,” said Brogan."

In his closing remarks, Brogan had a message to his Soldiers, “Lion Brigade, this is our moment. This is our time. I will ensure we are ready for the request of our Nation’s call. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Lion 6. Let's get it. Let's go."

The 35th TTSB is now positioned to write the next chapter in the unit’s great history as it transitions into a Corps Signal Brigade with a focus on large scale combat operations.