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311th Signal Command Welcomes New Key Leader

By Spc. Jacob KohrsJuly 11, 2016

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Welcome Flowers
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Sgt. Travis Wilt, Co. B, 307th Expeditionary Signal Bn, 516th Signal Bde, 311th Signal Command (T), presents Master Sgt. (Ret.) Sophia Mendoza, the wife of Command Sgt. Maj. Tracy E. Barlogio, a bouquet of yellow flowers to welcome her to the 311th S... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
The colors
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Command Sgt. Maj. Tracy E. Barlogio, 311th Signal Command (T), receives the unit colors from the Commanding General, Maj. Gen. Lawrence W. Brock III, 311th Signal Command (T), at the change of responsibility, Fort Shafter, Hawaii on June, 2016. Comma... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Welcome from CSM Barlogio
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FORT SHAFTER, HI -- With Historic Palm Circle as the back drop, the Soldiers of 311th Signal Command (Theater) held a change of responsibility ceremony here Friday, June 24.

The Soldiers, Civilians and Families gathered to say goodbye to Command Sgt. Maj. Darris Curry, who will be taking over as the new Command Sgt. Maj. for the Network Enterprise and Technology Command at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. and to welcome Command Sgt. Maj. Tracy E. Barlogio, who is a native of California and a member of the Army Active Guard and Reserve program.

"The Soldiers out in the field are our most important asset and I will provide them the best support that I can get them," Barlogio said." I am also ready to take this Command to the next level, to support the Pacific in all of its communication and network needs."

"Command Sgt. Maj. Barlogio's reputation is one of absolute excellence, built on demonstrated superb leadership, broad operational experience, and exceptional technical competence," Maj. Gen. Lawrence W. Brock III, 311th Sig. Cmd. (T) Commander, explained. "Tracy, you bring the exact skillsets and leadership traits that will complement the past successes we have enjoyed, and move us to the next step within the U.S. Army Pacific and Network Enterprise and Technology Command environments."

Curry expressed great sentiment about his time with 311th Sig. Cmd. (T), and said he believes that Barlogio is the best man to carry on the legacy of the command to more significate accomplishment in the years to come.

As the 311th Signal Command (Theater) enters into a time of leadership transition, Barlogio expressed that he's honored to lead the transition and to make sure that the command is in better standing than when it started. Maj. Gen. Brock said he believes that Barlogio's skillsets will make a great and positive impact throughout the Pacific and the Army with the transformation of the Pacific LandWarNet.

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See the rest of the photos from that day.