HELEMANO MILITARY RESERVATION - As Soldiers of the 307th Expeditionary Signal Battalion enter the Helemano Military Reservation gym families anxiously wait to welcome their Soldiers home, Oct 4, 2016.
The Soldiers of 2nd Platoon of Bravo Co., 307th Expeditionary Signal Battalion served a nine month deployment in South Korea where they assisted 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion in providing communications support for the Regionally Aligned Forces. The primary goal of the RAF is to prevent war within the region, while providing military training, disaster relief, humanitarian assistance, intelligence sharing, and interoperability.
"The 307th Soldiers' expertise helped broaden the knowledge base within Alpha Co., 304th ESB," said Staff Sgt. Jason Thomas, Network Operations NCO In Charge, Alpha Co., 304th ESB. "Their teamwork and cohesion was impressive due to their longevity as a platoon. Their willingness to sacrifice their time to deploy to the Republic of Korea showed personal courage and duty to the United States Army."
The 307th was tasked to deploy in support of 304th ESB as part of the United States Forces Command RAF. Their broader purpose was to provide a well-trained and ready force to augment the 304th ESB in support of 8th Army objectives.
"The 307th was a great help when I took over my platoon. They helped me get my feet on the ground and explained how things worked in the 304th ESB. 1st Lt. Frohliger, 2nd Platoon Leader, was an excellent teammate and was able to coach and mentor me on the ins and outs of being an effective platoon leader," said 2nd Lt. Evan Miller, 1st Platoon, Alpha Co., 304th ESB. "The skill of his platoon helped mine grow through platoon and team competitions. They really set the bar high and encouraged me and my platoon to exceed the standard that they had set. The entire platoon was very professional and a great asset to the 304th ESB."
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