Forward-deployed and combat ready, Eighth Army serves as a disciplined and lethal partner of the Combined, Joint Force securing the Republic of Korea. Proud of our legacy earned with the blood and sacrifice of generations past, we remain an evolving, values-based organization strengthened through the character of our Soldiers, Civilians and Families. The Warfighter's assignment of choice, Eighth Army is strong and getting stronger.
[January 24, 2025] Eighth Army honors retirees at quarterly ceremony (English)
[January 7, 2025] Eighth Army Band Harmonizes Strength and Unity across South Korea (English)
[January 7, 2025] Eighth Army Band Harmonizes Strength and Unity across South Korea (Korean)
The United States is a Pacific nation, with our country's political, economic and security interests ever connected to this dynamic region. On duty in the Asia-Pacific since 1944, Eighth Army's enduring presence has long signaled U.S. resolve to support our regional allies and deterrence to potential adversaries.
Readiness is a top priority in Eighth Army. We must not forget that Korea is not at peace, and Eighth Army remains prepared to "Fight Tonight.” This means we train while maintaining our equipment readiness to the high standards of the U.S. Army. We enhance our Readiness through rotational forces, new capabilities, and innovative ways to fight in this complex environment.
Critical to the success of our mission is the strength of the Alliance. Eighth Army works with our ROK counterparts at an unprecedented level, sharing lessons learned, and combining our formations to achieve a truly lethal partnership. However, it is our relationship with the Korean people that serves as the foundation of the ROK-U.S. Alliance. Our units, Soldiers, and Families ensure this bond grows stronger every day through their behavior and interactions both on and off duty. Their activities directly support the success of our mission on the peninsula. The Good Neighbor Program is one venue that provides every Soldier, Civilian employee and Family member an opportunity to nurture the Alliance.
"Eighth Army is America's Pacific Guardians of Freedom" - Eighth Army today stands ready to defend our national interests and those of our allies whenever called upon. We are the embodiment of our Army's military professionalism and ready to "Fight Tonight."
Mission - Hangul [PDF - 223.8 KB]
How We Fight [PDF - 3.2 MB]
The 2nd Infantry Division is the major U.S. ground combat unit in Korea. The Division's headquarters is located at USAG Humphreys, and its primary mission is to deter war on the Korean Peninsula by maintaining a high state of combat readiness and vigilance. 2nd ID units "Second to None" stand shoulder-to-shoulder with first-echelon Korean units immediately south of the DMZ.
The 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command is the logistic support arm of Eighth Army with the mission of sustaining combat power throughout the peninsula. Its headquarters is on Camp Henry in Daegu, with subordinate commands located in each of the Army's four areas of operation on the peninsula.
The 1st Signal Brigade is headquartered at USAG Humphreys with units throughout Korea. 1st Signal Brigade provides strategic and tactical communications and information management to USFK and component command headquarters in the ROK. They provide mobile tactical communications, fixed tactical voice and wide area networking, message center and tactical data communications, satellite communications and contingency restoral of Defense Communications System circuits, long-haul, inter-nodal connectivity between geographically dispersed sites. 1st Signal Brigade operates and maintains all AFKN TV, FM and AM radio transmission facilities.
The 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, headquartered at Osan Air Base, stands "Ready In Defense" of Commander UNC/CFC designated assets. 35th ADA Brigade employs the Patriot and the Avenger Air and Missile Defense Systems. The Brigade has units located in Camp Casey, Suwon, Osan, Kunsan and Gwangju.
The 65th Medical Brigade's primary mission is to serve as the strategic link to the CONUS medical base and plan/coordinate U.S. Army medical support at the operational and tactical levels through the early stages of conflict. The secondary mission is to provide theater level command and control of assigned and attached medical units conducting combat health support within the Korean theater.
The 106th Medical Detachment (VSS) has responsibility for the peacetime veterinary medical and food safety and defense missions throughout the Republic of Korea, and is prepared to continue to support the warfighter in these missions in the event of a transition to hostilities. Veterinary clinics on Camp Red Cloud, USAG Yongsan, Camp Humphreys, Osan Air Base, and Camp Walker provide veterinary medical support to the pets of service members and their families, with the veterinary clinic at Yongsan serving as the veterinary medical and surgical referral center for the peninsula. The food safety and defense personnel of the 106th are co-located with our veterinary clinics, and are responsible for ensuring that the food for our service members and their families is fresh, wholesome and safe.
The 501st MI Brigade is subordinate to the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command and provides intelligence and security support to headquarters, Eighth Army. The brigade’s mission is to provide combat information and multi-discipline intelligence to joint and combined warfighters. It is comprised of the brigade staff elements and four battalions with remote elements throughout Korea.
2501st Digital Liaison Detachment is headquartered at Camp Yongin. 2501st DLD integrates Joint Force and Eighth Army ARFOR-K responsibilities while embedded in the Republic of Korea’s Ground Operations Command (ROK four-star HQs that transitions to the Combined Ground Component Command (CGCC) under Combined Forces Command (CFC) during contingency). During daily operations, 2501st DLD facilitates interoperability, integration, and synchronization between GOC, US Forces – Korea and Eighth Army to ensure mutual understanding and unity of action in armistice and contingency operations. 2501st DLD is a vital partner to the Combined Ground Component Command’s leadership and staff providing an unmatched level of expertise and proficiency in each warfighting function while achieving the highest standards in the training and care of Soldiers, KATUSAs, Civilians, and their Families.
The 2502nd DLD is headquartered at Camp Henry, Daegu, with the majority of its personnel operating at the Headquarters of 2nd Operational Command (2OC) in Daegu. Their mission is to provide liaison, coordination, and synchronization with 2OC, USFK, and 8A, including their subordinate headquarters. This allows for mutual understanding and unity of effort in the Combined Rear Area during armistice, crisis, and contingency operations.
The 3rd Battlefield Coordination Detachment, headquartered at Osan Air Base, represents the Commander, Ground Component Command and the Commander, US Army Forces to the Commander, Air Component Command in the Korean Air Operations Center in order to synchronize air power with the Army’s scheme of fires and maneuver within the Korean Theater of Operations. 3rd BCD also provides direct support to the two Fighter Wings in the KTO through detachments located at Osan and Kunsan.
The UNC Security Battalion-Joint Security Area is composed of both ROK and U.S. military personnel. The unit's mission includes providing security in the JSA, manning Observation Post Ouellette in the Demilitarized Zone and running the Panmunjom tour program. The unit is also responsible for the security and civil affairs of Tae Song Dong, the only Korean village within the Demilitarized Zone.
The 4-58th Airfield Operations Battalion conducts air traffic services across the Korean Peninsula using Guardian Airspace Information Center and tactical facilities. The 4-58th AOB conducts maintenance operations on several remote sites and stands ready to deploy peninsula wide to provide air traffic services during conflicts.
The Korea Field Office supports commanders extending from the International Date Line to the Indian sub-continent by conducting Army, Joint and Combined criminal investigations of serious, sensitive or special interest matters, and criminal intelligence, logistics security, counter-drug, anti-terrorism, force protection and protective services operations in support of U.S. Forces Korea, Eighth Army and U.S. Army Japan.
The Joint U.S. Military Affairs Group-Korea assists Republic of Korea armed forces in management, logistics and organization. JUSMAG-K also offers guidance in the establishment of industrial and commercial agencies directly related to national defense. JUSMAG-K is headquartered in Yongsan Garrison in Seoul.
The Far East Engineer District is the Department of Defense Design and Construction Agent for Korea. The district is headquartered in Seoul with offices throughout the peninsula. During its 57 years of existence in Korea, the Far East Engineer District has "Built for Peace!"
To provide quality training to prospective and newly promoted Sergeants in basic leadership skills, NCO duties, responsibility and authority as per the program of instruction for the Basic Leader Course; to receive, train and integrate newly assigned Republic of Korea Army soldiers to serve as Korean Augmentation Troops to the U.S. Army (KATUSA) as per the program of instruction of the KATUSA Training Academy; and to train U.S. Army and DA Civilian leaders to present quality instruction in a training session as per the program of instruction for the Foundation Instructor Facilitator Course.
The Eighth Army Band is assigned to the Korean Peninsula to provide music in support of the thousands of service members of Eighth Army, United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and United States Forces Korea. The Band frequently leaves its home base to travel throughout the Korean peninsula and Asia, serving as musical ambassadors to the people of the region on behalf of the U.S. Army and the United States.
Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, Eighth Army provides administrative and logistical support to the Eighth Army Headquarters in order to enable the effective mission command of the Eighth Army Commander and Staff. The Battalion consists of four subordinate companies: Headquarters Support Company, Operations Company, Intelligence and Sustainment Company and the Eighth Army Band.
The ALE-K is a forward deployed logistics planning and coordination element for U.S. Army Special Operations Support Command, Fort Bragg, NC. The ALE-K ensures logistic support is planned and executed for U.S. Army Special Operations Forces deploying into the Korean Theater of Operations. The ALE-K is headquartered at Camp Coiner, Seoul.
The Training Support Activity Korea headquarters is located on Camp Coiner and TSAK is under Eighth Army G-37 Training Readiness Exercise Division. TSAK's mission is to provide Eighth Army and its subordinate units the full spectrum of Training Support System Enablers. TSAK, on order, establishes a Deployable Operations Group that provides TSS to units conducting Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration and as directed conducts other TSS missions in support of the USARPAC Theater Engagement Strategy.
Organization - Hangul [PDF - 140.8 KB]
Eighth Army was officially activated at Memphis, Tennessee, on June 10, 1944 and soon thereafter, it deployed to the Southwest Pacific. Under the command of LTG Robert L. Eichelberger, Eighth Army methodically eliminated the last fanatical enemy resistance remaining on New Guinea and New Britain. From December 26, 1944 until August 15, 1945, Eighth Army was actively engaged in the reconquest of the Philippines – the largest joint campaign of the War in the Pacific. Collectively, the five “Victor” operations launched by Eighth Army would result in the liberation of the southern and central portions of the Philippine Archipelago – fully two-thirds of the land area of the Philippines. From February 19, to April 3, 1945, Eighth Army units (ranging from company-size teams to division-level task forces) conducted fourteen major amphibious assaults and twenty-four minor landings. During this 44-day period, Eighth Army averaged an assault landing every day and a half. Subsequently, it earned the nickname “Amphibious Eighth” – alluding to its participation in more than sixty amphibious assaults during World War II.
While combat operations were still on-going in the Philippines, Eighth Army simultaneously began preparations for Operation Downfall – the invasion of Japan. However, with the sudden surrender of the Japanese Empire on August 15, 1945, Eighth Army’s mission transitioned from one of conquest to one of occupation and it was the “Amphibious Eighth” that led the Army of Occupation into Japan. On December 31, 1945, Sixth Army was relieved of occupation duties and Eighth Army assumed an expanded role in the occupation, which encompassed the formidable tasks of disarmament, demilitarization, and democratization. These missions were flawlessly executed at the operational level by Eighth Army and it was the military occupation of Japan that ensured the economic recovery and political democratization of that island nation. With the outbreak of hostilities in Korea on June 25, 1950, Eighth Army would face another major challenge.
Due to the tactical situation that existed during the first six weeks of the Korean War, Republic of Korea and US ground forces were compelled to conduct an economy of force mission. Inherently risky and difficult to execute under the best of circumstances, a series of delays and withdrawals defined the ROK-US effort in the early stages of the Korean War. Running out of space to trade for time, Lieutenant General Walton H. Walker (Commanding General, Eighth Army) ordered his command to withdraw behind the Naktong River and establish a defensive posture oriented on terrain retention. On August 1, 1950, a defensive perimeter (labeled by journalists as the “Pusan Perimeter”) was organized. The successful defense of the Pusan Perimeter represented a defining moment in the Korean War; it set the stage for the UN Offensive.
The breakout from the Pusan Perimeter, in concert with the amphibious assault at Inchon on September 15, 1950, resulted in the collapse of the entire North Korean People’s Army. For all practical purposes, the NKPA had been defeated and any hope of continuing the war with North Korean forces alone was a concept wholly without merit. By October 1, 1950, Eighth Army reached the 38th parallel and on October 9, it began its main advance across this border – spearheaded by the 1st Cavalry Division and the 1st ROK Division. On October 19, these two divisions captured the North Korean capital of Pyongyang and on November 24, 1950, Eighth Army began its so-called “end-of-the-war offensive.” Final victory seemed imminent, but the situation would change with devastating suddenness.
On November 25, the full-scale intervention of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army changed the entire complexity of the war and forced Eighth Army and X Corps (which were operating independently of each other at that time) to transition to the defense. With the advantage of surprise and numerical superiority, the CPVA launched multiple synchronized attacks that ultimately expelled friendly forces from North Korea and on January 4, 1951, Seoul would change hands for the third time within a six-month period. Before it could organize an effective line of defense, Eighth Army had withdrawn a total of 275 miles (which qualifies as the longest retreat in US military history). Subsequently, the “myth of the millions of Chinese in Korea” was widely circulated among the rank and file and rumors of vacating the peninsula were rampant.
By mid-January 1951, Eighth Army (now under the command of Lieutenant General Matthew B. Ridgway) launched a series of highly successful limited objective attacks. With emphasis on lateral security, these operations were “force oriented” as opposed to “terrain oriented.” Any ground that was taken was incidental to closing with and destroying the enemy. On March 15, 1951, Seoul was recaptured for the fourth and last time during the course of the war. By the end of the month, Eighth Army reached the 38th parallel and three weeks later, established strong defensive positions twenty miles beyond (in most sectors of the main line of resistance). By the spring of 1951, both opposing forces had concluded that the issue of achieving a decisive military victory was no longer a viable option as neither side wanted to expand the scope and scale of the conflict.
However, the Chinese Communists were determined to launch one last major effort to capture Seoul. Once this was achieved, they would advocate a cease-fire. With the capital of South Korea in their hands, the Communists would be in an enviable position to negotiate an armistice favorable to their own terms. The Fifth Phase Chinese Offensive (April 22 - July 8, 1951) qualified as the largest ground action of the Korean War. During this two-phased campaign, the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army failed miserably to achieve its primary objective and sustained catastrophic losses in the process. By the summer of 1951, the situation on the ground had developed into a holding action. Thus, it seemed mutually advantageous for the belligerents to initiate negotiations and to transfer a stalemated military situation to the conference table.
The history of the Korean War truce talks began on July 10, 1951 and after two years of intricate, verbose and exasperating dialogue, an armistice was finally consummated on July 27, 1953 – formally suspending full-scale hostilities on the peninsula. As the post-Armistice period began, Eighth Army assisted the Republic of Korea in relief and rehabilitation efforts and it continues to play a significant role in the common defense of South Korea. Today, there is no evidence to suggest that North Korea has abandoned its option of unifying the peninsula by force of arms.
To enhance and sustain mission accomplishment, the force structure of Eighth Army has transformed multiple times since its establishment. During World War II, it fought in the Pacific Theater of Operations as a field army. In the immediate post-World War II era, Eighth Army served in Japan as an Army of Occupation. During the Korea War, Eighth army served as both a field army and theater army and throughout the preponderance of the Cold War, it remained primarily a theater army. On November 20, 1954, it was merged with US Army Forces Far East (AFFE) as the major Army command in the region. On July 1, 1957, AFFE was discontinued and United States Forces Korea was officially activated; thus, Eighth Army was consolidated with USFK and the United Nations Command with headquarters in Seoul. This tri-command headquarters was commanded by General George H. Decker.
On November 7, 1978, General John W. Vessey, Jr. assumed command of the newly established ROK-US Combined Forces Command, while serving concurrently as the Commander of UNC and USFK and as the Commanding General, Eighth Army. On 1 December 1992, Eighth Army reverted to a three-star command billet and was separated from UNC/USFK/CFC. On March 13, 1998, Eighth Army was designated as the Army Service Component Command for USFK. This status was discontinued on January 23, 2012 when Eighth Army was redesignated as an operational-level Field Army Headquarters. Eighth Army relocated its headquarters from Yongsan to Camp Humphreys in the summer of 2017.
History - Hangul [PDF - 270.3 KB]
The Korean Augmentation to the United States Army (KATUSA) Soldier Program was initiated on 15 July 1950 by an informal agreement between the Honorable Syngman Rhee, President of the ROK, and General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (UNC). The concept of this program originally was to augment the U.S. fighting forces just after the outbreak of the Korean War. After the armistice, KATUSA Soldiers remained with Army in Korea units to receive training that was not readily available in the ROKA and to enhance Army in Korea's mission capability. The KATUSA Soldier Program has been a continuous one since 1950 with only periodic strength adjustments dictated by requirements. Originally, KATUSA Soldiers were returned to the ROKA after serving with the U.S. Army. Since 1968, however, KATUSA Soldiers remain with the U.S. Army until their service commitments are completed. The ROKA Support Group was established on 11 May 1965 at the request of the Commander, Eighth Army, as a ROKA officer liaison group to administer the KATUSA Soldier program. Its name was changed from ROKA Liaison Group to ROKA Support Group in November 1986. On 1 November 1997, the ROKA Support Group was reorganized as a unit directly under Headquarter (HQ), ROKA G2/G3, and was later reorganized on 1 December 2009 directly under HQ, ROK Army’s Personnel Command.
The Mission and Importance of the KATUSA Soldier Program
The mission of the KATUSA Soldier Program is to augment Army in Korea with ROK Army Soldiers in order to increase the ROK/U.S. combined defense capability on the Korean peninsula. The KATUSA Soldier Program is significant not only because of the military manpower and monetary savings that it provides to the U.S. Army, but also because it represents ROK/U.S. cooperation and the combined commitment to deter war. The KATUSA Soldier Program is also symbolic of ROK/U.S. friendship and mutual support.
Responsibilities to the KATUSA Soldier Program
All theater U.S. Army and ROKA personnel have an inherent responsibility to ensure the success of the KATUSA Soldier Program by observing and implementing the policies and procedures contained in Army in Korea Reg 600-2. All personnel, U.S. Army or ROKA, are strongly encouraged to submit suggestions and recommendations that may improve the KATUSA Soldier Program.
Eighth Army is proud of our mission, our people and our Alliance. At the links below, you'll find the latest products used to tell the Eighth Army story. For media queries, please contact the Eighth Army Public Affairs Office.
[FEBRUARY 27, 2024] Freedom Shield 24 set to begin
[FEBRUARY 1, 2024] Observance Message Black History Month
[November 12, 2024] Eighth Army POL/MIL Advisor Donates ROK-U.S. Alliance Award to Community Support Facility (Korean)
[November 12, 2024] Eighth Army POL/MIL Advisor Donates ROK-U.S. Alliance Award to Community Support Facility (English)
[October 1, 2024] Rotational Brigade equipment arrives, downloaded at Gwangyang-Si port (Korean)
[October 1, 2024] Rotational Brigade equipment arrives, downloaded at Gwangyang-Si port (English)
[MARCH 8, 2024] 2nd Infantry/ROK-U.S. Combined Division Completes Maritime Training with ROK Navy 2nd Fleet
Welcome to the Land of the Morning Calm! We hope you enjoy your stay as a member of the Eighth Army family. To help you adjust to life here in the Republic of Korea we have included the following links to better prepare you and your family for success at your new duty station.
Eighth Army welcomes you to South Korea!
It is our sincere pleasure to welcome you into the Land of the Morning Calm family. The Eighth Army family is comprised of multiple units and organizations across the Korean peninsula. Being stationed in South Korea offers an exciting place to live, work, and experiences that are second to none.
An overseas PCS can be a unique challenge, even if you have done it before. The Eighth Army Newcomers page, 19th Human Resource Company (19 HRC) and your TASP Sponsor are here to support you and ensure that you have the information and resources you need for a smooth transition to South Korea.
We are proud to be part of exceptional communities committed to serving our Service Members, families, and personnel via programs offered by Army Community Service (ACS), Child & Youth Services, Outdoor Rec, USO, BOSS, FRGs and more.
While moving overseas brings its challenges, I want you to know that Eighth Army is here to support you during your PCS and throughout your tour. On behalf of the Eighth Army family, welcome to South Korea!
5 Things to Get Started on Right Away
5 Things to Keep in Mind
Human Resources Command (HRC) will notify your Soldier of his or her assignment to South Korea. When your Soldier receives assignment orders to move overseas, they will include instructions for key aspects of your PCS move and indicate the type and length of tour your Soldier will serve. Learn how these orders will affect your Soldier and family.
Assignment Orders
Shortly after HRC notification your Soldier should receive a request for orders (RFO) and/or orders that will contain PCS instructions. The Soldier must attend a levy brief and complete several important steps at your losing installation to plan and prepare accordingly. Important items to take note of would include:
Types of Overseas Tours
Your Soldier’s PCS orders and losing installation will provide information pertaining to the following:
Accompanied Tour (with dependents)
This means your family is eligible to accompany your Soldier overseas for a 24-month tour. To ensure the new duty station can support your family, Command Sponsorship of dependents must be approved before your family moves overseas. If approved, the full name of each dependent must be listed on orders. Orders will also include the type of dependent travel authorized:
Unaccompanied Tour (without dependents)
The Soldier may elect an unaccompanied tour (“All Others Tour”) for family reasons or because Command Sponsorship of dependents is denied. Regardless, an All Others tour means dependents are not authorized to move overseas. This tour is a 12-month commitment.
For more details, see Army Regulations: AR 55-46 Travel Overseas and AR 614-30 Overseas Service.
The Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) is now accessible in Army Career Tracker (ACT) to assist Soldiers and DA Civilians during the transition to their new assignment. Commanders now have the ability to guarantee the successful assignment of individual sponsors through the streamlined Sponsorship process found only in ACT. TASP ensures that incoming Soldiers are assigned Sponsors prior to reporting to their new installations. Obtaining a Sponsor reduces the stress of reporting to a new unit, enhancing resiliency, and improving readiness among Soldiers and family members.
It is important to ensure you have Common Access Card (CAC) access during your PCS movement to maintain in communications with your sponsor. If you do not have CAC access, you can use your DS Login during leave period, TDY enroute, or PCS travel. It may also be helpful is share a civilian email address with your TASP sponsor.
If you are on orders to Korea and are less than 30 days from your PCS report date, or if you have not been contacted by your sponsor, contact a Korea Sponsorship Coordinator at the phone numbers below or by email at:
If you know your specific unit assignment, you may contact that TASP coordinator directly:
Related Documents
Bring your family to Korea! The Republic of Korea is a great place to serve and grow personally and professionally, for both Soldiers and their Family members.
Being approved for Command Sponsorship means that family members are able to accompany the Soldier Outside the Continental U.S. (OCONUS) for the length of his or her tour. The Soldier must apply for Command Sponsorship. The process includes an Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) screening of each family member and approval from the Soldier's gaining command. In order to initiate your Family Travel Screening Packet please go to the following site: EFMP ( This process can be initiated 180 days prior to Soldier's PCS Report date to allow for Command Sponsorship Orders. While Command Sponsorship of dependents is not guaranteed, all Soldiers should consider applying.
While each losing installations processing guidelines may vary slightly, after receiving a Request for Orders (RFO) or assignment instructions (AI), the Soldier should immediately request Command Sponsorship through the losing installation Military Personnel Division (MPD) Personnel Processing Branch.
For questions about the command sponsorship program (CSP), or if a request is being submitted while the Soldier is still inbound, inside of 30 days to Korea, please contact the CSP office at:
Required documents:
Out of Country Forms (currently not in Korea)
Soldier must submit CSP Requests to the losing installation MPD no earlier than 180 days and no later than 30 days to the Soldier’s report date. Losing installation MPD will forward the packet to
In Country Forms (currently in Korea)
Track your Command Sponsorship request
Already submitted a CSP and want to check the status? Please contact the 8A G1 CSP office at:
How long does the application take?
The entire approval process can take up to 30 days from receipt of the CSP packet, if EFMP is not warranted.
Early Return of Dependents
Command-sponsored Family members who reside in Korea may be returned early to CONUS at Government expense under the provisions of the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR).
All requests must be fully justified IAW the JTR, Chapter 5 and Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1315.18, Enclosure 5.
All requests are routed through your unit and submitted IAW Eighth Army Policy/Guidance.
Related Documents
Civilian Acculturation Program is providing information to our new civilian employees to create a positive first impression of the Eighth Army Family and the Army. It ensures their rapid inclusion within our workforce and the Army Profession by providing them the tools, resources and organizational perspective to grow personally and professionally as members of a team.
All supervisors are responsible for identifying and maintaining the trained sponsors. Once a selection is returned to the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) for a Tentative Job Offer (TJO), supervisors can be a sponsor or will immediately assign a sponsor with at least four months of retainability of 8th Army. The supervisor will initiate communication within three days of TJO acceptance and provide an official welcome letter signed by the 8th Army Chief of Staff. Sponsor will also advise the employee that a firm job offer is still contingent upon the completion of all pre-employment requirements and no to make any revocable decisions until employee receives the firm job offer from CPAC (i.e. selling house, quitting job, etc).
Useful documents: Supervisor Checklist 2024 [PDF - 294.5 KB]
All sponsors will ensure that all sponsorship requirements are fulfilled throughout the onboarding process of the new employees as soon as officially assigned a sponsor. After initial contact with the new employees, sponsors will communicate weekly to ensure that questions are answered or issues are relayed to the chain of command. Sponsors will be responsible to track new employee’s arrival to Korea.
New employee
Once initial contact was made by supervisor and sponsor, the employees will continue to communicate with them for your status update or any concerns and issues. As relocating to the overseas may bring its challenges, please be aware that 8th Army is here to support you during your PCS and throughout your tour. On behalf of the 8th Army family, welcome to South Korea!
7 Things to Keep in Mind with Your PCS
For more information please visit the Directorate of Human Resources Management website at:
Related Documents
As part of the Command Sponsorship application packet, a Soldier’s dependents are each required to complete an Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Screening.
What is EFMP?
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a Department of Defense program designed to identify and document the special medical and/or educational needs of a soldier’s family members and ensure that those needs are considered during the assignment process. The program applies to adults as well as children up to 21 years of age. Approximately 10% of Army Families have members with special needs, including spouses, children, or dependent parents who require special services.
Why do I need an EFMP Screening?
EFMP screening is required for all sponsors requesting command sponsorship, consecutive overseas tours, AIP or as an addition to orders. Enrollment in the EFMP is mandatory for all active duty military sponsors who have family members with special medical and/or educational needs. Enrollment or updates to EFMP should be completed at the time of initial diagnosis of medical problems and/or awareness of educational concerns.
As the Army shifts resources during transformation throughout South Korea, the Army wants to ensure Soldiers are assigned to locations where dependents with special needs can receive necessary care. When reviewing a family member’s needs, the Army often considers the availability of services from the host nation as well as those provided by the Army.
What are the EFMP Screening steps?
During your losing installation’s levy brief they should discuss the process and steps involved to complete the EFMP process. Special medical and/or educational needs vary from person to person; the associated required documentation and information is likely to also be different. Generally, at your EFMP appointment, the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) practitioner will review your screening questionnaire, outpatient medical records, education records, and any supporting documentation to determine if any family member meets criteria for enrollment into EFMP.
Need help navigating the EFMP process?
Contact your losing installation’s military health clinic’s EFMP Coordinator to help you with enrollment, disenrollment, updates, and overseas EFMP screenings. Additional information about the EFMP program is available at:
Military family members with their names on PCS orders can enter South Korea using a regular tourist passport. Active duty military will use their common access card and orders to enter Korea. Department of Defense civilian personnel can also use their tourist passport to enter. See “Tourist Passport” below for more information.
Per DoDM O-1000.21, DoD civilian eligible family members on official travel are required to apply for the appropriate Special Issuance Passport prior to departure from the point of origin. However, if family members have just a tourist passport they will be allowed to enter South Korea.
Non-U.S. citizens must apply for a country of origin passport. Documents must be original or certified copies.
All family members, civilians, and even newborns must obtain an A-3 visa (which allows for multiple entries into Korea) and SOFA (Standard of Forces Agreement) stamp within 30 days upon arrival. The SOFA stamp registers the person and identifies them as having protections and rights under our SOFA agreement. Having a SOFA stamp does not exempt any person from abiding by our host nation's laws.
The U.S. government has a stationing agreement with every country that hosts U.S. military forces. The SOFA defines the legal rights and obligations of SOFA-status personnel and exempts personnel from the Korean Immigration laws relating to alien registration.
This does not mean that all U.S. Family members in Korea will have an A3 Visa and SOFA stamp. Some Family Members are Korean citizens and require no Visa or stamp. Other Family Members work outside the garrison gates and are required to have any variety of work Visa deemed by the Korean Immigration Office.
If a Soldier’s spouse plans to work off-post it is recommended you contact your installation Client Legal Services to review your A-3 Visa/SOFA Stamp application or answer additional questions regarding various Republic of Korea visa options before employment to ensure compliance with immigration laws.
Tourist Passport
Tourist Passports are required for leisure travel outside of your host nation, the Republic of South Korea. It can take up to 8+ weeks to process a tourist passport in South Korea. All tourist passports are processed, in person, through the US Embassy in Seoul. It is recommended to apply for a Tourist Passport prior to leaving the U.S. if you plan to do tourist travel while stationed abroad. Apply for tourist passports at any US Post Office or visit:
Korea Electronic Travel Authorization (K-ETA)
Notice: K-ETA will be temporarily exempted for 22 countries from April 1, 2023, to Dec. 31, 2024. The United States is included in this exemption. Travelers can still apply for a K-ETA and pay the 10,000 Korean Won fee (about $9) per person if they wish; those who have a K-ETA will not have to submit an arrival card at the port of entry. Those who got their K-ETA approval already can use it until it expires. No refund will be made for people who have already submitted a K-ETA application.
The Korean government requires non-Korean citizens entering Korea to apply for the Korea Electronic Travel Authorization (K-ETA), which is a document granting permission to non-Korean citizens to travel to the Republic of Korea. The K-ETA applies to non-Korean citizens of countries eligible for visa-free entry to the Republic of Korea.
U.S. service members traveling to Korea on PCS or TDY orders, those who already have a visa issued by the Korean government, and those who apply via the website and receive an exception to policy letter from the Korean government do not have to comply with this requirement. However, all others traveling to the Republic of Korea must comply, including family members visiting the Republic of Korea. New GS (general schedule) civilian hires and dependents listed on a service member’s PCS orders who do not have an approved K-ETA exemption memorandum issued by the Korean government must also comply with the requirement.
Obtaining a K-ETA must be done online via the K-ETA website prior to starting travel. Registration costs 10,000 Korean won (about $10 USD) per person. Successful registration will result in generation of a printable certificate for each person that will be received via an email provided by the requestor. Each certificate comes with a unique number and is good for two years. The website does not differentiate between adult, adolescent, or infant travelers. Those who fail to obtain a K-ETA prior to landing in Korea may be denied entry and may be subsequently told to re-board a plane back to their point of origin.
Personnel may claim the registration fee as a travel-related cost. PCS travel is claimed via forms submitted to the servicing finance office and TDY claims are processed through the Defense Travel System online. For questions about claiming expenses incurred during travel, visit your servicing directorate of human resources or finance office.
When filling out the information online, the following may be helpful:
For more information or to register, visit
Related Documents
The Government Travel Charge Card Program (GTCC) provides travelers with a safe, effective, convenient, and commercially available method to pay for expenses associated with official travel. The GTCC includes Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) and Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs). The GTCC is a VISA credit card that may be used at any location that accepts VISA including OCONUS locations. Personal use of the travel card or using the travel card to pay for someone else's travel expenses is prohibited. The use of the travel card for non-official expenses may result in disciplinary actions.
All Soldiers on official government travel will be issued a GTCC through their losing unit or installation Agency Program Coordinator (APC). APCs are responsible for managing the DOD GTCC program for permissible expenses (see Appendix G of JTR Manual) while on official travel orders. Use of the Government Travel Charge Card is mandatory when on official business travel, unless an exemption has been granted. The mandatory GTCC training provides guidance covering the authorized use of the GTCC.
Those who are informed in writing by the Garrison Housing Office that on-post housing is not available for their rank/grade or command sponsorship status, may be required to reserve temporary lodging while conducting mandatory in-processing while working to obtain off-post housing. This situation typically does not apply to unaccompanied Soldiers. If lodging is required, coordinating accommodations should occur directly with the Camp Humphreys Army Lodging. On-post housing assignments typically fall within two categories:
If you have questions or concerns, contact the 19th Human Resources Company or your sponsor for further instruction and guidance.
19th HRC Phone
For more information about the Camp Humphreys Lodge, visit
If Camp Humphreys Army Lodging is not available, 19th HRC will provide guidance to alternative lodging options. Families cannot stay at off-post hotels during the in-processing period without coordination and from 19th HRC.
All Soldiers and Command Sponsored dependents should coordinate with your losing installation’s Contract Travel Office (CTO) to arrange for airfare. The primary and preferred option is to arrive by the Patriot Express. By exception, Soldiers and families who arrive in country on commercial air will do so through the Incheon Airport.
Patriot Express
Your primary port of arrival into the Republic of Korea will be the Osan Air Base passenger terminal located in Area 5 within the city of Pyeongtaek, via Patriot Express operated by Omni Air International and Atlas Air Worldwide. The Patriot Express is a USTRANSCOM and Air Mobility Command commercial air contracted service from SEATAC, Seattle International Airport.
Per USFK Regulation 55-29, the PATRIOT EXPRESS must be used for OCONUS travel unless there is a documented negative critical mission impact.
Arriving passengers will receive a safety brief from a USAF Air Mobility Squadron (AMS) representative before deplaning the aircraft and will be escorted to the passenger holding area where they will receive a welcome, immigration, customs and processing brief from representatives of USAF Movement Control Team (MCT). Passengers will then begin the immigration process; families with small children will have priority and restrooms are available. Once complete, passengers proceed to baggage claim. Once you collect all your bags you will advance to the customs area. Overall, this process usually takes 3-4 hours from plane arrival to departing to Camp Humphreys.
19 HRC will have buses ready to transport Soldiers and their families to the replacement center and in-processing One-Stop at Camp Humphreys, Korea. (35 minute approximate travel time). Once the bus departs Osan, the 138th MCT will hand over responsibilities of the passengers to 19 HRC. 19 HRC Cadre will escort the buses and baggage to Camp Humphreys.
Note: Travelers with pets will be identified and placed at the front of the line in order to complete required pet immigration and not delay bus movement. Personnel travelling with pets must also review traveling with pets, as there are strict pet immigration regulations and requirements.
Commercial Arrivals
For those who arrive by commercial airlines your first port of arrival into the Republic of Korea will be at the Incheon International Airport, located approximately 50km west of Seoul. After securing your baggage and processing through customs, you will to report to the USFK / 8th Army Joint Reception Desk near Exit 1 (Terminal 1) or gate 6 (Terminal 2). You will be taken by bus to Camp Humphreys to in-process before movement to your unit and final duty station.
Other travel planning Considerations
Service member and family travel plans depends on the sponsors orders:
Concurrent Travel Orders means service member and family can travel together. This requires that dependents are Command Sponsored on orders, and they have No-Fee Passport. If these criteria are not met, the Soldier will go to South Korea and dependents will follow within 60 days. If follow on travel is not possible, then the Soldier must get their orders amended to reflect “deferred travel” authorize.
Deferred Travel Orders are when families travel separately and arrive 61+ days after Soldier. This can happen for various reasons such as waiting for command sponsorship approval, no-fee passports to arrive, or to let kids finish a school semester before PCS travel. You would still contact your losing installation’s Contract Travel Office (CTO) to arrange family travel.
Paying for Flights
For the Army to pay for travel, flights must be booked via the CTO on a U.S. Flag Carrier, as required by the Fly America Act, and orders must indicate: either IBA or CBA.
Individually Billed Account (IBA)
With an IBA, your Soldier will use a gov’t travel credit card (GTCC) to pay for flight plans made at the CTO. Your Soldier will then claim reimbursement by filling out a travel voucher during in-processing.
Centrally Billed Account (CBA)
With a CBA, the CTO is responsible for paying for the airfare. The CTO charges the cost of airfare to a CBA and the CTO is then reimbursed after submitting a claim.
Related Links
Traveling overseas with a pet requires additional planning and preparation. We all love our pets like family, but remember that bringing pets to South Korea is a privilege, not an entitlement. As such, the Contract Travel Office (CTO), does not book pet flights, but they can book your Soldier and family on a pet-friendly flight with the CTO contracted airline Patriot Express or other airline if authorize to travel commercially. All costs associated with pet travel are at your expense. Commercial airline carriers may have specific pet policies or limitations that further restrict pet travel. Traveling with pets requires a lot of pre-planning. Do not forget to connect with your sponsors and read all the associated material related to travel and South Korean Requirements. Just remember that everyone’s experience traveling with pets is different and pre-planning as far in advance as possible will pay off.
Note: Soldiers traveling without dependents will stay in barracks or senior leader quarters and pets are not authorized in those facilities.
Note: Due to increasing airline restrictions on pets, many families are running into trouble getting their pet OUT of Korea. Pet exportation costs, depending on the size of the animal, can cost upwards of $15,000 as of April 2021. Before deciding to bring your pet, please do your research and decide if the risk of high exportation costs is worth it. Abandoning your animal in Korea is punishable via UCMJ IAW USFK 40-5.
Note: Note: Please keep in mind that certain medications, prescription diets, and services are unavailable through the military veterinary clinics in Korea. Before deciding to bring your pet, do your research and decide if the level of care needed is available at your location.
Planning Pet Travel
There are currently only two ports of entry for pets (dogs and cats) into the Republic of Korea (ROK):
There are no specific dog restrictions listed entering Korea; however, some airlines have specific guidelines for transporting certain breeds and larger dogs.
Pet Quarantine - The Quarantine Inspection Agency determines if your pet meets all requirements for entry into Korea. To help avoid quarantine, be sure you have a valid, original rabies certificate, original, current, passing FAVN results; and completed (no empty fields) health certificate (USDA Veterinary Health Certificate for Export of Dogs and Cats from the United States of America to Korea). Follow instructions and checklists listed below in related documents.
Regulations and requirements can change and Soldiers planning to relocate with pets should review related documents below and the 106th Medical Detachment (Veterinary Service Support) website at:
Related Documents
Related Links
Parent Central Services at ACS manages all registrations for CYS. Parents are highly encouraged to complete pre-registration for childcare during in-processing and for your final destination installation.
CYS Registration Prep
Get a head start on your children’s CYS Registration before heading overseas.
To get started:
Note: Single Soldiers and Dual-Military families must complete and have on file a family care plan within 30 days of arrival into Korean Theater.
Child and Youth Programs
The Department of Defense takes great pride in the variety and quality of services provided to children and youth on installations worldwide. While the services provided may vary by location, the standards and quality of services are consistent and meet established regulations.
Child Development Centers
Child development centers, or CDCs, generally offer childcare for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years. Care is available Monday through Friday, with some locations offering options, such as extended hours, weekend care and respite care. Child development centers vary in size and larger installations may operate multiple facilities. Programs are certified by the Department of Defense and accredited by a national accrediting body, such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Family Child Care
Children ages 6 weeks to 12 years may receive care in the private home of a certified family child care provider living in government-owned or leased housing. Family childcare is typically available weekdays and with additional care provided during evenings, weekends and flexible hourly care for shift work. Regulations limit the number of children who receive care at any one time to no more than six children under age 8 and no more than two children under age 2. Family childcare providers must be certified to operate by the installation. Individual providers may voluntarily seek national accreditation from the National Association of Family Child Care and are provided local support, training, and materials to accomplish this goal.
School-Age Care Programs
School-age care programs provide care to children in kindergarten through sixth grade. Care is offered before and after school, during non-school days and summer vacations. School-age care programs may be located in Department of Defense youth centers, child development centers or in other suitable facilities. All programs are certified by the Department of Defense and accredited by a national accrediting body, such as the Council on Accreditation.
Requesting Child Care
Military families may request childcare by visiting This Department of Defense website serves all military families seeking childcare (including Child Development Centers, Family Child Care and school age care programs) and provides access to military-operated childcare options worldwide. Families can search and request, manage their request, and update their profile online in order to simplifying the process for finding childcare.
Youth Programs
Dynamic programs for youth ages 5 through 18 years are provided in approximately 300 youth and teen program facilities worldwide. A wide variety of offerings include activities in physical fitness and sports, the arts, life skills, career and volunteer opportunities. Installation programs may also collaborate with other youth-serving organizations, like the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and USDA/4-H programs.
Household Goods Shipping Process
The Defense Personal Property System is the online system you will use to request and manage your household goods shipment(s). For how-to guides to assist with this application, go to
Arranging Household Goods Shipments
If you are moving overseas, begin to plan what items will go in unaccompanied baggage (UB), in your household goods shipment (HHG), and remain behind in long-term, Non-Temporary Storage, or NTS. It is helpful to check with your sponsor for recent guidance but here are some general things to consider:
If you know you final destination garrison, you may also choose to research on/off post housing options to help get an idea of size and space configurations at
Prep your Vehicle for Shipment
Soldiers must be authorized on their PCS Orders to ship one privately owned vehicle (POV) at government expense. While not recommended, if you intend to ship additional vehicles, these are at your expense and you will need to be authorized by an exception to policy to register more than one SOFA POV. To ship your vehicle overseas, you will need to drop off your vehicle at a Vehicle Processing Center (VPC). To make appointments, learn about shipping, or to track your POV shipment, visit the official PCS My POV.
PCSmyPOV will have the most up-to-date guidance and regulation but here are some things to consider:
NOTE: Find out what damages the vehicle carrier covers and consider buying comprehensive insurance for transit.
The inspection form is your proof as to the condition of your vehicle prior to shipment. ENSURE THAT IT IS ACCURATE. Don’t feel rushed by inspectors.
Vehicle Storage
Vehicle storage may or may not be authorized unless specifically stated in orders. Read your orders carefully and ask beforehand if you are unsure of your entitlements.
Shipping and Pick-up
If you need help, you can call DSN 315-756-8700.
Driving Privately Owned Vehicles (POV)
The following personnel (and their U.S. State licensed dependents age 18 or older) are authorized to obtain a POV License after passing the local written exam:
*Invited contractors, their employees (including Koreans) and dependents of contractors who operate a POV in the Republic of Korea, must first obtain a valid ROK Driver's License. To obtain a ROK driver's license, you should have a valid U.S. State driver's license and USFK Form 700-19A-R-E.
Non-Command Sponsored service members, E-6 and below, require approval from the first O-5 in their chain of command IAW USFK REG 190-1 dated 10 May 2012.
Licensing Requirements
All SOFA status USFK military personnel, USFK civilian appropriated and non-appropriated employees, USFK technical representatives, and family members of the aforementioned personnel must possess a USFK Form 134EK (USFK Motor Vehicle Operator’s Permit) to drive POVs on U.S. installations and Korean roadways.
IAW USFK REG 190-1: All SOFA status military personnel and their family members, civilian appropriated and non-appropriated employees and their family members, and technical representatives and their family members who desire to drive in the ROK and who are qualified under paragraph 2-1d, may use a valid U.S. state driver's license or a valid international driver’s permit as a temporary permit for 30 days after their initial arrival in the ROK to drive POVs on both USFK installations and Korean roadways.
Motorcycle owners may obtain a 10-day temporary license in order to ride to and attend a MSF course if the owner is already in possession of a valid motorcycle operator’s license or motorcycle endorsement issued by the civil authorities of a country or by a U.S. State or territory of the United States. The 10-day temporary license may be issued five days before the start of the MSF course. If the motorcycle owner is unable to attend the MSF class another temporary license may be issued five days prior to attending a new future MSF course.
Consult USFK Regulations 190-1 for additional information on Licensing and Operating Requirements for POVs, Implied Consent Provision, Learner’s Permit, Personal chauffeurs, Business chauffeur, Bus License.
Motor Vehicle Registration
As a general policy, regardless of SOFA privilege status, only one POV per sponsor may be registered with a USFK motor vehicle recorder. There is generally only one sponsor in a family. Families claiming dual sponsorship will provide the documents used to bring the persons to Korea (orders, employment contract, etc), which will be used to determine who is the sponsor. Where these movement documents authorize shipment of a POV to Korea at no expense to the POV owner, the person will be entitled to register a POV. Requests to register a vehicle by SOFA personnel not identified in paragraph 3-1b or for multiple vehicles within a family must follow procedures established by the Area Commander.
Safety Inspection Requirements
All POVs will undergo a safety inspection before registration. Vehicle Emission Testing will be incorporated as a component of the Safety Inspection. POVs must undergo safety inspection and emission testing every two years IAW USFK Pamphlet 200-1.
Insurance Requirements
Related Documents
All Soldiers are eligible to receive a free P.O. Box address at their primary installation. This can be set up during in-processing the Soldier’s final destination installation. APO P.O. Box functions just like a regular US Mailing address with only minor restrictions.
Additional instructions, restrictions, and recommendations are available at:
Families with school-age children relocating to Korea receive a world-class education. From the earliest grade levels through high school graduation, students enrolled at DoDEA Korea schools take part in an exciting blend of academic, social, cultural, and extra-curricular experiences that prepare them for college and career success.
Top 3 things that families need to do before they PCS:
DoDEA Korea is committed to providing the same quality and continuity of education that you are familiar with and works closely with other installation services to minimize the impact on parents and students. Parents should make certain preparations prior to the PCS move to make transition as seamless as possible for your school-age child(ren).
Youth Sponsorship Programs are available for middle school (6th-8th grade) and high school (9th-12th grade) students through the various DODEA schools in addition to Child and Youth Services (CYS) programs. To request a sponsor, visit the School Liaison Officer (SLO) webpage page for USAG Humphreys or USAG Daegu and scroll down to Youth Sponsorship and Transition Support.
The CYS SLO, as a branch of Child and Youth Services (CYS), helps deliver the best educational resources and information for your children. We specialize in education transitions and make sure incoming and exiting families have information about local schools, graduation requirements, after-school services/programs, youth sponsorship programs and home schooling. We also help parents better understand the education process, school organization and integration strategies.
Parents should review and complete preparations outlined on the DoDEA, Pacific West District website, as it provides guidance on the following:
Camp Humphrey's School Liaison Officer (SLO) email address for requesting a youth sponsor:
USAG Daegu and Area IV School Liaison Officer (SLO) email address for requesting a youth sponsor:
Osan AB Schools
USAG Daegu - Camp George
USAG Daegu - Camp Walker
USAG Humphreys Schools
Related Links
Legal Offices and JAG personnel at each installation provide professional, ethical, accurate, and timely legal advice and services to the commanders, Soldiers, family members, and qualified civilian employees.
Legal Services
Document Preparation:
What is a Power of Attorney (POA)?
A Power of Attorney is a written instrument that allows you (the "principal") to authorize someone else (your "agent" or "attorney-in-fact") to act on your behalf and carry on your business in your absence. For example, you might wish to allow a friend to sell your car or ship your household goods. Never have a POA unless you need one and always try to make it a Special POA.
Are there different kinds of POAs?
There are two basic types of powers of attorney:
NOTE: Your Soldier must be present to sign a POA in the presence of the notary, but you (the “agent”) do not.
Military Spouses, PCSing & POAs
It’s a safe bet that you’ll need a POA at some point during your PCS to handle matters when your Soldier isn’t able to. The pace of in-processing in Korea is fast, so consider getting POAs BEFORE PCSing to arrive better prepared. Consult your Legal Office.
Here a few instances when you might need a POA:
When does a Power of Attorney expire?
The expiration date of a POA should be specified in the document and never made indefinite. Regardless of an expiration date, however, POAs automatically terminate when revoked or when either you or your agent die (unless a substitute agent is named).
Want to work overseas?
Command Sponsored dependents stationed overseas must abide by the employment regulations set forth in the Statute of Forces Agreement (SOFA). Contact your Legal Assistance Office for details.
In 2003, President Bush signed the Service members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) into law that replaced and expanded the former Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act (SSCRA) from 1940.
The SCRA offers many protections to Activity Duty Service members ranging from mortgages to interest rates. The SCRA can come into play in matters relating to:
SCRA Resources
For a summary of SCRA protections visit: Military OneSource
More detailed information on SCRA protections visit: Military Officer’s Association of America (MOAA)
If you need to learn more or are unsure about SCRA protections and whether they might apply to your family prior to or during an OCONUS PCS or deployment, contact your Legal Assistance Office.
International plans from most US Cell Phone providers are not practical while stationed in Korea. Many current cellular or smart phones, if unlocked, will work on a Korea Cellular network. There are several ways to acquire a local Korean SIM card. We highly recommend going through the AAFES PX mobile phone service desk or the USO Cellular Service Kiosk depending on your final destination installation.
For a phone to work in Korea, it needs to satisfy these requirements:
Keeping in touch abroad:
While a local Korean cell number is recommended for communicating within South Korea, international plans are not practical. Service members and their families should explore the variety of other options to communicate abroad or back to the US. Many Soldiers and family members abroad find it convenient to utilize third party applications for audio or video chat functions. Below is a list of commonly used applications your family can explore to determine what will work best for your situation in order to stay in touch and communicate:
Dialing Instructions: To/From Korea
Calling DSN Numbers From State Side
Calling DSN Numbers In Korea
Anatomy Of An International Phone Number
Calling Korean Cell Phone Numbers From The US
For many Soldiers and families they will find themselves on the economy for travel, entertainment, and dining. While most businesses will accept bank debit and credit cards, some vendors operate on local currency, cash only. Typically, larger box stores and shopping malls will accept debit and credit cards while smaller shops, restaurants, and street vendors will be cash only. It is recommend carrying some cash in local currency if you plan to shop on the economy. During your PCS into Korea, there is not a direct need to interact on the economy, as you will be moving from airport directly to a military installation.
Financial Institutions
Several major financial institutions support Soldier and families throughout South Korea that include:
Foreign Transaction Fees
When deployed or with a copy of OCONUS PCS Orders, some banks will eliminate the foreign currency transaction fee on credit and/or debit cards (usually 1-2% of purchase price). Contact your bank to learn more.
Exchange Rates (USD to WON)
Most ATMs on US installation will dispense USD or WON. You can select that option from the on-screens menu. You will be accepting the ATM Banks currency exchange rate. You can elect to withdraw USD and exchange currency on the economy. Most based have well known off-post vendors that provide currency conversion at a reduce exchange rate than larger financial institutions. Many websites and applications provide real-time exchange rates.
Chip Credit or Debit Cards
Chip credit cards are more convenient for you when traveling overseas because some merchants and kiosks no longer accept traditional magnetic-stripe credit cards. However, most merchants can still process your magnetic-stripe card manually by swiping the card.
You always can use an ATM to withdraw cash if the merchant doesn't accept the magnetic-stripe cards. Chip-and-PIN technology provides stronger protection against "skimming," a technique in which criminals copy the data from a card's magnetic stripe and use it to create a duplicate or counterfeit card. When a retailer uses a chip-enabled terminal, the chip technology helps prevent theft of account information.
NOTE: Most retail establishments and hotels in South Korea accept traditional magnetic credit cards. However, some stand-alone kiosks, shops, and street venders may be cash only.
Need additional information for getting ready to PCS to Korea? Check out these links to help you get moving in the right direction.
Preparing for Your Move
Family and Children
Facebook Pages and Groups
Exercise OPSEC and do not post names, units, locations, or travel timeframes of Soldiers or family members.
Official Government Pages and Groups
Unofficial Government Pages and Groups
All Soldiers will conduct movement to Camp Humphreys to complete a four-Day in-processing program. All Soldiers and family members will spend the first four to seven days at Camp Humphreys to complete theater in-processing before release to their unit.
If you encounter any issues during travel or upon arrival, you will contact the 19th Human Resources Company Front Desk at Camp Humphreys:
DSN: 315-757-2387
Commercial (Korea): 050-3357-2387
Calling from the US: 011-82-503-357-2387
Commercial Arrivals – Military and Civilians
If you arrive by a commercial airline, you will land at Incheon International Airport, located approximately 50 km west of Seoul. There are four stages to getting through Incheon airport and the process can last an hour or more, especially if travelling with pets. Follow any USFK signs posted directing you to the proper direction.
After disembarking the airplane, make your way toward “Baggage Claim and Immigration.” The first stage will be health declaration. Fill out the form provided on the flight beforehand and present it to the Korean health declaration employees.
Next is Immigration. Remove any hats and/or sunglasses you may be wearing. Present required documents to the immigration officer. No-Fee Passports will be stamped with a 30-day tourist visa, unless an A-3 visa already exists. See Passports, SOFA Stamps & A-3 Visa. You will need the Customs Declaration and Arrival Card you filled out on the plane as well as your military ID or passport for civilians. Go to the “Foreigner Passport” line. Service members only need their military ID card and orders ready. Family members will need either their military dependent ID or passport and be listed on the orders. If traveling TDY to South Korea, have a copy of your TDY orders and military ID or passport.
After Immigration, proceed to the Baggage Claim area. Once you collect your baggage, proceed through the Customs area and into the arrival terminal. Look for the USFK reception desk (See graphic).
At the desk, present your military ID and orders to the Soldiers and they will put you on a bus to Camp Humphreys where you will in-process.
USFK reception desks are in both arrival areas in Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. There are bathroom facilities and convenience stores nearby inside to buy refreshments and snacks while waiting for the bus. Most restaurants and stores take American credit/debit cards, however travelers should notify their banks of their travel plans ahead of time to make sure their cards are not blocked due to suspected suspicious overseas activity.
Recommend using the restroom facilities before boarding the bus for the approximately 1.5- to 2.5-hour bus ride to Camp Humphreys.
Limited seating available on Incheon Airport shuttles. Priority will be given to those on official travel first (PCS, TDY, etc.).
Patriot Express Arrivals
If arriving by Patriot Express, your primary port of arrival into the Republic of Korea will be the Osan Air Base Passenger terminal located in Area 3 within the city of Pyeongtaek. Patriot Express is a USTRANSCOM and Air Mobility Command commercial air contracted service.
Arriving passengers will be received U.S. Air Force personnel and escorted through the immigration, customs process. Arriving personnel will be met by members of 19th Human Resources Company that will coordinate and escort during onward movement to Camp Humphreys for in-processing.
If you arrive via SPACE-A travel or other military airlift you are going to be escorted from aircraft to the Osan Passenger Terminal. It is recommended that you coordinate these travel arrangements ahead of time with both 19th Human Resource Company and your sponsor. If you arrive unplanned, utilize a passenger terminal DSN phone and contact 19th HRC at 010-6497-1260. In extreme off-hours, Osan Airbase does have military lodging at Turumi Lodge, reservations can be made by calling DSN 784-1844. If you’re in Korea, the local number is 0505-784-1844. To call from the states, dial 011-82-505-784-1844 or email us at Anticipate lodging for one night and onward movement will take place the next day to Camp Humphreys. Do not take a taxi to an off-post hotel without notifying 19th HRC.
Arriving to Osan with Pets
Pets (dogs and cats) may enter or depart from the Republic of Korea aboard Patriot Express at the Osan Air Base Terminal.
Due to the absence of pet accommodations at Osan Air Base, the Osan Air Base Terminal is unable to accept pets traveling without their owners or a designated representative.
Designated representatives traveling with pets on the Patriot Express must possess a “Designation of Representative for Privately-Owned Small Animal” form signed by the pet owner.
Pets will travel with Soldier and family members onboard the bus, however they must remain inside their cage/crate throughout the trip.
Any large pets (typically over 50 pounds) will require the Soldier to make separate coordination with their unit sponsor to pick up the pet as it is likely to no fit in the baggage section of the charter bus.
Read more about traveling with pets here.
Arrival Survey
Childcare during in-processing is very limited and contingent upon available spaces in CYS and having a completed registration and enrollment package.
Parent Central Services is here to help get the required information for your child to be enrolled in Child and Youth Services (CYS). For your child to participate in any CYS program on USAG Humphreys, he/she must be registered. We can help you get this accomplished when you stop by, but please ensure that you have proper documents on hand. It is preferred to fill out in advance.
Soldier and family activities available during in-processing
Related Documents
The attached handbook is designed by Army Military Pay Office-Korea to provide you with an understanding of military pay entitlements and allowances related to service in The Korean Theater of Operations (KTO) during armistice. It contains a brief explanation of each entitlement or allowance, who is eligible to receive it, and the applicable amount(s). No quick reference handbook can answer all questions for all situations, and this is not the intent. You should direct questions concerning individual situations and unique circumstances to your Unit S1 and/or Army Military Pay Office-Korea.
The presence of an entitlement or allowance in this handbook does not guarantee that every Soldier in the KTO is authorized to receive the entitlement or allowance. To qualify for an entitlement or allowance, each Soldier must meet the criteria governed by the applicable regulation and be able to substantiate with applicable documentation prior to receipt of payment.
Army Emergency Relief (AER ) Visit ACS for info
AER can provide financial assistance to Active Duty Soldiers, retirees, and their spouse and dependents for relocation travel, funerals, car repair, utilities, medical care, etc. Visit AER at ACS for info. Assistance includes:
Related Documents
Travel Reimbursements
Travel Allowances: Keep the Receipts!
During in-processing your Soldier will fill out a Travel Voucher for certain reimbursable expenses. Funds are direct deposited in 10 days to GTCC or bank account.
Finance documents for In-processing:
Submitted on Travel Voucher
Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) Rate
TLA reimburses Soldiers for OCONUS government lodging and meals during a PCS. TLA is a separate reimbursement based on paperwork submitted to Finance.
TLA Reimbursement Process
Soldiers authorized TLA must sign in upon arrival and submit paperwork for every 10 nights of lodging to be reimbursed for meal and/or lodging costs.
How do we pay for all our travel?
If your family needs financial assistance to help pay for travel expenses before your Soldier is reimbursed, check out these options:
Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)
All Soldiers on official government travel will be issued a GTCC through their losing unit for permissible expenses (see Appendix G of JTR Manual) while on official travel orders. GTCCs may not be used while on leave status.
Base Pay Advance
Review all options before taking a PCS pay advance. Within 60 days of arrival, Soldiers may qualify for an advance of up to 1 month of disposable pay (after allotments, taxes, and deductions). This must be paid back within 12 months.
Pets will be transported from the airport/PAX terminal to Camp Humphreys on the bus with their owners. All pets must remain in their carrier throughout the trip.
Hotel Accommodations
While staying in lodging, you will have your pet in your room with you. Be sure to plan for food, water, and bathroom breaks.
Installations across Korea have many walking trails and parks that can make for a great way for Soldiers and families to get out and acclimate. This also serves to get your pet acclimated as well. Be sure to clean up after your pet. If you haven’t checked out our traveling with pets page, go here:
Pet care and Kenneling:
SOFA status personnel are required to register each domestic pet in their possession, at the appropriate Veterinary Treatment Facility, within 10 duty days of arrival on the Korean peninsula or upon the acquisition of the pet. They are also required to notify their installation housing office of their pet ownership within the same time frame.
Registration consists of creating a veterinary treatment record DD Form 2343 (Veterinary Health Record) with proof of rabies virus vaccination and proof of microchip implantation (as applicable). There are three military veterinary clinics on the peninsula where you may register your pet. You must register your pet in-person.
Soldiers and Family Members receive medical and dental care in both military treatment facilities and host-nation facilities upon referral from their primary care manager. All eligible patients receive access to high quality health care governed by DoD and TRICARE regulations and guidelines. Access to care has been designed to support active duty dependents to help them obtain care easily, and thus make it possible for active duty members to perform their military service without worrying about health care for their dependents. The priority of care is based on the following categories:
It is also important to manage expectations, as there are sometimes limited specialty providers. You can generally expect to obtain an appointment for an acute/same day care within 24 hours. Emergency care is available at several nearby hospitals.
Please click on links for additional information.
Tricare Interpreter
Navigating Korean hospitals without understanding the language can make things challenging. Feel free to call Tricare's 24/7 language interpretation service at 080-429-0880. Select option 1 and ask for an interpreter.
TRICARE Overseas: Beneficiaries can download the MyCareOverseas App for information and assistance with Host Nation Hospital care and referrals.
Medical In-Processing
To ensure your Soldier and family are enrolled in TRICARE to receive healthcare in South Korea:
Submit all medical and dental records during in-processing.
Self-Care at On-Post Pharmacy
Need an over-the-counter medicne for a minor issue? Grab a number at the installation Clinic’s pharmacy and a pharmacist will help take care of you. No appointment needed!
Emergency Room Services & Off-Post Medical Care
Korean Hospitals serve as the emergency medical facilities for the U.S. military communities. Nearly all hospitals have English speaking patient liaisons to assist during any hospital visits. Soldiers and families are provided a local map and contacts in the event of an emergency during in-processing.
Dental Care
Keep Dependent Dental Insurance
All dependent (adult and pediatric) dental care at the Army Dental Clinic is on a space-available basis. As such, many dependents see local dentists. So, keep or enroll your family in TRICARE Dental insurance to ensure your family has access to care when they need it.
Dependent Dental Care
On-post: Call the Dental Clinic for availability.
Off-post: No referral is needed to use TRICARE insurance for dental treatment (except orthodontics). Ask the dental Clinic or search on Find A Dentist-OCONUS.
Dental Sick Call & Emergencies
Emergent Dental Need: Dental Clinic during Sick Call hours (e.g. severe tooth pain, chipped tooth, etc.)
True Dental Emergency: Dental Clinic (immediate care) (e.g. permanent tooth loss, oral bleeding, mouth swelling)
Dental + Medical Emergency: ER or call 911 (e.g. head injury, trouble breathing, nausea/vomiting)
Orthodontic Care
Orthodontic treatment
Orthodontic treatment at the Dental Clinic is only available on a Space-A basis for Active Duty Soldiers and dependent children. Soldiers and children arriving in South Korea with orthodontic appliances or braces are not guaranteed on-post treatment. (Active Duty Soldiers treated by another military orthodontist are usually approved for on-post care.) Most patients receive off-post referrals to start or continue care at their expense.
TIP: Learn about your ortho benefits OCONUS (50%) vs. CONUS (25%) in the TRICARE Dental Benefit Booklet.
Eye Care
Army Optometry Clinic
The Optometry Clinic at Army Health Clinics provides routine eye exams for dependents. However, TRICARE does cover eye exams from qualified overseas optometrists with a primary care referral. If you require additional optometry services aside from those listed below, you may be referred.
Bring the following to an eye exam:
Optometry Services
*TRICARE covers glasses/contacts for certain conditions.
Contact Lenses
To receive a new prescription for contact lenses, you must first schedule an eye exam at the Optometry Clinic where the optometrist will provide you with a set of trial contact lenses. You must return to the Clinic for a follow up appointment to receive your final prescription.
Soldiers, Be Green On MEDPROS!
To ensure your Soldier is medically fit for trainings and deployments, he or she must be “green” (up-to-date) on “MEDPROS” (Medical Protection System). This means your Soldier has the necessary medical equipment (eyewear, etc.) to fulfill his or her job responsibilities.
During in-processing, your Soldier needs to visit the Health Clinic, including Optometry, to receive any necessary medpros.
Related links
Housing assignments are determined at the final destination installation based on the military sponsor’s rank and family size. Housing options include low-rise apartments, town houses, duplex homes, and single-family homes that generally range from two to five bedrooms. On and off-post housing in Korea is comparable to or better than housing at military bases throughout the world, and most places in Korea are new construction.
Soldiers with families at USAG-H can expect to stay in hotel lodging until they relocate to permanent housing. Soldiers on an unaccompanied tour can expect to transition to senior living quarters (SLQ) or off-post housing if authorized; after completing in-processing.
During in-processing Soldiers and families will receive a briefing from the Housing Office on the availability of houses on-post based on the following guidance:
Application for Army Family Housing via Email
To apply for family housing send "ALL" the below document to USAG Housing Office to receive your housing availability projection/option to:
You will receive an email from the Housing Office within 48 hours letting you know your housing option.
Related Links
When you arrive in South Korea, you must coordinate for UB/HHG delivery:
If you need further assistance or additional storage, contact the installations transportation office.
There are unique opportunities for Reserve component Soldiers to continue serving in the US Army Reserve while living in Korea. Two Army Reserve units permanently stationed at Camp Humphreys in South Korea work together with Active Component and Republic of Korea Army forces to maintain readiness in defense of the Pacific. Supporting real world missions while adhering to the highest levels of readiness, an assignment with either the 658 Regional Support Group or USARPAC-SU Korea Detachment is filled with unique experiences for Army Reserve Soldiers.
Living in Korea also provides TPU Army Reserve assignment opportunities in Japan, Guam, and other 9th Mission Support Command units across the Pacific.
For more information about joining an Army Reserve unit located in Asia, email
658 Regional Support Group, HHC
The 658 Regional Support Command, HHC is a O6-level headquarters element that manages the logistical support of personnel and equipment.Its mission is to support the Reception, Staging, and Onward Movement of personnel on and off the Korean peninsula, to include base defense. It has an ongoing training partnership with ROK Army’s reserve component, Mobilization Force Command, and regularly conducts partnered training and missions with them, and other US Active Duty partners under the 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command.
USARPAC-Supporting Units
USARPAC-SU provides Battle Staff capabilities and Military History/Public Affairs that reinforces USARPAC ability to conduct of Unified Land Operations (ULO) throughout the Pacific. The USARPAC-SU Korea Detachment trains with and augments 8th Army’s Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) efforts. In Japan, USARPAC-SU Japan Detachment similarly supports US Army Japan’s NEO.
9th Mission Support Command
The 9th Missions Support Command (MSC), stationed at Fort Shafter Flats on Oahu, Hawaii, is the U. S. Army Reserve (USAR) Command of the Pacific under the operational control of the U.S Army Pacific Command (USARPAC). The 9th MSC is provides capability and trained and ready forces to oversees contingency operations. It is the most geographically dispersed Army Reserve command in the Army Reserve, operating across seven time zones, spread throughout three countries, three states, and three American territories.
9th MSC Public Site:
The following map tool will connect you to each garrison where you can learn about the programs and services offered in your future community. Many programs offer separate webpages to manage event calendars and activity schedules. You should take some time to navigate and explore. If you have any questions about services, programs, or activities prior to arrival you should contact your TASP unit sponsor.
The strength of our nation is our Army. The strength of our Army is our Soldiers. The strength of our Soldiers is in our families. Taking care of our Soldiers, Families, and Civilians is an enduring Army priority.
Soldiers, Civilians and Families stationed in the Republic of Korea enjoy a dynamic, family-friendly assignment that is personally and professionally rewarding.
This is an exciting time to be a Pacific Victor as Eighth Army moves toward a future that ensures we are postured to continue our enduring legacy of service in the Republic of Korea. Eighth Army has undergone the most sweeping transformation in our organization’s history to consolidate the bulk of our operations at two enduring hubs south of Seoul.
An investment of approximately $10.7 billion has expanded U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys near Pyeongtaek from 1,200 to over 3,500 acres. Soldiers, Civilians and Families stationed here now live and work in one of the Army’s flagship garrison communities with access to a wide array of services and amenities.
Further south, U.S. Army Garrison Daegu has the largest footprint in Korea, encompassing almost half of the country. USAG Daegu manages base operations on six U.S. Army installations and 11 sites in Area IV, stretching from Daejeon to Busan. As an enduring hub on the peninsula, USAG Daegu also provides support to the U.S. Navy at Fleet Activities Jinhae and the U.S. Marine Corps at Camp Mujuk in Pohang.
North of Seoul, Camp Casey remains as the Army’s main garrison close to the Demilitarized Zone. Soldiers assigned there are unaccompanied and the post mainly supports U.S. Army combat brigades on rotation from the continental United States. The camp has the normal variety of garrison facilities and amenities, and is located in Dongducheon city, which is about a 45-minute drive to Seoul. A train ride is about one hour.
In addition to state-of-the-art facilities, a duty assignment to South Korea offers Soldiers a great opportunity to excel in the profession of arms preparing to defend against both conventional and unconventional threats through combined training with our Korean counterparts. The 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division is the core ground force with ROK and U.S. Army officers functioning as an integrated command team. The combined division is an evolutionary step for our alliance and provides Army officers with a unique training experience.
As the Department of Defense continues its rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region, Eighth Army will be one of the primary destinations for the latest in warfighting equipment.
With one of the Army’s premier garrison environments and a vibrant cultural experience just outside the gate, South Korea is one of the Army’s best duty stations for military families. The DoDEA School System on the Korean Peninsula provides students with an exciting blend of academic, social, cultural and extracurricular experiences that prepare them for success later on in life. Outside of duty hours, families have the opportunity to explore a modern nation, renowned for its rich cultural history and aesthetic beauty.
With all of the benefits that Soldiers, Civilians and Family Members serving in Eighth Army have at their disposal it is easy to see why the “Land of the Morning Calm” is one of the Army’s most popular destinations. To learn more about why South Korea is the Army’s best kept secret take time to explore some of the related links on this page or ask your career counselor for more information.
Pacific Victors!
Welcome to Eighth Army!
Our goal is to provide some resources to family members who consider employment opportunities while living in Korea.
There are several different avenues of employment throughout Korea. These include Appropriate (APF) and Non-Appropriate (NAF) funded federal positions, invited contractor positions, Korean National positions, and other employment opportunities in the local economy.
Military Spouse Preference
You are eligible for this hiring category if you are a spouse of active members of the Military Services (including the U.S. Coast Guard and full-time Reserve or National Guard) when you apply for all positions in the commuting area of the new duty station being filled under competitive procedures within the Department of Defense (DoD).
Preference can be granted only once per Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move. Preference terminates when you accept OR decline a continuing permanent position without the time limitation. You must physically be at the foreign post to receive preference or 30 days prior to the report date for overseas assignment.
Required Documents:
Military Spouse Preference
You are eligible for this hiring category if you are a spouse, domestic partner or unmarried dependent child younger than 23 who:
Family members with non-US citizenship who meet the requirement above may search and apply for available Korean Local National positions in accordance with USFK Reg 690-1.
Family Preference does NOT apply to:
Required Supporting Documents for preference:
Veterans Preference
Special consideration is given to qualified veterans, known as Veterans’ Preference, not all veterans are entitled to it. Veterans’ preference eligibility can be based on dates of active duty service, receipt of a campaign badge, receipt of a Purple Heart, or a service-connected disability. Veterans Preference does not guarantee a job.
Special Hiring Authorities:
Vet Guide is available at
Veterans Employment Information is available at
Army Appropriated Funded Federal Jobs
Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) -
The Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) is the organization in the Department of the Army responsible for managing all aspects of the human resources life-cycle-from recruiting to retirement.
Area IV CPAC :
DODEA / Air Force / Navy/ Federal positions
Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) -
Visit the website to search all available Air Force vacancies.
AIR FORCE (Osan) Civilian Personnel Office: Bldg. 936, DSN: 315-784-6862
Visit the website to search all available Navy vacancies.
Navy (Chinhae) Civilian Personnel POC: DSN: 315-763-5316
SECO (Spouse Education & Career Opportunities)
The Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program provides expert education and career guidance to military spouses worldwide. For more information, visit
Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) Employment
NAF positions include a variety of occupations paid from funds generated from sales, fees, and charges to authorized patrons. NAF employees play an important role in providing MWR services to military personnel and their family members. Army clubs, guest houses, child care centers, craft shops, bowling centers, swimming pools, gymnasiums, and many other NAF activities employ a considerable number of employees at most Army installations and contribute to the overall quality of life. This category comprises U.S. civilians; foreign nationals, usually from the local labor market; and enlisted service personnel working part-time during off-duty hours. All compete for employment on the basis of merit.
NAF positions include Human Resource Management, Physical Fitness, Child Development, Trades and Crafts, Food and Beverage Management, Golf and Bowling, Recreation, Hotels and Lodging, as well as a variety of clerical and administrative jobs. NAF positions are worldwide and provide vital support to our Soldiers, their Families and our Civilian employees.
Currently all Army Nonappropriated Fund Vacancy Announcements are located on the USAJobs website located at:
Helpful Hints: Please ensure that if you are Military Spouse Preference (MSP) eligible you attach a copy of your Sponsor’s Orders.
Military Spouse Preference is defined as the wife or husband of an active duty military member of the Armed Forces. For purposes of this preference, the marriage must have occurred prior to the service members’ relocation to the new duty station. By law, qualified MSP applicants are placed at the top of the Referral List.
If you are a Current or Former NAF Employee, you should attach a copy of your DA 3434.
If you are a Veteran, you should attach a copy of your DD214, copy 4.
Both US Citizens and Non-citizens may apply for NAF vacancies.
NAF uses the E-Verify system to ensure all new hires are eligible to work in the US.
Are you a Former Army NAF Employee?
Was your resignation date within the last 3 years?
If you answered yes to both of these then you may be eligible for a non-competitive reinstatement into the same or equivalent position in the same grade or lower.
You would need: Resume or DA Form 3433, DA Form 3434, additional documentation to meet qualification requirements (HS Diploma, college transcript, certifications, etc.)
Contact your local CPAC or HRO Office.
Family members who are interested in available opportunities working with AAFES can go to the following website:
Spouse preference offered to new applicants
Associate Transfer Program: The Exchange can help military spouses retain employment when they transition from one location to another when they PCS with a military family member. This is called the Associate Transfer program (subject to eligibility criteria). Contact the local HRO for additional information at or by phone #: 031-647-7000 (x6).
USFK Invited Contractor Employment
Invited Contractor (IC) status shall be governed by the U.S.-ROK Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) as implemented by United States Forces Korea (USFK) Reg 700-19 in order to legally work in the Republic of Korea (ROK).
USFK Regulation 700-19 contains the policies and procedures pertaining to invited contractors and describes authorized privileges and exemptions.
For forms, documents, guidance and regulations, please access the FKAQ 700-19 Tool Kit at
For more contracted companies, please see the Job Links.
Applying for Korean National Designated Positions
USFK employs Korean Nationals (KN) in support of our mission in Korea. Their employment program is governed by USFK Reg 690-1. This regulation allows for family members (US, and third country national) to apply for external vacancy announcements under this system for positions that are not designated as Mission Essential Civilian (MEC).
If a KN position is announced both for internal applicants and external applicants and there are no qualified internal KN candidates, family member candidates will be considered before external KN applicants are considered.
Family members can check the following websites to look for vacancy announcements and apply for positions:
Outside Employment
The Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) underwent significant changes as part of extensive negotiations between the United States and the Republic of Korea (ROK). The SOFA changes went into effect on 2 April 2001, and include a one-page Memorandum of Understanding regarding preferential hiring of Koreans and employment of family members (hereinafter Memorandum of Understand (MOU) dated 18 January 2001.
There are Eight Employment Related Visa Categories: The MOU states that "any of the eight employment status categories (E-1 through E-8) may be available" to USFK family members "as long as they meet employment requirements for a position stipulated by Korean Immigration Law."
How to Get an Employment Visa: A-3 visa holders may negotiate terms of employment with a Korean company. The employer can then initiate the paperwork with the Korean Immigration Service to obtain an employment permit for the SOFA family member, SOFA family members will likely have to visit a local Immigration office and obtain an employment permit stamp on their passports. SOFA family members with a ROK employment permit can be lawfully employed on the Korean economy.
Virtual Employment for a CONUS Company
Remote work, or telework, by SOFA dependents is both permissible and normally nontaxable IAW the US-ROK SOFA. Dependents who are permitted to telework back to their Private sector companies located in CONUS do not trigger SOFA visa issues.
SOFA Article XIV, Taxation, paragraph 2 states: "Persons in the Republic of Korea solely by reason of being members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component, or their dependents shall not be liable to pay any Korean taxes to the Government of the Republic of Korea or to any taxing agency in the Republic of Korea on income derived from sources outside of the Republic of Korea"
Additionally, according to the SOFA, SOFA members are not considered as permanent residents of the ROK. Therefore, SOFA family members providing services remotely, from Korea to employers in the U.S., are not liable to pay any Korean taxes as their earned incomes are from sources outside the ROK.
Any income from the employment on the local economy is subject to Korean taxation.
Personal Contract Jobs
Local and Worldwide Contractor Recruiter List: The Army Community Service (ACS) division maintains this listing. It includes local and world-wide contractors that are not listed on
The list is maintained weekly and is distributed through the Digital Employment Readiness Job List Data Base. Names are added to the list by request only.
Those seeking employment opportunities can be added to the list by contacting Mr. Eric Burton at:
Please visit the Family and MWR Employment website to find out additional information and opportunities at
Employment opportunities through Army Community Services (ACS)
USAJOBS website: This is the primary source that list all federal employment opportunities worldwide at
Employment Readiness Job Data Base List: Sent out weekly to 600+ employment seekers (primarily to military spouses). Distributed to Employment Readiness clients that have requested service through the ACS Employment Program. Those seeking employment opportunities can be added upon request.
Military Spouse Initiative Program (MSIP): This program is for spouses who currently do not have a permanent position in the Far East Region. Spouses can meet one-on-one with a local POC to review their qualifications and receive feedback and guidance as needed. Military Spouses that are interested must email their resumes directly to (
Home Based Business (HBB): The Employment Readiness Program conducts two reoccurring monthly Home Based Business seminars in a class-room or virtual setting. Spouses must complete required training with an approved HBB application. Spouses must visit the ACS front desk to complete registration.
Military Spouse Employment Partners (MSEP): MSEP creates employment connections providing companies with direct access to military spouses seeking career opportunities. Spouses also have direct access to actively recruiting employers (
Army Career Development Program
Army Career Development Program (ACDP) (formally Army Civilian Training, Education, and Development System (ACTEDS)):
A requirements-based program that ensures planned development of civilian members of the force through a blending of progressive and sequential work assignments, formal training, and self-development for individuals as they progress from entry level to key positions. The ACDP is a 2-year, HQDA centrally funded program available to all career program areas. Career Programs will be expected to utilize Direct Hire Authorities (DHA) to minimize time to hire and improve candidate quality:
Pathways Recent Graduate Program:
Provides developmental experiences in the Federal Government. It is intended to promote possible careers in the civilian service to individuals who, within the previous 2 years, graduated from a qualifying educational institutions with an associate’s bachelor’s, master’s, professional, doctorate, vocational or technical degree or certificate:
Volunteer Opportunities through Army community service (ACS)
Registration: Spouses wishing to volunteer may register at the Army Family Web Portal at:
Can search volunteer opportunities from the same Web Portal by going to the Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS) link.
Once the volunteer has found a volunteer position, there will be a POC on the position announcement. The volunteer should contact the POC of the org directly for information on the volunteer opportunity.
Summer Hire Program
The Summer Hire Program is designed to provide young people an opportunity to gain meaningful job experience, prepare for future educational and career goals, and support the Army mission.
The program will provide jobs in general clerical and light labor work to U.S. family member dependents ages 14-22.
Applicants for summer hire positions must be unmarried family members of active-duty service members, Department of Defense civilian employees or non-appropriated fund (Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation or Army and Air Force Exchange Service) civilian.
Persons under the age of 18 will not be employed as caregiving personnel at childcare, school-age, or youth centers. Persons aged 16 years and older may be assigned to these programs to perform clerical or labor duties. Supervisors will provide line-of-sight supervision according to DOD Instruction 1402.5 and AR 608-10.
Applicants must submit online application through USAjobs:
Tutorials And Tips on Applications, Resumes, and Interviews
The following links have tips and tutorials and tips on the application process for federal employment:
More information can be found at
The following are tutorials and tips on applications, resumes, and interviews (Video):
Did You Know?
Did You Know? USA jobs has a search function that can automatically notify you by email of jobs in your area of interest? Save a Search (and set up email notifications)
Local Job Fairs Information
Local USFK communities regularly host post sponsored job fairs which enable employment opportunities to happen on the spot in some cases.
Employers at these job fairs normally represent a multitude of different industries and specialties. Common employers include: US Army Civilian Employment, DOD Civilian employment, NAF Employment, AAFES, Community Bank, DeCA, DODEA, Invited Contractors, local MSEP vendors.
There are normally no registration requirements and the event is free.
Participation is normally limited to CAC cardholders only.
Contact your local ACS for more information on any scheduled job fair events.
Job Links
Below is a listing of job links. They are divided by employment type for ease of navigation:
US Federal Jobs
Virtually all federal DOD jobs, including paid internships, are posted online through You can use USAJobs to upload your resume, browse open positions, and apply for jobs across the United States and overseas.
Non-Appropriate (NAF) Jobs
Invited Contractor Jobs
NEO Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a Non Combatant Evacuation?
Non Combatant Evacuation is a standard U.S. response to hostilities and natural disasters which might endanger our citizens. One of the primary goals of NEO training is to ensure we can do this task successfully under real-world circumstances.
2. Who is my NEO Warden?
Each unit has a designated NEO Warden. Please contact your chain of command to find out who is your NEO Warden. NEO Wardens are available to update your NEO packets, demonstrate use of the ICAPS mask and answer any questions you might have about a potential evacuation.
3. Can NEO registration be completed on-line?
All potential evacuees must contact their NEO Warden to update their packets, information and items in their NEO kits. Contact your NEO warden today to ensure you are ready.
For more information, click here (CAC-enabled)
Related Documents
Related Links
Outlined below are several resources that will prepare you for success as a member of the Eighth Army team.
Blue Book Download, 05 SEP 2024 V.2 [PDF / 4.7MB] [PDF - 4.7 MB]
Passenger service agents are available to assist and can be contacted at DSN 784-6883 if travelers have additional questions.
This information is updated as of July 18, 2024.
For more Osan Patriot Express information and schedules, visit:
After receiving feedback from the public, the CDC has modified their updated equirements for bringing a dog into the United States.
Starting on August 1, 2024, dogs entering or returning to the United States that have been only in dog rabies-free or low-risk countries in the past 6 months must meet the following requirements:
The Republic of Korea is a low-risk country. If you are traveling with a dog, and that dog has only been in the ROK for the past 6 months, they will be able to travel.
Travelers can fill out the dog import form online, and will receive the receipt by email upon submission.
For more information, the form and instructions for filling it out, visit the CDC website at
Eighth Army Cybersecurity Branch (CSB) mission is to continuously strengthen the cybersecurity posture of the systems, networks, and users of 8A HQ and MSCs.
Eighth Army CSB stands ready to support the warfighter and the Fight Tonight mission through the Cybersecurity and Cyberspace services of our team to the Eighth Army and Major Subordinate Command (MSC).
Eighth Army G6 Cybersecurity News letter
Cyber Awareness Links
Here are some resources to educate and help you before connecting.
It is the policy of Eighth Army to provide EEO in Federal employment, consistent with federal merit systems principles and applicable law, for all persons, to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, sex, (including sexual orientation & pregnancy), national origin, age (40 and over), physical or mental disability, genetic information, and/or reprisal in an employment matter, including Equal Pay Act complaints, or other impermissible basis.
Discrimination Complaints
Department of the Army Civilian employees who believe that they have been discriminated against must consult with a counselor at their Servicing Garrison EEO Office within 45 days of the alleged discriminatory act before filing a formal complaint.
Reasonable Accommodation
A reasonable accommodation is any change in the work environment or the way things are customarily done that would enable an individual with a disability to enjoy equal employment opportunity. Department of the Army Civilian employees may inform their supervisor of their need for reasonable accommodation either orally or in writing. Supervisors have two business days upon receipt of the employee’s request for a reasonable accommodation to contact the Disability Program Manager at their Servicing Garrison EEO Office.
Servicing Garrison EEO Offices
Related Documents
Eighth Army Equal Employment Opportunity Office
We all have a role in protecting the force. If you “See Something, Say Something”.
Potential Indicators of a Threat
What to Report
To Report Suspicious Activity
Area 1 DSN 732-7023 COMM 0503-332-7023
Area 2 DSN 738-7318 or 738-7905 COMM 0503-338-7318 or 0503-338-7318
Area 3 DSN 754-6142 COMM 0503-354-6142
Area 4 DSN 768-7607 or 765-8343 COMM 0503-368-7607 or 0503-368-8343
8A Anti-Terrorism Offices
Eighth Army DSN 722-8320 COMM 0503-322-8320
1st Signal Brigade DSN 722-0532 COMM 0503-322-0532
2nd Infantry Division DSN 732-6674 COMM 0503-332-6674
19th ESC DSN 768-9100 COMM 0503-368-9100
35th ADA Brigade DSN 784-0640 COMM 0503-384-0640
65th Medical Brigade DSN 732-2599 COMM 0503-332-2599
501st MI Brigade DSN 722-0852 COMM 0503-322-0852
Related Links
The Inspector General serves as a member of the Commander’s personal staff providing advice and counsel on all IG matters pertaining to the state of the command’s economy, efficiency, discipline, morale, training and readiness. In other words, the IG is interested in every aspect of the command. The IG Team is made up of Soldiers and DOD Civilians selected for duty based on experience and proven professionalism.
The Eighth Army Inspector General team’s mission is to provide impartial, objective, and unbiased advice and oversight through relevant, timely, and thorough inspections, assistance, investigations, and training. Promote and enable stewardship, accountability, integrity, efficiency, and good order and discipline to enhance Eighth Army readiness.
8A IG Assistance
IG Resources:
What We Do
Teaching and Training
Things to remember about the IG
Everyone has the right to contact an IG at any time, and no one may hinder an individual’s right to do so. Supervisors may not engage in reprisal or retaliatory measures against a person for contacting an IG. The easiest way to submit an issue or complaint is to contact us or to submit DA Form 1559, “Inspector General Action Request” through the following email address: We answer all IG inquiries objectively, and we strive to maintain confidentiality as much as possible.
What the IG Does Not Do
Please understand the IG complaint resolution process does not generally address issues covered by other grievance channels unless those avenues were improperly administered. Dissatisfaction with the outcome is not considered improper administration.
Related Documents
This information is updated as of November 7, 2024
There are several avenues to experience everything that the Assignment of Choice has to offer.
Immediately upon arrival in the Republic of Korea you’ll be offered several options to get out an enjoy the sights. Whether this is from collegiate level cultural instruction from our partner universities, MWR trips, or outreach activities through your unit’s Good Neighbor Program, you’ll have every opportunity to meet the local communities that make the Alliance strong.
This will be provided to every arriving person proceeding through in-processing at 19HRC in order to inform of available resources that improve the quality of life.
Upcoming Events
Korean Headstart Program: Area III
The Korean Head Start program is a cultural immersion course conducted at Anjeong-ri Art Squre. The program is sponsored by Gyeonggi Province and Pyeongtaek City, providing cultural instruction and experiences to Eighth Army Soldiers, Family members, and DA Civilians. The One day course includes cultural instruction, procedures to utilize local transportation, authentic cuisine, cultural demonstrations, and visits to local markets.
8A G9 Korean Cultural Awareness Training Program Team:
USFK Cultural Immersion Program
The USFK Korean Cultural Immersion Program is a ROK funded program to enhance the morale of US Service Members, Civilian employees and their families serving in Korea by creating great memories of their time in Korea and further building the ROK/US Alliance; ultimately making Korea an assignment of choice. Further Details Below:
Contact your unit Good Neighbor Program coordinator or unit chaplain today to show your interest and get more information!
Army MWR: Camp Humphreys
We have a variety of recreational activities for Soldiers, families, and civilians right here on post. Whether you enjoy golf, bowling, arts & crafts, working on your car or visiting Korea … you can do it with USAG Humphreys Family and MWR. And there is so much more! We offer top quality child care services and youth programs, discount ticket sales for area attractions, rentals of almost anything at Family and MWR Rents, and if you're hungry, try one of our restaurants.
19ESC: Community Relations at Daegu
A plethora of cultural immersion opportunities are available in and around Daegu. Below are a few of our upcoming events
The G9 Cultural Team is also poised to answer any questions.
G9 Good Neighbor Team usarmy.humphreys.8-army.mbx.8a-g9-cultural-team1@army.milil
Related Documents
Related Links
The following off-post establishments and areas are OFF LIMITS by order of Area Commander:
USFK Off Limits Information
USFK Reg 190-2 Policy (21 Feb 2012)
The areas and establishments listed below have been declared off-limits for safety, health, or operational considerations for all personnel subject to this regulation, except as noted. Additional off-limits areas will be determined by Area Commanders IAW paragraph 5.
a) All tattoo parlors and body piercing shops. This paragraph does not apply to personnel listed in APPLICABILITY paragraphs (d) and (e).
b) All houses of prostitution. A house of prostitution is defined as any building or structure where prostitution or the promotion of prostitution (engaging in any sexual activity with another person for a fee) is regularly carried on by one or more persons under the control, management, or supervision of another.
c) The ROK public streets, roads, and highways during the hours of curfew when established by the ROK Government. Travel during curfew hours is permitted, in emergencies or when performing official duties.
d) In accordance with the ROK Ministry of Home Affairs notice #89-9, dated 1 December 1989, the ROK Government curfew areas north of civilian control line at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) affecting 16 Ups and Myons of Kangwa, Kimpo, Paju and Yonchon in Kyonggi Province, 20 Ups and Myons of Chorwon, Hwachon, Yanggu, Inje, and Kosong in Kangwon Province, 13 islands near the DMZ in Kyonggi Province, and seas within three (3) nautical miles of coast. Travel is permitted in these areas in emergencies or when performing official duties.
AREA I, II, IV Off limits areas
Area III limits areas
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Eighth Army maintains a "WORLD CLASS " safety program that protects the force and is perceived by its customers as essential to accomplishing daily missions; training; Armistice operations, and actual hostilities.
Eighth Army Command Safety Office
Eighth Army Command Safety Office (CSO) Program's mission is to assist units with accomplishing their missions without unnecessary losses of personnel and equipment and therefore preserve and protect our combat power. Leaders, NCOs, and Servicemembers will employ the risk management process outlined in applicable risk management doctrine and integrate Risk Management (RM) into all phases of an operation, from the planning phase thru the execution phase of all missions. RM is the integration of safety and risk management into all elements associated with Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership & Education, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF).
We can manage risks more effectively through RM, which blends tactical, threat-based risks with accidental, hazard-based risks to create a more thorough evaluation of possible hazards associated with the mission. RM is accomplished through the application of sound risk management procedures by leaders and individuals at all levels. The RM process identifies the optimum course of action (COA) to mitigate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level. RM is critical for all operations, whether for training, planned missions, tactical exercises, or daily operations. The CSO staff provides guidance and assistance, safety evaluations, and recommendations to prevent accidents and injuries. Additionally, the staff provides safety training classes for safety-related programs.
Sexual harassment and sexual assault has no place in the Army. Commanders and leaders at all levels are responsible for providing a safe and healthy environment for those in their charge. This responsibility requires leaders to take action to prevent sexual harassment and sexual assault, protect and support survivors, and hold offenders accountable by taking all appropriate administrative and judicial actions based on the facts and circumstances of each case.
8A 24/7 SHARP Response Hotline
8A SHARP Email:
8A SHARP Portal (CAC required):
US Army SHARP Website:
DoD SafeHelpline:
8A SHARP Mission
The mission of the 8A SHARP Program is dedication to fostering a culture of dignity and respect within our ranks. We are committed to the prevention of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and retaliation through comprehensive education, prompt and thorough response to incidents, and unwavering support for survivors. Our mission is to ensure a safe and inclusive environment that empowers all members to serve with honor and integrity.
8A SHARP Vision
Our vision is to cultivate an 8A community where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued. We strive to lead the way in eradicating sexual harassment, sexual assault, and retaliation through our unwavering dedication to innovative prevention strategies, exceptional support services, and a steadfast commitment to accountability, compassionate advocacy, and continuous assessment. By fostering a culture of trust and mutual respect, we aim to set the standard for a harassment-free environment.
8A SHARP Program
Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) and Victim Advocates (VAs) receive training certified by the National Advocate Credentialing Program (NACP) and are credentialed through the DOD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP). SARCs and VAs assist Soldiers with sexual assault reports, providing a 24/7 response capability. These professionals also support commanders with prevention, training and awareness efforts.
I need to talk to someone: on-call SARC/VA is standing by 24/7/365
8A 24/7 SHARP Response Hotline:
DoD Safe Helpline:
How do I File a Sexual Harassment Complaint
I am a Soldier:
I am an Army Civilian:
I am a Korean Employees (working in the USFK Installation):
*** Call 8A 24/7 SHARP Response Hotline: DSN: 158 or 763-5700 or Cell/Landline: 0503-363-5700 for further assistance.
How do I report a Sexual Assault
I am a Soldier:
I am an Adult Dependent of a Soldier (over 18 y/o) :
I am a Army Civilian or a US Contractor:
I am a Korean Employees (working in the USFK Installation):
I am a KATUSA:
***8A 24/7 SHARP Response Hotline: DSN: 158 or 763-5700 or Cell/Landline: 0503-363-5700 for further assistance.
I Want to Help Someone
How Can I Help if I Witness Something? Take Action!
Don’t forget the 3D’s of Bystander Intervention
Related Documents
Related Links
8A BH-Handbook Apr 2024.pdf [PDF - 7.1 MB]
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Call Operator (KOREA-WIDE)
Attention! When calling from the U.S. you MUST dial the number below.
Calling from Stateside: 011-82-503-323-1110
DSN 0 (From Korea): COMM 0503-323-1110
SHARP Hotline
Attention! When calling from the U.S. you MUST dial the number below.
DoD Safe Helpline: 1-877-995-5247
USFK 24/7 Hotline DSN: 763-5700
USFK 24/7 Hotline from Stateside: 011-82-53-470-5700 or 011-82-503-363-5700
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Social Media & OPSEC [PDF - 962.2 KB]
Social Media Handbook [PDF - 11.4 MB]