"A trained and ready force allows the Army to meet the needs of Combatant Commanders," said COL Stephen York, Director, Training Management Directorate. "A key to ensuring a unit is ready to deploy and execute their combat mission is by following the principles found in Field Manual 7-0, Train to Win in a Complex World."
Commonly known as FM 7-0, the manual provides the road-map for achieving unit proficiency in mission-essential tasks. "Standardized and deliberate training assessment methodologies and procedures are applied to determine readiness levels and ensure a ready force," said York.
FM 7-0 walks leaders through the Army Operation's Process to plan, prepare, execute and assess their training. The FM is organized into three chapters which describe the overarching processes and procedures behind training. There are also nine appendices which provide further details, examples and tools that assist leaders to organize and execute their unit training.
For leaders to develop battle-focused training, FM 7-0 directs commanders to incorporate their unit Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) with their supported unit's METL. From there, leaders develop unit training plans and execute training to Army standards that builds readiness.
TMD provides the only Army-approved tools that integrate the principles of FM 7-0 and support leaders in the development of their training programs, specifically, the Digital Training Management System (DTMS) and the Combined Arms Training Strategies (CATS).
"While FM 7-0 is the design blueprint for commanders to successfully develop and manage their training programs," said York, "CATS is the tool that provides templated training strategies that commanders can tailor to their specific units. DTMS then enables units to digitally coordinate training calendars and track assessments."
In recent months, both CATS and DTMS programs have undergone significant improvements based on recommendations from users in the field. For instance, DTMS training calendars may now be exported to MS Outlook.
TMD provides Mobile Training Teams to educate the force on FM 7-0, DTMS and CATS. Additionally, TMD maintains a help desk to assist users at (913) 684-2700, DSN: 552-2700, or toll-free at (877) 241-0347. The help desk hours of operation are: from 0500-2100 weekdays and 0800-1700 on weekends.
Customer feedback and recommended improvements are continually used to refine these tools to better assist the force.
If you have questions or want to learn more about FM 7-0, CATS, DTMS, MTTs and METLs, go to the ATN Webpage at https://atn.army.mil/.
Related Links:
Unit Training Management Enablers - CATS, DTMS, METL, etc.
Army Training Network Field Manual 7-0 online version
Downloadable PDF of Field Manual 7-0
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