Survivors and Guard members remember deadly Xenia tornado on 45th anniversary

By Stephanie Beougher, Ohio National GuardApril 2, 2019

Survivors and Guard members remember deadly Xenia tornado on 45th anniversary
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Ohio National Guard Airmen on state active duty assist in the cleanup efforts in Xenia, Ohio after an April 3, 1974, tornado. The F-5 storm that destroyed or damaged thousands of homes, businesses, and schools were responsible for 33 deaths, and hund... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Survivors and Guard members remember deadly Xenia tornado on 45th anniversary
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – An aerial view of the devastation left behind after an F-5 tornado tore through Xenia, Ohio on April 3, 1974. Ohio National Guard Soldiers and Airmen, some of whom lived in the area, were called on to assist in recovery efforts for several weeks afte... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Survivors and Guard members remember deadly Xenia tornado on 45th anniversary
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A memorial at the Ohio Air National Guard's 178th Wing in Springfield, Ohio pays tribute to Staff Sgts. Walter A. Radewonuk and Terry L. Regula, two Airmen who were killed when fire raced through a Xenia furniture store they were guarding. The fire o... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Survivors and Guard members remember deadly Xenia tornado on 45th anniversary
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Ohio National Guard Soldiers on state active duty assist in the cleanup efforts in Xenia, Ohio, following April 3, 1974, tornado that destroyed or damaged thousands of homes, businesses, and schools. The F-5 tornado was responsible for 33 deaths, and... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

XENIA, Ohio - In a matter of minutes on the afternoon of April 3, 1974, the relative quiet on a spring day in the small southwestern Ohio town of Xenia was shattered. A powerful F-5 tornado tore a path of destruction. It killed 33 people and injured hundreds more.

Homes and schools were leveled and businesses destroyed. The nearby Ohio Army National Guard armory was also damaged.

Cathy Wilson was nine years old when the tornado touched down near her family's one-story home. She took cover in the bathtub with her mother and sister. After the twister, they went outside to see the damage. The neighborhood was one of the hardest hit by the tornado.

"There was a boat trailer upside down in the street. There were power lines down everywhere. Two blocks down from us was flattened -- that's how close it came," Wilson recalled.

Wilson's father retired Chief Master Sgt. Ray Kidd, was an aircraft mechanic at the Ohio Air National Guard's 178th Wing in Springfield. He remembers jumping in his car to get home, and the many roadblocks that were faced with traveling across the town to reach his family. At the edge of town, he abandoned his car because roads were closed. A short time later, he wouldn't let a derailed train spread across Main Street stop him from his mission.

"I crawled under the train. I walked back up, and I could see the path of the tornado. I knew it couldn't have missed our house," Kidd said.

He finally made it home to find out his wife and children had made it out safely. Kidd and other Airmen from the 178th were put on state active duty to help guard against looting and assist in the recovery efforts.

They were followed closely behind by Ohio Army National Guard members, who would also aid in the recovery efforts. Retired Col. Mark Ryan flew in the morning after the tornado.

"You could see the devastation from the air. I had never seen anything like it before in my life," Ryan said. "They had us going out into the rural areas and going to farmhouses. We'd land and check for survivors and see if people were injured."

On the ground, Sgt. Bob Petty and others were guarding against looting and helping in other areas.

"We moved bricks, boards, furniture or whatever to try and get a hole through so (people) could get in. We transported and moved people to different places," Petty said.

Tragically, a few days after the tornado, Staff Sgts. Walter A. Radewonuk and Terry L. Regula of the 178th were killed when fire raced through a downtown furniture store they were guarding.

Ohio National Guard troops continued to help the residents of Xenia with cleanup for several weeks after the tornado.

Forty-five years later, there are still reminders of that day throughout Xenia. There are parking lots where buildings once stood. Downtown, a memorial marks the names of everyone who lost their lives.

At the Greene County Historical Society, where Wilson is the executive director, visitors can see some of the destruction of the deadly twister. The display includes an aerial photo showing the path of destruction, and T-shirts and bumper stickers with the rallying cry "Xenia: where the spirit has just begun."

Wilson said there was a spirit of rebuilding after the tornado, with those who stayed helping each other out. "That's one defining moment in our lives," she said.

Added Kidd: "Xenia was a different place. It also brought the neighborhood closer together."

Looking back on the experience, Petty said he feels a sense of pride. "It made me proud to be in the Guard and to be a part of a big force that can do so much good, and to help the people who have undergone such a horrendous thing," he said.

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