Four Soldiers from the 289th MP Company provided first responder care to a civilian jogger hit by a Metro Bus on Wednesday morning. Using T-shirts as tourniquets and dressings, the NCOs stabilized the casualty until EMTs arrived on the scene.
On 21AUG13, 1LT Vereen, SFC Williams, SFC Russell, and SPC Slane were running to the US Capital for PT when a civilian jogger made contact with a MetroBus. Upon witnessing the aftermath accident they sprinted to the scene to render aid. The SFC's assessed that the civilian suffered a compound fracture to his leg and possible arterial bleeding due to the amount and speed of blood loss, as well as an open head wound. They utilized t-shirts to create a make-shift tourniquet for the jogger's leg and also for a pressure dressing for the head wound. 1LT Vereen and SPC Slane conducted crowd control and assisted the SFC's. EMS arrived on scene and transported the civilian to a treatment facility. All of this activity occurred shortly
after 0700.
Two of the four Soldiers, SFC Russell and SFC Williams, received recognition in a Washington Post article available at the Related Links.
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