After 30 years of outstanding federal service, James “Jim” Ellis retires from the Little Rock District

By Erin JimenezApril 3, 2020

James “Jim” Ellis, left, being presented with a certificate of retirement from Col. Noe, commander of the Little Rock District, right, as part of his retirement ceremony in Little Rock, Arkansas, March 18, 2020.
James “Jim” Ellis, left, being presented with a certificate of retirement from Col. Noe, commander of the Little Rock District, right, as part of his retirement ceremony in Little Rock, Arkansas, March 18, 2020. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Anyone who knows Jim knows that he has an amazing work ethic. He has been instrumental in preparing technical environmental documentation and administrative records that fully support the agency’s decisions and has served in numerous distinguished professional capacities within the Corps of Engineers offices of Operations, Planning, and Regulatory divisions.

Sarah Chitwood, Regulatory Division Chief echoes this sentiment, “With a desire to mentor and share regulatory program knowledge, Jim has been instrumental in the successful growth of the Little Rock District Regulatory Team. He is an absolute role model employee. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to work directly alongside him for over seven years.”

His technical expertise includes outstanding depths of knowledge in the field of biology associated with environmental assessments, environmental impact statements, national environmental policy act, regulatory and planning programs, compensatory stream and wetland mitigation, wetland delineations, jurisdictional determinations, and endangered species act.

However, Jim isn’t just the sum of his career achievements. He really cares about and supports his fellow teammates. On numerous occasions, he has been observed listening to them and providing sound advice on various aspects of life including professional career development, effective communication, technical decision-making skills, handling challenging situations, and home life matters.

But Jim isn’t just all work! He’s a family man with two sons and three grandchildren. When not at work, you can find Jim spending time with his family, at church, fishing, or hanging out with his dogs.

Jim had this to say, “When I first started with the Corps in 1990, I was immediately reminded that this was the, ‘Corps of Engineers and NOT the Corps of anything else!’ I'm pleased to say that over my 30-year career I have seen the climate change. And I now believe that the Corps embraces the diversity of disciplines that it consists of, and that makes it a great agency to work for.”