One Brave Rifles start to New Year's

By Staff Sgt. Tomora ClarkJanuary 6, 2016

One Brave Rifles start to New Year's
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Spc. Tamarkion Britton (right) works on his plan to achieve his New Year's resolution with Master Sgt. Tracy Cervantes-Scott, both Troopers with 3d Cavalry Regiment, at the regimental headquarters building Jan. 5 at Fort Hood, Texas. His resolution f... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
One Brave Rifles start to New Year's
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Spc. Tamarkion Britton, a construction equipment repairer with 3d Cavalry Regiment, arranges the Cav Hat worn by Col. John Richardson, the 74th Colonel of the regiment, Jan. 5 inside 3d CR's headquarters building at Fort Hood, Texas. Britton built th... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT HOOD, Texas -- The start of a New Year brings many changes - usually people trying to obtain personal goals - hence the elusive New Year's resolution.

According to, many Americans resolution is to get in shape, in which, sets new gym membership at an unprecedented 12 percent in January alone. But do the resolutions become a reality; do people actually meet their goals?

One Brave Rifles Trooper sets his sights on something he knows he will obtain with mentorship and guidance from his leadership.

Spc. Tamarkion Britton's, a construction equipment repairer with 3d Cavalry Regiment, New Year's resolution is self-improvement, not just in his personal life, but in his military career.

He wants to become a noncommissioned officer and take on more responsibility as a Soldier.

"I definitely want to make the next rank," said Britton as he looked over his promotion point worksheet. "I've been in the Army for four years, and I'm realizing the importance of working hard to achieve a promotion."

Britton serves as the regiment's repair and utilities NCO in charge. In that position, he is responsible for all of the unit's work orders and area beatification, to include the museum and club 67.

Taking pride in his work, the Hattiesburg, Mississippi native said "All of the display cases and wooden fixtures in the hallways at the regimental headquarters building…I've built them."

Although he serves as the R and U NCOIC, he currently works in the regiment's supply section.

"When I arrived here, I didn't know that Britton wasn't a 92Y [unit supply specialist]; he just knew the supply realm so well," said Master Sgt. Tracy Cervantes-Scott, the regimental supply NCOIC.

After being in the regiment for only three months, Cervantes-Scott noticed his potential.

"I noticed Britton takes on so much because he just wants to ensure everyone else is ok, and that's the leadership quality I wished others would have," said Cervantes-Scott. "Then I thought why Spc. Britton isn't a NCO yet; he's one of those Soldiers that is a born leader."

So, she sat down with Britton and together they devised a plan that would help him reach his goals--his New Year's resolution. That plan consisted of going to the board, the education center and getting him enrolled in military courses.

"My supervisor walked me through the steps to ensure I get everything accomplished," said Britton. "We went to the education center to see what class dates where available and made sure that mandatory training didn't interfere with me getting ahead; they've even lightened up my workload some to help me obtain my goals."

"We just took it step-by-step, so that it wasn't completely overwhelming," said Cervantes-Scott.

She continued, "I believe his work ethics surpasses that of his peers and this year is his year; not only to put his goals in motion, but to also achieve them--to achieve his resolutions."

So, where does Britton see himself by the end of 2016?

"I'm always going to be a work in progress, but I'm motivated and my leadership is helping me every step of the way," said Britton. "I see myself promoted, a sergeant, with more civilian and military education under my belt, and working toward the next level; and, my New Year's resolution for 2016 met."