Fort Bragg NCO instructor spotlight: Staff Sgt. Nhadenel Fletcher

By Pvt. Daniel AlkanaMay 4, 2019

BLC Instructor
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BRAGG, NC-Staff Sgt. Nhadenel Fletcher, a Basic Leader Course instructor at the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg Noncommissioned Officer Academy, makes a difference in the NCO Corps by mentoring Soldiers.

The Pensacola, Florida native's favorite aspect of her role is helping future NCOs become the best leaders they can.

She wants to see NCOs thrive, she says, and she believes she can help them on their journey by giving them information they don't already have. She does this by telling stories that relate to the information.

She took her instructor position for self-development, and she is one of only a few bi-lingual instructors, speaking Tagalong and English.

The XVIII Abn. Corps and Fort Bragg NCOA picked Fletcher's story to be featured in this instructor spotlight:

Question - What would you say is the most fulfilling thing about being an instructor?

Fletcher - Making a different in the NCO corps, guiding Soldiers and ensuring they have all the information they need.

Question - How does your past experience as a young NCO help you teach the future leaders that are coming through the academy?

Fletcher - A lot of times when it comes to group discussions, there are Soldiers that talk about their experiences, and I've actually experienced the same thing. It allows me to relate. I can address it by explaining what leaders should do.

Question - What is the most challenging part of being an instructor?

Fletcher - Keeping all of the learners engaged. We all have our own learning preferences. I'll have students that learn hands on, or through reading or by demonstrations. I want to make sure all the students get something out of the class or get the objectives that I'm trying to put out.

Question - What is one thing you'd like young NCOs to take away from here?

Fletcher - Take care of their subordinates. It promotes Soldier readiness and safety.

Question - How does counseling help Soldiers develop career progression?

Fletcher - In counselings, you can set up goals for Soldier development and annotate deficiencies they need to work on. It's not a copy-and-paste document, but it's to help them take it seriously. It's a great tool for all leaders.

Question - How does your cultural background help you as an instructor?

Fletcher - Being Filipino and bi-lingual with an accent, I had to overcome sounding different. This platform places me directly in front of students, and I have to engage them. Students talk to me about their cultural differences and I explain that it's not a barrier. It only makes us stronger and better leaders.

Basic Leader Course - Fort Bragg