The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center, located at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, is the nation's principal research and development center for non-medical chemical and biological defense.
The DEVCOM Chemical & Biological Center is one of eight science and technology domains within the command, which has the mission to ensure decisive overmatch for unified land operations to empower the Army, the joint warfighter and the nation.
The center develops technology in the areas of detection, protection, and decontamination and provides support over the entire lifecycle -- from basic research through technology development, engineering design, equipment evaluation, product support, sustainment, field operations and disposal. The DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center develops technologies such as protective masks and respiratory systems; biological agent detectors and warning devices; and decontamination systems to protect both Soldiers on the battlefield and civilians here at home.
The organizations partners with nearly every federal agency and has grown into a national resource for chemical and biological defense.
Challenging Careers
* Chemists
* Chemical Engineers
* Electrical Engineers
* General Engineers
* Mathematicians
* Research Microbiologists
Learn more about the DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center by visiting its website:
Related Links:
DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center
DEVCOM Aviation & Missile Center
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center
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