93rd Military Police Battalion assumed authority of Task Force Platinum an organization that provides essential support through detainee and detention facility operations for Joint Task Force Guantanamo on October 16, 2013 at Bulkeley Field.
The Commander of Joint Detention Group, Col John Bogdan, welcomed the unit in and stated that the assumption of authority ceremony is a way of recognizing a culmination of a lot of hard work on both the prior units here and the incoming 93rd MP Bn.
LTC Richard Ball, Commander 93rd MP Bn, said that the battalion has gone through many "stop and go" points in its pre-deployment process which began last April. However, he said that didn't stop their motivation to begin this mission.
"Many units would have thrown up their hands in frustration at the delay and allowed their skills to atrophy," he said. "But not these disciplined Soldiers. They continued to train and maintain their readiness."
The 93rd MP Bn is rich with history was activated 8 June, 1945 as a Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment. Since then, has been present through many conflicts and stained at many foreign posts including: the Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Germany and throughout the U.S.
As for their mission at Guantanamo, Ball gave his Soldiers this advice: "We will have new challenges together, but as a team, as a Task Force, we can accomplish every requirement given to us. Ball said, "Execute your tasks with dignity and humane, transparent care for all you come in contact with. Uphold the Army Values at all times. Serve with and protect those on your left and right. If you do these things, then when your deployment is over, you will return with your honor enhanced, a deep satisfaction for a mission accomplished and the heartfelt thanks of a grateful nation."
Article Summarized from "The Wire -- October 18, 2013" publication - Story and Photo credits to Sgt Cassandra Monroe
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