FORT GORDON, GEORGIA -- Brigadier General John W. Baker, a 1985 graduate of Norwich University, assumed command of 7th Signal Command (Theater) from Col. Arlester Vernon, Jr. during an assumption of command ceremony at Fort Gordon's Barton Parade Field Pavilion Friday, June 27.
Col. Vernon served as the 7th SC (T) commander for four months upon the departure of Brig. Gen. John Morrison, Jr., who now serves as the commanding general of the Army's Network Enterprise Technology Command, Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
"I'm not sure words can adequately capture the feelings I'm having right now," said Baker during the ceremony." I am excited, humbled, proud, because this is a great command, one with a storied history going back nearly four decades."
The command will continue the efforts of previous leaders to maintain momentum to modernize and standardize our network, take the necessary steps to regionalize our services, and continue to build the Army Cyber Force according to Baker.
"Our Army is counting on us to get these initiatives completed to standard and on time," he said.
Baker also thanked the Fort Gordon and Central Savannah River Area family for supporting the command.
"We truly appreciate your friendship, your encouragement and the willingness with which you serve our command and families," he said. "We could not complete our mission without you."
Morrison welcomed Baker and his family to the area, and praised him for being the right person to lead 7th SC (T).
"John is a strategic and visionary leader by any measure," he said. "He is exactly the right officer at exactly the right time to lead this outstanding command during this time of extraordinary transition for our Army."
He told Baker that 7th Signal Command is a "magical unit with magical people who have lead unprecedented change for our Army."
Morrison also praised Vernon for his stint as the 7th SC (T) commander.
"Les was exactly the right leader to maintain momentum at the command," he said. "You've done more than maintain momentum, you've built even more, and you made a difference when it mattered."
Col. Vernon will now serve as 7th the SC (T) deputy commander.
Baker reported to 7th SC (T) from U.S. Central Command at MacDill, Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida, where he served as the director of Command and Control, Communications and Computer Systems, J6.
In addition to his degree from Norwich, Baker also holds Master's Degrees from Central Michigan University and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. He is a graduate of the Armor Officer Basic and Signal Officer Advanced Courses, Command and General College, and Industrial College of the Armed Forces.
The 7th Signal Command (Theater) is a team of dedicated, innovative, adaptive Soldiers and Civilians providing only the very best Network and Mission Command Capabilities to our Supported Commands; anywhere, anytime.
The Misison: Install, operate, and defend Network and Mission Command capabilities for Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational forces within the Western Hemisphere in support of Unified Land Operations. As directed, support other national missions or contingency operations.
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