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Concerned with Readiness Reporting? Training Management comes first!

By Ms. Sarah Schwennesen, CAC-T, TMDFebruary 8, 2018

FM 7-0 Train to Win in a Complex World
Field Manual 7-0, "Train to Win in a Complex World", is the primary guide for commanders and leaders to ensure their training program is sound. From the plan, prepare, execute and assessment cycles of training, FM 7-0 has the procedures to give comm... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

"Training Management is the foundation for a ready force, said Col. Stephen M. York, Training Management Directorate (TMD) Director. "Managing training properly is how to achieve readiness. If you train to standard, then reporting will take care of itself."

In October 2016, the Army responded to the need to revitalize training management by publishing revised training doctrine in Field Manual 7-0, "Train to Win in a Complex World."

Field Manual 7-0 is the primary guide for commanders and leaders to ensure their training program is sound. "Training Management is really the planning and direction of training to make the most effective use of resources and time available to accomplish necessary training," said Lt. Col. Carl Chasteen, TMD Doctrine Division Chief.

The Leader's Guide to Objective Assessment of Training Proficiency was published in 2017, to add detail to the Army's Readiness Reporting process. "Everyone needs to know that the fundamental way units train to achieve readiness has not changed," said Col. York. "What has changed are the enabling tools for unit training managers to track the assessment of the tasks trained."

Doctrine writers at TMD report that the basic ideas and concepts are sound, "Actually, the FM 25-101 from 1990 set the standard for training doctrine," said Mr. Bill Brosnan, DAC, TMD doctrine author. "Soldiers do not have to 're-invent the wheel' because basic doctrine has proven to be solid. However, Training Management required a re-attack because of the lack of focus on fundamental training doctrine, concepts and procedures over the past several years due to ongoing operational missions."

Field Manual 7-0 guides commanders to ensure their training plan is complete. From the plan, prepare, execute and assessment cycles of training, FM 7-0 has the procedures that will give commanders the tools to accomplish training and sustain readiness.

Since 2016, training doctrine, concepts and procedures have been supported through continuous refinement of online training resources that are managed by the Training Management Directorate (TMD), at Ft. Leavenworth, KS.

FM 7-0 and other training products can be found on the Army Training Network (ATN). If the links below do not function, due to CAC-login issues; copy and paste the addresses into your browser.


ATN FM 7-0 Site:

ATN FM 7-0 Downloadable PDF:

Related Links:

Army Training Network

Army Publishing Directorate Field Manuals: 7-0 pdf, web and ebook are available

Army Training Network Field Manual 7-0 Site

Army Training Network Field Manual 7-0 downloadable pdf