The 54th SFAB is the only Army National Guard component within the command. The brigade spans six states with battalions in Indiana, Georgia, Texas, Ohio, and Illinois.
Gen. Michael Garrett, Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces Command uncased the colors alongside, Brig, Gen. Mark Landes, Commanding General, SFAC and Col. Jeff Hackett, Commander, 54th SFAB.
"The Army would have failed long ago in the middle east without the significant contributions of our Army National Guard and Reserve components," said Garrett. "This sentiment rings even more true today when you consider the global nature of our security force assistance initiatives."
The mission of the 54th SFAB is to advise, support, liase, and assess partnered security forces. It is an all-volunteer organization which puts qualified applicants thru a three-day assessment and selection process. All Advisors attend the Combat Advisor Training Course at Fort Benning.
"These are the Soldiers we need to execute the advising mission," Landes said. "As citizen Soldiers, they bring a critical component to the Advising Enterprise with their varied experiences, skill sets, and problem solving abilities."
There is one distinct difference that makes the 54th stand out from the five active duty SFABs. Soldiers in this unit work two jobs -- one that pays the bills and the other that allows them to serve the nation.
"We don't know where, or exactly when we will be called upon to trade our plows for our muskets," said Hackett. "But we know the call will come; make no doubt about it, the Soldiers standing before you today will be ready."
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