Points of Contacts
Service Order Desk, 724-3360
Work Order (FEWR), 724-3500
* What is a Service Order?
A service order is a request for repair services that can be accomplished within 8 working Hours, or less than $2,000. This includes most normal household repairs and maintenance of already established features & structures.
* Emergency Service Orders, call anytime: 724-3360 or by emailing at USAG-Yongsan DPW Service Order Desk
* What is a Work Order (FEWR: Facility Engineering Work request)?
A FEWR is a request for services or minor construction that requires more than 40 hours or above $2,000.
* A work request is work that is beyond the scope of work of a service order. The customer service representative (DSN: 724-3500) can tell you if the work you are requesting requires a DA Form 4283. You can either submit the form in our office in Bldg#1382 at Main Post, USAG-Yongsan or use form to send USAG-Yongsan DPW Work Order Section your work order request via email at usarmy.yongsan.imcom-pacific.list.usag-yongsan-dpw-fewr@mail.mil
* Work order Schedule, call (08:00~17:00): 724-8667
* ICE allows DoD customers to rate products and services provided by DoD offices and facilities. Your comment card ratings are used to improve the products and services available to you.
Related Documents:
USAG-Y Environmental Compliance Inspection Checklist-bilingual [PDF]
USAG-Y Recycling & HHW Flyers [PDF]
USAG-Y Shredit [PDF]
USAG-Y Waste Disposal POC and Information [PDF]
Yongsan Inspection Checklist [PDF]
Unit Spill Contingency Plan [PDF]
USAG-Y FY17 Environmental Training Schedule [PDF]
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