Step 1: Find out what's available. -- RDECOM, through its research centers and laboratories, offers career paths in engineering, acquisitions, chemistry, biology, information technology and much more. You can check out for the latest openings, and follow RDECOM's social media.
Step 2: Know what it takes. -- Review each position description carefully to make sure you meet the position's education requirements, years of experience, training and special skills needed.
Step 3: Polish your resume. -- Make sure your resume addresses the specific knowledge, skills, abilities and requirements mentioned in the position description.
Step 4: Apply. -- Be sure to have all required information (e.g., Social Security number, citizenship status, military/federal/civil service experience) and documentation (e.g., college transcripts, military discharge forms) readily available when applying for the position. Failure to provide everything asked for in the announcement could cost you the chance of being offered the position.
Step 5: Prepare for your interviews. -- When preparing for interviews, be sure to research information about the organization and the position requirements. During the interview, be prepared to talk about your education, experience and goals and don't forget to ask questions!
Step 6: You've been selected, now what? -- If you are selected, RDECOM will extend to you a tentative offer and begin your security clearance process. The offer won't be made firm until all required pre-employment procedures/documentation are verified, including your official college transcripts. The security clearance process must also be completed and the entire hiring process may take several weeks to several months to conclude.
Step 7: Start a great career at RDECOM -- RDECOM offers employees opportunities to apply creative thinking and ingenuity, whether providing technology solutions to meet current operational needs or developing new technologies for the next generation. We also provide employees generous benefits, including career growth, continuing education opportunities, post-graduate degree assistance and leadership development.
The U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command has the mission to ensure decisive overmatch for unified land operations to empower the Army, the joint warfighter and our nation. RDECOM is a major subordinate command of the U.S. Army Materiel Command.
Related Links:
Communications and Electronics
Army Educational Outreach Program
Scholarships in Science, Mathematics and Research
Career and Education Opportunities at RDECOM Science and Technology News
Social Sharing