● The top news item in the January 24, 2020 edition: FORSCOM CG speaks at Fort Bragg AUSA luncheon
● Senior Leader -- "People first, winning matters,' is more than just a slogan. People first is a philosophy … winning matters is an attitude." -- Gen. James McConville, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
● This week's On Point: Tailored Adaptive Personality Assessment System
● Modernization: 10th Mountain hosts conference
● Meet Your Army: Sgt. Carlos Flores, joint fire support specialist, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, recently graduated from the Chilean Army Mountain Warfare School and was recognized by Maj. Gen. Brian J. Mennes, 10th Mountain Division/Fort Drum commanding general, Dec. 13, 2019 at Fort Drum, N.Y.
● Information products from across the Army -- including:
-- Gen. Michael Garrett, commanding general, FORSCOM, recently gave an interview for the January- March 2020 issue of Army Sustainment.
-- U.S. Army Forces Command G-1 recently announced the winners of the FORSCOM Unit and Individual Safety Awards for FY 2019.
-- Two FORSCOM Soldiers were recently named the best in their career field during the Army Career Counselor of the Year ceremony at the Pentagon.
-- Soldiers of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 13th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, are in preparation to support DEFENDER - Europe 20.
-- Soldiers with 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, recently participated in training in preparation for live fire exercises in Germany.
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