ANAD to use Direct Hire Authority: 155 positions to be filled from time-limited appointments

By Jennifer BacchusJanuary 25, 2018

ANAD to use Direct Hire Authority
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

ANNISTON ARMY DEPOT, Ala. -- The ability to use Direct Hire Authority was issued to industrial base facilities with the appropriated funds for fiscal year 2017.

Currently, this authority is authorized through the end of FY2018 and Anniston Army Depot is preparing to utilize that authority to hire for 155 positions spread across 25 job series.

"Direct Hire Authority places the recruitment process in management's hands," said Vivian Henry, director of the Anniston Civilian Personnel Advisory Center.

During the typical hiring process at ANAD, CPAC assists with developing the job announcement, collecting résumés, issuing qualifications and making referrals.

Under Direct Hire Authority, management has the ability to collect the résumés, review them, identify those they want to select for the position and then they partner with CPAC to determine if those selected qualify for the position.

Employees currently working at ANAD on time-limited appointments, such as those in temporary or term roles, are eligible to apply for the permanent positions which will be opened in February.

Supervisors throughout the installation who have term and temporary employees will receive recruitment bulletins for each position to distribute to those employees.

Each bulletin will include a unique e-mail address to be used for that specific announcement.

"I urge the term and temp employees who are eligible to apply to begin getting their résumés ready," said Tommy Carlisle, the depot's director of Production.

Carlisle encouraged employees to thoroughly describe in detail the job duties they perform in the shops.

"We aren't looking for a copy and paste of a position description," he said. "We are looking for what you do on a day-to-day basis on the shop floor."

Though the job announcements will not go through, as most announcements on the installation do, Carlisle urged employees to utilize the tools in USAJobs to assist with résumé building.

Additionally, the Direct Hire Authority process will not utilize Veterans preference.

Any employees who have questions about the process should contact their immediate supervisor.

A complete list of positions may be found on page 4 of the Jan. 25, 2018, issue of TRACKS.

This article appeared on page 1 of the Jan. 25, 2018, issue of TRACKS.