Fort Shafter, Hawaii— U.S. Army Pacific Commanding General, Gen. Paul J. LaCamera hosted a reassignment ceremony in which the 18th Medical Command (Deployment Support) was reassigned from U.S. Army Medical Command to USARPAC. The ceremony was held at the historic Palm Circle, Ft. Shafter, Hawaii on October 1, 2020 and observed strict physical and social distancing requirements.
"Today's ceremony codifies an informal relationship that has been in existence for some time." Gen. LaCamera explained, "I have no doubt that the future of the 18th Medical Command Soldiers will proudly live up to the legacy of their predecessors."
18th MECOM (DS) Commanding General, Maj. Gen Michael Place, marked the symbolic transition to USARPAC by expressing his honor to become part of the one team they call USARPAC.
“Today marks an important milestone in the history of 18th Medical Command, the active Army’s only theater-level operational medical command. Our reassignment to US Army Pacific reaffirms Army Medicine's commitment to always be there when a wounded Soldier calls for a medic on a future, distant battlefield. The Pacific Knights are proud to join USARPAC family." Maj. Gen. Place said.
18 MEDCOM (DS) was effectively assigned to USARPAC on 16 September shortly after Maj. Gen. Place took command at the end of July. The reassignment realigns the 8th Medical Detachment back under 18th MEDCOM that was originally assigned directly to USARPAC Headquarters & Headquarters Battalion. The reassignment does not affect the split station units 18 MEDCOM has in its inventories located at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, Joint Base Lewis-McCord, Washington and Tripler Army Medical Center, Hawaii.
At the heart of the ceremony was a changing of the flags which is something not often seen. 18th MECOM (DS) Command Sgt. Maj. Gary Williams took his position center field near the post’s main flag pole where the Army MECOM colors stood. Williams retrieved the MEDCOM colors to hand to a colors sergeant for security. Williams awaited for the second colors sergeant to bring the USARPAC colors for him to retrieve and post back in the flag stand, representing the new assignment to USARPAC.
The whole formality was short, but rather signified a new chapter in the unit’s long history that dates back to 1967. “It is my privilege on behalf of Army Medicine and the Pacific Knights to formally join the ranks of US Army Pacific. The 18th was born in this theater, making our current homecoming all the more fitting.” Place ended with.
To watch the full ceremony, follow the link:
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