Provide regionally ready, globally responsive medical forces, health service support, and force health protection to conserve the fighting strength; enable the readiness and health of the Army and designated activities; integrate and liaise at echelon for the provision of health service support and force health protection to the Total Army. Provide Command and Control to Medical Department Activities (MEDDAC), Medical Centers (MEDCEN), Dental Health Commands (DHC), Public Health Commands (PHC), and Soldier Recovery Units (SRU).
Welcome to the Medical Readiness Command, Pacific (MRC, P) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program website. The MRC, P EEO serves as the principal staff advisor:
U.S. Office of Personnel Management – No FEAR Act
Army Regulation 690-600/EEO Complaint Processing
Army Regulation – Civilian Personnel Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity AR 690-12
Army Equity and Inclusion Agency website – Civilian Equal Employment Opportunity
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship under ADA
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Personal Assistance Services
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Workplace Religious Accommodation
Job Accommodation Network/Information Site (JAN)
Computer / Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP)
U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) – Overview | Who Can File A Prohibited Personnel Practices Complaint?
217 Montgomery Drive
Building S330, Room 104
Fort Shafter, Hawaii 96858
Telephone (808) 438-4965
USAG-Joint Base Lewis-McChord
1077 COL Joe Jackson Blvd, Bldg 100
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98438
Telephone: 253-982-1282
USAG-Ft. Wainwright
1060 Gaffeny Road #4000
Fort Wainwright, AK 99703-4000
Telephone: 907-353-6917
USAF-Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson
10480 Sijan Ave, Suite 123-A
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AK 99506
Telephone: 907-552-2115
USAG-Presidio of Monterey
197 Patton Road, Building 218
Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944
Telephone: 831-242-5105 | 831-402-7768
USAG-Camp Zama
USAG Japan
AMIN-JNG-EE , Unit 45006
APO AP 96343-5006
DSN: 315-263-3792
Within Japan: 046-407-3792
From the U.S.: 011-81-46-407-3792
USAG Casey
AMIM-RDC-EE Unit #15707
APO AP 96258-7507
Telephone: 202-781-5434 | 315-722-4041
USAG Camp Humphreys
AMIM-HM-EE Unit #15228
APO AP 96271
Telephone: 315-722-1027
USAG-Camp Daegu (Camp Henry)
USAG Daegu
AMIM-DAG-EE Unit #15746
APO AP 96218
Telephone: 315-763-4518
The Office of the Inspector General (IG) provides support to the Commanding General by serving as an extension of their eyes, ears, voice, and conscience. IGs serve as impartial fact-finders and problem solvers – honest brokers. The IG performs four functions: assistance, inspections, investigations, and teaching and training.
The MRC, P IG office provides assistance to commanders, Soldiers, Family Members, DA Civilian employees, and others seeking help with issues related to the U.S. Army. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance.
If you wish to submit an IG Action Request (IGAR), please fill out DA Form 1559 and email the completed form to our office at
Be sure you have a problem, not just a peeve (Army Regulation 20-1).
Give your chain of command a chance to solve the problem. (Many problems must be addressed with the chain of command for resolution anyway, per AR 600-20.)
If IG assistance is needed, contact your local IG first. (IGs at higher commands will normally refer the case to the local IG for action.)
Be honest and don’t provide misleading information. (IGs will discover the truth quickly in most cases and there are penalties for knowingly providing false information.)
Keep in mind that IGs are not policymakers. (If a policy is flawed, you can submit proposed changes on a DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms.)
Keep in mind that IGs can only recommend, not order, a resolution. (Only commanders can order; the role of the IG is to advise the commander.)
Remember: IGs can only resolve a case on the basis of fact. (Your claim that a supervisor has violated the rules doesn’t make it a fact. A claim must be supported with evidence.)
Don’t expect instant action on your request…Be patient. (Investigations take time, and IGs tend to have heavy workloads.)
Be prepared to take “No” for the answer. (In any case, “Yes” or “No,” the IG will explain why, by teaching & training.)
MRC, Pacific policy requires that everyone is expected to treat all persons with dignity and respect. Soldiers who violate this policy may be subject to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). We are members of the profession of arms and are all bound by the same professional ethic. The expectation is that all Soldiers treat one another with professional courtesy, whether that Soldier is a superior, peer, or subordinate. Simply put, treat others as you would want to be treated, with dignity and respect.
An informal complaint is best for those issues that can be taken care of informally, or resolved through discussion, problem identification, and clarification of the issues. Informal complaints are not filed in writing and my be resolved directly by the individual, with the help of another unit member, the commander, or other person in the complainant's chain of command. Informal complaints are not subject to a time suspense.
A formal complaint is one that a complainant files inwriting and swears to the accuracy of the information. Formal complaints require specific actions, are subject to timelines, and require documentation of the actions taken. An individual files a formal complaint using a DA Form7279 (Equal Opportunity Complaint Form).
The complainant must state the EO basis of the complaint(for example, unlawful discrimination based upon race, color, religion, gender (including gender identity), national origin, or sexual orientation, and describe the incident(s) in as much detail as possible to assist in the investigative process).
Soldiers have 60 calendar days from the date of the alleged incident in which to file a formal complaint. This time limit is established to set reasonable parameters for the inquiry or investigation and resolution of complaints, to include ensuring the availability of witnesses, accurate recollection of events, and timely remedial action.
The complainant should file his or her complaint with the commander at the lowest echelon of command at which the complainant may be assured of receiving a thorough, expeditious, and unbiased investigation of the allegations.
Anonymous Complaints are where the complainant remains unidentified may be handled as either an informal or a formal complaint and entered in MEO database, as such. The commander will determine if sufficient information is provided to proceed as either an informal or formal complaint. The commander will be identified as the complainant on the DA Form 7279 (Equal Opportunity and Harassment Complaint Form) and in MEO database.
If the complaint is processed as an informal complaint, the commander will determine if informing the entire command or part of the organization of the actions taken is appropriate. If during the informal or formal process of an anonymous complaint the identity of the actual complainant is revealed, the complainant will be edited in MEO database, and the actual complainant will be provided the requisite follow-up actions (DA Form 7279– 1 (Equal Opportunity and Harassment Complaint Resolution Assessment Form)).
Actions taken regarding anonymous complaints will depend upon the extent of information provided in the anonymous complaint. If an anonymous complaint contains sufficient information to permit the initiation of an investigation, the investigation will be initiated by the commanding officer or supervisor in accordance with this instruction. If an anonymous complaint does not contain sufficient information to permit the initiation of an investigation, the information should be documented in a Memorandum for Record and maintained on file in accordance with disposition instructions and the central point of contact responsible for processing discrimination and harassment complaints. The Memorandum for Record should contain the following information, if available: date and time the information was received; a detailed description of the facts and circumstances included in the complaint; date and time the complaint was resolved and by whom; and any other pertinent information.
Email the Command Front Office. Call at (808) 433-6344 or (808) 433-5322
Email the Command Public Affairs Office. Call or text at (808) 743-1968