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1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment

By Pvt. Daniel AlkanaSeptember 16, 2019

1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
1 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Sgt. Christopher Huffman, a combat medic specialist advisor assigned to 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, treats a simulated casualty for a possible spinal injury during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 14, 2019. A... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
2 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Advisors with 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade taking the role of simulated international forces, come to the aid of a casualty after taking enemy fire during the Advisor Forge training exercise Fort Benning, GA, August 14, 2019. Simulated enemy... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
3 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Advisors with 1st Security Force Assistant Brigade meet simulated international forces during the Advisor Forge training exercise Fort Benning, GA, August 14, 2019. The exercise helps prepare Advisors for international relations and communications du... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
4 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade Advisors, prepare netting for sling load assembly during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. Sling load deliveries are pivotal to sustaining remote locations in need of supp... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
5 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade Advisors, conduct sling load assembly during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. Sling loads are delivered via aircraft to locations in need of supplies. (U.S. Army photo by... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
6 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade Advisor, prepares for sling load delivery during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. Sling loads are transported via aircraft to locations in need of supplies. (U.S. Army ph... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
7 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade Advisor, prepares netting for sling load assembly during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. Sling load deliveries are pivotal to sustaining remote locations in need of supp... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
8 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade Advisor, finalizes sling load assembly during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. Sling load deliveries are pivotal to sustaining remote locations in need of supply relief. (... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
9 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Advisors from 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, approach a A UH-60L Black Hawk for sling load transportation during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. The group of advisors were tasked with connecting the ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
10 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Advisors from 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, conduct sling load operations with a UH-60L Black Hawk during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. The group of advisors were tasked with connecting the load to... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
11 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A team of Advisors with 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, conduct perimeter security after exiting a UH-60L Black Hawk during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. The group of advisors were participating in ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
12 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Advisors with 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade meet simulated international forces during the Advisor Forge training exercise Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. The exercise helps prepare Advisors for international relations and communications ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
13 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Advisors from 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, conduct sling load assembly during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. Sling loads are delivered via aircraft to locations in need of supplies. (U.S. Army pho... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
14 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Sgt. Christopher Huffman, a combat medic specialist advisor assigned to 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, applies a tourniquet to a simulated casualty during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 14, 2019. The tournique... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
15 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Sgt. Christopher Huffman, a combat medic specialist advisor assigned to 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, treats a simulated casualty for a possible spinal injury during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 14, 2019. A... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
16 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Sgt. Paul Hatch, a wheeled vehicle mechanic assigned to 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, taking the role of an international forces soldier carries a simulated casualty to safety during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, A... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1st SFAB Trains and Certifies Military Advisors for Worldwide Employment
17 / 17 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Advisors from 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, prepare a sling load for delivery during the Advisor Forge training exercise at Fort Benning, GA, August 13, 2019. Sling loads are transported via aircraft to locations in need of supplies. (U.S. ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BENNING, GA. - The 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, an Army conventional force for training and advising globally, had the opportunity to enhance their capabilities and train their military advisors over a two-week period during Advisor Forge at Fort Benning, Georgia, August 5 through 18, 2019.

Across scorching hundred degree temperatures in field environments, the Army's advisors trained in partnering with a foreign force, conducting sling-load operations, establishing electronic equipment for global communication and emergency medical relief scenarios.

The training exercise focused on the development of skills for Army advisors to provide support, advise, and liaise with foreign conventional security force partners in time of worldwide employments.

"Through adaptability, we can be prepared for all different presented issues and come together as a global team to solve them," said Sgt. Michael Fletcher, an intelligence analyst assigned to 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade.

The culminating exercise was an opportunity for participating Soldiers to enact 1st SFAB's mission statement of supporting local security operations to build partner security capacity and capability and achieve regional security in support of US National Interests.

"The reason why we are in the SFAB is to create enduring innovative solutions," said Cpt. Travis Coley, Headquarters and Support company commander within the 6th Battalion, 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, "We exist to empower conventional foreign security forces in establishing sustainable methods to solve issues." Coley believes SFAB Soldiers are able to do so by applying their training in the understanding of local customs, culture, traditions and political nuances.

The military advisors and instructors of the 1st SFAB, formed in 2017, includes 529 Soldiers, 360 that are officers. It is the first brigade of its kind. According to the Pentagon. Six fully operational brigades are expected to train and preform at the highest capacity by 2020.

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