Tuesday November 19, 2013
What is it?
The U.S. Army’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program is a key component of efforts to make the force ready and resilient. Army SHARP, the Office of the Judge Advocate General and the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, known as CID, are dedicated to providing high quality investigation, prosecution and legal support to victims of sexual assault.
Through Army’s Ready and Resilient campaign, Army total force members and partner organizations are working hard to provide Soldiers, civilians, and families with what they expect and deserve - a positive work environment.
What has the Army done?
In an effort to instill confidence and trust, strengthen resilience, and inspire victims to report incidents of sexual assault, the Army has:
What efforts does the Army have planned for the future?
The Joint Services Committee on Military Justice drafted language for an Executive Order to amend the Manual for Courts Martial to ensure that victims of crime are given the opportunity to provide input to the post-trial action phase of courts-martial.
Why is this important to the Army?
Trust is paramount to a Ready and Resilient force. It is vital to ensure the best resources and systems are in place to support victims. It is part of the Army’s promise to provide victims with help, without fear of embarrassment or retaliation.
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