List invested as new Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army

By Army Public AffairsJanuary 26, 2017

WASHINGTON (January 25, 2016) -- The newest civilian aide to the secretary of the Army (CASA) was invested during a ceremony conducted earlier this month at the Pentagon. Dr. Alan List, M.D., president and chief executive officer of Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, was selected by former Secretary of the Army Eric K. Fanning to serve as one of two new CASAs to represent Florida (Tampa Bay).

"It is a distinct honor to be selected by the Army to serve in this role and support the men and women who protect our freedoms," List said. "I look forward to being a resource for discussions about access to quality cancer care and new advances in research."

CASAs are a vital part of the Army, promoting good relations between the Army and the public and advising the Secretary about regional issues.

Each state, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories have one or more CASAs appointed to provide a vital link between the Army and the communities for which they serve. CASAs are usually business or civic leaders who possess a keen interest in the welfare of the Army and their communities.

List received a medical degree in 1980 from the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of more than 325 peer-reviewed articles. He serves as a member of the Myelodysplastic Syndrome Foundation Board of Directors and is the President-Elect (2017-18) for the Society of Hematologic Oncology. He also is an active member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology; American Society of Hematology; American Association for Cancer Research; International Society for Experimental Hematology; J.P. McCarthy Foundation Medical Advisory Committee; and the Southwestern Oncology Group.

CASAs serve a two-year term without compensation. Terms may be extended to a total of 10 years of service. The secretary may recognize a civilian aide as a CASA Emeritus after 10 years of distinguished service.

For more information, contact Wayne V. Hall at 703-693-7589, or

Related Links:

January 9 investiture ceremony

Ceremony photos