CECOM Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

By Mary Grimes (CECOM) Public AffairsApril 8, 2016

CECOM Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – CECOM Hall of Fame Inaugural Class of 2016: (left to right): Gen. Dennis L. Via, Commanding General, US Army Materiel Command; Maj. Gen. (retired) Robert Morgan; Mr. Mason C. Linn; Mr. Eric Kronenberg, representing his late father Dr. Stanley Krone... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
CECOM Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
CECOM Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – General Dennis L. Via, US Army Materiel Command Commanding General, presents former Assistant Secretary of Defense and retired Army Lieutenant General Emmett Paige Jr., with his commemorative token of appreciation, noting his inclusion into the Inaug... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

In a ceremony reflecting great pride and distinction, the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), unveiled its newly created CECOM Hall of Fame Thursday, April 7, 2016 at its headquarters on Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), Maryland. The importance of the event drew some of the Army's most Senior leaders to the APG installation. Among them, Army Materiel Command (AMC) Commanding General, Gen. Dennis L. Via, and former Assistant Secretary of Defense Army retired Lt. Gen. Emmett Paige, Jr.

Hall of Fame inductees and their families, along with other esteemed guests and visitors gathered in the lobby of Armstrong Hall, the site of the permanent Hall of Fame landmark, where they were greeted by a host of former commanders, current CECOM leaders, representatives and DoD civilians.

CECOM Commanding General and APG Senior Commander Maj. Gen. Bruce T. Crawford welcomed the attendees, all of whom joined him in robust applause as he extended his heartfelt appreciation to the inductees -- former commanders retired Lt. Gen. Emmett Paige Jr., and retired Maj. Gen. Robert Morgan; former Civilian Executive Assistant and Deputy to the Commander of Tobyhanna Army Depot, Mason C. Linn; former CECOM Deputy to the Commanding General Victor J. Ferlise; and Mr. Eric Kronenberg, son of nuclear physicist and world-renown authority on nuclear-radiation technology, the late Dr. Stanley Kronenberg

The CECOM commander also acknowledged former CECOM Commander, retired Army Maj. Gen. Bob Nabors; former CECOM deputy commander, and former commanders Gary Martin, and Ed Thomas, as well as a number of non-commissioned officers who came out to support the event, and in true Army tradition, stood tall in saluting their leaders past and present. Emphasizing the importance of the CECOM Hall of Fame, Crawford said, "Very seldom in your career -- or in a lifetime, will there be a day where you get to experience something that in all probability, you will remember for the rest of your life. Every now and then you get the opportunity to chart the course for an event like this. It is an amazing opportunity to be able to recognize the contributions of those on whose shoulders you stand."

Introduced as the man behind the construction phase of the project and credited with helping to move it forward, Mr. Michael J. Vetter, Director, CECOM G4, approached the assembly and thanked those who had worked tirelessly to bring the Hall of Fame idea to fruition. He said, "As the CECOM G4, I've had the privilege of working with a team of professionals involved with the fine production and installation of the CECOM Hall of Fame. There were a lot of details that went into this."

Vetter went on to say that the CECOM Hall of Fame design began in October 2015. Members of the team involved in that process produced a design that was intended to honor the heritage of CECOM as a whole. He then added, "The design is based around a single display, and has an interactive component which incorporates images and a brief biography of each of the inductees. The display also has an interactive component that allows visitors to delve deeper into more details regarding the inductee's service. All of the members of the team participated in the creation of the design, fabrication and installation of this display. On behalf of that team, I extend our congratulations to the inaugural inductees to the Hall of Fame, and thank you for your service. The Hall of Fame display will serve as a testimony to their achievements, will celebrate the rich history of CECOM, and provide an example for our future."

Joining Crawford in the unveiling of the CECOM Hall of Fame was CECOM Command Historian, Ms. Susan L. Thompson.

The early morning unveiling was just one of several other activities associated with the two-day event, and came on the heels of a dinner for the inductees and their families the prior evening at the Top of the Bay on APG. After the unveiling ceremony, Hall of Fame inductees and their family members, along with selected CECOM Command and Staff personnel, came together for a State of CECOM roundtable and working lunch

The afternoon Induction Ceremony in Myer Auditorium marked the final portion of this historic occasion. Joined on stage by keynote speaker, General Dennis Via, CECOM Command Sgt. Maj. Matthew D. McCoy, and the inductees, Crawford thanked those in attendance for breaking away from their busy schedules to pay tribute to the inductees, whom he called an amazing group of leaders.

Turning his attention to the inductees, Crawford said to the audience, "Today is about our great leaders here. When we think about the trusted professional…when we think deeper about this idea of a trusted professional, you need look no further than at these great Americans who have

done so much. Many of the things that the Army does routinely today, the gentlemen here on this stage, whether it was work done at the depot, or the work done by Dr. Kronenberg on behalf of the nation, or the great work done by Victor Ferlise -- the first Deputy Commander of this command, and then to think about the fact that we have a former Secretary of Defense here today, a retired, Signal three-star General, the great and honorable Emmett Paige, Jr., we're the lucky ones because we get an opportunity to look into the eyes of history."

Echoing similar sentiments, Gen. Via told the audience, "Your presence at this ceremony for these great gentlemen, is a visible reflection of just how much this tremendous organization appreciates the hard work and the sacrifices of those who laid the foundation, and helped build this magnificent command we have come to know as CECOM."

Calling the CECOM Hall of Fame a first-class ceremony, Via went on to recognize each of the inductees, and their family members. "On behalf of the U.S. Army Materiel Command family, and our United States Army, I offer my sincere congratulations and appreciation to these CECOM Hall of Fame inductees. We know that this command's strength was forged long ago by their vision, their commitment, their dedication and perseverance and especially their hard work. We also know that whatever success CECOM enjoys today, and whatever it achieves tomorrow, will be in large part due to the solid foundation which they helped build so many years ago."

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