FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii - Daily training, conducted in realistic environments, under realistic circumstances, ensures Army forces maintain the highest levels of proficiency and readiness for worldwide deployment.
Soldiers of the 8th Special Troops Battalion, 8th Theater Sustainment Command, recognized the lack of training areas located here on the south side of Oahu and created a place they call the Warrior Training Center on Fort Shafter Flats.
"To get any type of tactical proficiency training, everything is pretty much Oahu North," said 1st Sgt. Samuel Williams III, first sergeant for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 8th STB. "We're trying to demonstrate that we do not have the resources, manpower and funds that they [Oahu North] have, but we can provide similar training here. We can only remain relevant by being ready."
The WTC features a wide variety of training conducted both in the classroom and hands-on such as Military Operations in Urban Terrain [MOUT], crew-served weapons, Modern Army Combatives Program training level one and two, military and bus driver training, combat lifesaver and field sanitation.
"The WTC is going to capitalize on the Army Chief of Staff's primary goal of readiness," said Sgt. 1st Class Matthew W. Biggs, the mortuary affairs Noncommissioned officer in charge and operations NCO for the WTC.
The 8th STB began renovations to this building a little over a year ago, gradually items to increase the versatility of the training environment.
"The Warrior Training Center is really a knowledge-based facility," said Williams. "Soldiers will be able to fine-tune and hone their skills on warrior tasks and battle drills and incorporate different skill sets that logisticians and sustainers rarely are given the opportunity to do."
Williams stated that other units outside of the 8th TSC are invited to utilize this area and some have already taken part in the training at the WTC.
"The ultimate goal is really to enhance the Soldier training across the board," said Sgt. 1st Class Mark Boyd, a class III fuels noncommissioned officer with 8th TSC and noncommissioned officer in charge of the WTC. "Right now, we're working on getting the training request on the STB portal page."
Boyd stated that units will be able to submit an online request form for classroom and hands-on training as part of the Sergeants Time Training.
Although the 8th STB has been conducting training for a few months now, Williams credits the current success of the WTC to the Soldiers who facilitate the training.
"Overall, in order for anything to be effective, it's about the personnel operating it," Williams said. "I think right now we have a great group of selected individuals operating that facility and doing a really great job making the best out of little to nothing. It's the cadre that is keeping it going."
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