Fort Bragg hardcore reenlisting

By Staff Sgt. Caleb Barrieu/XVIII Abn. Corps PAOMarch 22, 2013

Fort Bragg hardcore reenlistment
Specialists William Easterly, left, and Jason Crigger, center, mechanics from Headquarters Support Company, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, XVIII Airborne Corps, raise their right hands to reenlist in a gas chamber Friday at Fort Bragg. The ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Spc. William Easterly, and Spc. Jason Crigger, both mechanics from Headquarters Support Company, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, XVIII Airborne Corps, raised their right hands to reenlist March 15, in a gas chamber at Fort Bragg.

The air thickened with tear gas as the two Soldiers recited the oath of enlistment, administered by Capt. Kelly Polashenski, right, HSC commander.

The Soldiers decided on this unique reenlistment location because it symbolizes the hardcore lifestyle of the airborne paratrooper.