ADA unit completes mission readiness test

By Capt. Corey Robertson and Staff Sgt. Nathan Akridge, 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade public affairsAugust 22, 2014

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FORT SILL, Okla. (Aug. 22, 2014) Fifth Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery completed its mission readiness exercise (MRE) here recently in preparation for a deployment.

The unit is located at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., and is the Army's newest indirect fire protection and Avenger composite battalion.

Increased need for indirect fire protection at various forward deployed locations led to the unit's dual purpose transformation.

The Soldiers of 5-5th ADA are now responsible for operating and maintaining the land-based phalanx weapons system which provides counter-rockets, artillery and mortars fire protection.

This transition wasn't met without a few obstacles in the road.

"When we first initiated the conversion we all had to come together, new and not knowing the aspects of this new system," said Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Bogle, platoon sergeant, 2nd Platoon, A Battery. "I have seen a massive improvement in my Soldiers, we are trying to give our Soldiers real-life scenarios from others who have been downrange and experienced it."

For some, like Pfc. Brandon Ozuna, this is their first deployment, though he is ready.

"We have been training for the last couple of months, but coming here has sparked up all the training that I need to conduct this mission. My favorite part of this training is learning all the new practices and techniques needed to run this system. I want to leave here and be able to go downrange and help people sleep better at night and protect their lives," he said.

This MRE validated the Soldiers ability to perform this mission.

"This training is going to greatly impact our mission, we are receiving the training we need to go downrange and protect the lives of the ones living on the [forward operating base] FOB," said Spc. Aaron Palmer.

Command Sgt. Maj. Brian Damron, 5-5th ADA CSM, said he believed the training brought the unit's collective skills up to where it would be needed. Further training would focus on individual skills.

"This has definitely strengthened the sections, platoons and batteries confidence in each other, they have been able to tweak and solidify their battle drills," he said.

Lt. Col B.J. Herman, 5-5th ADA commander, said the exercise replicated the command and control environment Soldiers would operate in once deployed.

"The Soldiers are enthusiastic about getting to do their mission and frankly just excited about getting to get out to the field and practice their trade," he said.