1BCT, 1AD Conducted Training Reset with TMD Experts

By Ms. Sarah Schwennesen, CAC-T, TMDMay 23, 2019

Unit Training Management at DTMS best practices
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Unit Training Management, a Leader's Guide
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For a week in May, the Training Management Directorate (TMD) sent experts in Unit Training Management (UTM) to assist the 1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 1st Armored Division in resetting their Training Management program as they transition from a Stryker to an Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) this summer. Training strategies were reassessed, given the new personnel, equipment and mission of the BCT, in preparation for the transition in the coming months.

TMD conducted this Mobile Training Team (MTT) event to assist the BCT's transition to different training and qualification standards of an ABCT versus an SBCT, as the organization's new personnel training requirements, equipment training metrics and mission training sets. Additionally, the MTT provided the BCT's leadership a refresher on Army UTM and associated tools that support Training Management at every echelon. The training audience included leadership, training managers and other key personnel from the brigade who worked with experts on resetting training programs for support, sustainment and field artillery elements.

This MTT provided nearly 100 personnel within the ABCT, assistance in every aspect of UTM by reviewing the Army doctrine found in Field Manual 7-0, Train to Win in a Complex World, and impacts on assessments, recording and reporting required by the Leader's Guide to Objective Assessment of Training Proficiency.

The team also provided detailed training on all aspects of the Army Training Management System (ATMS) including the use of Combined Arms Training Strategies (CATS), the Digital Training Management System (DTMS) and the Army Training Network (ATN). These tools enable training development and management for all echelons. Additionally, trainers from the Maneuver and Fires Centers of Excellence supported the BCT by facilitating interactive training that incorporated unit best practices from across the force.

The Ft. Leavenworth-based MTT utilized workshops, practical exercises and one-on-one training sessions to achieve the commander's training objectives. These focused on ensuring training plans and calendars are reflective of the requirements for their new organization.

Leaders and soldiers learned how to evaluate and assess training using Training and Evaluation Outlines, (T&EO) and to build battle tasks for echelons below the company. They also provided feedback to collective task training developers and proponents on the content of CATS.

While the TMD MTT conducted this training event at the unit's home-station, they are also able to execute UTM training via phone, Defense Collaboration Services (DCS), or Video Teleconferencing (VTC). Every MTT is tailored to the specific needs of the requesting unit.

The target audience for Brigade level MTTs is the Brigade Commander and Command Sergeant Major (CSM), Battalion Commanders and CSMs, Battalion S3s, Company Commanders and 1SGs, plus other available Brigade leadership and staff. The training typically consists of a two-day Unit Training Manager seminar.

If you have questions, or want to coordinate an MTT assistance visit for your unit, or just want to learn more, visit the Unit Training Management page on the Army Training Network, https://atn.army.mil/, which contains many resources for Soldiers. From FM 7-0, the Leader's Guide to Objective Assessment of Training Proficiency, to Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills, start your Training research with ATN and contact a UTM subject matter expert from TMD.

To reach a TMD expert, please contact the help desk at toll-free (877) 241-0347 or (913) 684-2700 or DSN 552-2700. The TMD help desk has an email that can be used for non-urgent requests for assistance at: usarmy.leavenworth.cac.mbx.dtmshd@mail.mil.

Related Links:

Army Readiness Reporting

Use the Right Tools for Unit Training Management

CATS-Building a Unit Training Plan

DTMS Landing Pages-New and Improved

DTMS Training and Readiness Dashboards