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Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Seeks Public Comment on WRDA Implementation Guidance

By U.S. ArmyDecember 17, 2018

Hartwell Dam
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Corps Vessel
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Flooding in Minot, ND 2011
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Beginning on December 14, 2018, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASA-CW) is seeking public input on the development of implementation guidance for various provisions contained in the Water Resources Development Act of 2018 (WRDA 2018), which was signed into law on October 23, 2018, as Title I of the America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018. Additionally, ASA-CW is seeking public input on the development or revision of guidance on two provisions of the Water Resources, Reform and Development Act of 2014 and on three provisions of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016.

The ASA-CW is seeking public input on the provisions listed below where implementation guidance is needed to aid in the execution of the provision. The WRDA 2018 provisions not included in this listing do not require implementation guidance in order to be implemented.

Water Resources Development Acts provide the Secretary of the Army with authorizations to address the Nation's critical water resources infrastructure needs. However, these authorizations do not provide funding to implement these provisions.

The ASA-CW encourages interested stakeholders to share input and recommendations for implementing the specified provisions, as well as any factors seen as critical for consideration during the development of implementation guidance for those provisions.

Although the ASA-CW has identified that implementation guidance is not required to implement the WRDA 2018 provisions not listed, interested stakeholders are welcome to provide comments and recommendations on all provisions.

All comments will be reviewed and considered during the development of the implementation guidance.

The list of provisions that the ASA-CW is inviting stakeholders to comment on is listed below and can also be found at the US Army Corps of Engineers legislative links website.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Interested stakeholders may submit comments for a 60-day period that closes at midnight Tuesday, February 12, 2019. Comments or questions, including any of the specified provisions or for a listing of the specific provisions described above, may be submitted by the following means:

Email to:

Mail to:

Ada Benavides

Senior Policy Advisor

Planning and Policy Division

Room 3F86

441 G Street, NW

Washington, DC 20314-1000

Telephone: Oral comments may be left on 202-761-0415.


Section 1104 Dissemination of Information

Section 1108 Aquatic Invasive Species Research

Section 1111 Dredge Pilot Program

Section 1112 Hurricane and Storm Damage Protection Program

Section 1115 Property Acquisition

Section 1116 Dredged Material Management Plans

Section 1120 Transparency and Accountability in Cost-Sharing for Water Resources Development Projects

Section 1121 Upper Missouri Mainstem Reservoir Water Withdrawal Intake Easement Review

Section 1122 Limitation on Contract Execution

Section 1126 Purpose and Need

Section 1128 Mississippi River and Tributaries Project

Section 1133 Columbia River

Section 1134 Missouri River Reservoir Sediment Management

Section 1136 Credit or Reimbursement

Section 1138 Surplus Water Contracts and Water Storage Agreements

Section 1143 Acknowledgement of Credit

Section 1147 Clarification for Integral Determination

Section 1148 Beneficial use of Dredged Sediment

Section 1149 Inclusion of Alternative Measure for Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration

Section 1152 Study of Water Resources Development Projects by Non-Federal Interests

Section 1153 Construction of Water Resources Development Projects by Non-Federal Interests

Section 1157 Corps of Engineers Continuing Authorities Program

Section 1158 Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction

Section 1159 Regional Coalitions and Higher Education

Section 1160 Emergency Response to Natural Disasters

Section 1161 Extended Community Assistance by the Corps of Engineers

Section 1164 Local Government Water Management Plans

Section 1166 Advanced Funds for Water Resources Development Studies and Projects

Section 1167 Costs in Excess of Federal Participation Limit

Section 1168 Disposition of Projects

Section 1170 Watercraft Inspection Stations

Section 1174 Middle Rio Grande Peak Flow Restoration

Section 1176 Preconstruction Engineering Design Demonstration Program

Section 1202 Additional Studies

Section 1225 Upper Mississippi River Protection

Section 1330 Project Deauthorization and Study Extensions

Section 1402(a) Special Rules -- St. Paul, Alaska


Section 1139 Dam Safety Repair Projects

Section 1162 Fish and Wildlife Mitigation

Section 1163 Wetlands Mitigation


Section 1001 Vertical Integration and Acceleration of Studies

Section 1043(b) Non-Federal Implementation Pilot Program

Related Links:

US Army Corps of Engineers Legislative Links

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