TSG Pays Tribute to the Legacy of "Army Medics"

By Valecia L. Dunbar, Army MedicineOctober 4, 2012

AMEDD Museum Medal of Honor Walk Ribbon Cutting
From Left to Right:
Al Dominguez, AMEDD Museum; Lt. Gen. Patricia D. Horoho, Surgeon General and Commanding General U.S. Army Medical Command; Maria Rocco, widow of Medal of Honor Recipient, CWO2 Louis R. Rocco; Maj. Gen. (Ret) Patrick Sculley, Chair... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

The U.S. Army Medical Department Museum (AMEDD Museum) is now the home of the nation's first monument recognizing AMEDD recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Lt. Gen. Patricia D. Horoho, Surgeon General and Commanding General U.S. Army Medical Command, spoke of the bravery and legacy of these "Army Medics" during the official dedication of the AMEDD Medal of Honor Walk held on Friday, September 28, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. on the grounds of the AMEDD Museum.

Maj. Gen. (Ret) Patrick Scully, Deputy Surgeon General from 1998 to 2002 served as Master of Ceremonies for the event that signifies "the fulfillment of a dream" for him and many others who envisioned the monument as an outdoor memorial and living reminder of 52 AMEDD members who took actions of uncommon valor and sacrifice resulting in the award of the nation's highest military recognition. Three AMEDD Medal of Honor recipients currently reside outside of the San Antonio area.

"Those we honor with the AMEDD Museum Medal of Honor Walk epitomize the sacrifice and service that has always been the legacy of the AMEDD," said MG (Ret) Sculley. "We desire to not only honor the Medal of Honor recipients, but to pass their legacy from generation to generation of 'Medics'."

The grounds surrounding the AMEDD Medal of Honor Walk reflect a venue purposed to revere and inculcate the traditions and values that are at the heart of AMEDD heritage. The two-acre site adjacent to the AMEDD Museum is a beautifully landscaped area of the museum grounds which permits curved walkways for leisurely strolls along sidewalks with Walk monument stations listing the names of soldier "medics" from each of the Nation's wars who have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Among them is the only female recipient of the Medal of Honor, AMEDD surgeon Dr. Mary E. Walker, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for valor during the Civil War.

A surrounding Regimental Green creates a place of tranquility and serenity leading to a 250-seat amphitheater that overlooks the Medal of Honor Walk and Presentation Plaza. The facility will support a variety of events and facilitate medical training amongst the honored legacy of those who have earned the Medal of Honor.

"This is the fulfillment of a dream for the Museum Foundation. It is very nice to be a part of a special project. We have completed the build out of our acreage and provided a lasting tribute to our Medal of Honor recipients," said Sculley.

The Medal of Honor Walk expands the AMEDD Museum grounds to include a fully functional amphitheater for ceremonies, programs, classes, and presentations in an environment where there is always present a reminder of the full meaning of being a Medic. The $1.6 million Walk facility was built totally with private donations from individuals who wanted to preserve the history of the Army Medical Department and a strong desire to see a museum at Fort Sam Houston to contain the equipment and documents that soldier medics used from the beginning of Army medicine to the current day. The AMEDD Museum Foundation was established to raise funds that built the main museum facility over three major projects. The last project was the Medal of Honor Walk and Amphitheater. After project completion, the gift is titled to the U.S. Government.

Horoho's attendance reflects the unwavering support of The Army Surgeon General for of the Medal of Honor Walk project from beginning to completion. Then Army Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Eric B. Schoomaker attended the kick-off event in 2009, along with Medal of Honor recipient Maj. Gen (Ret) Patrick Brady and his wife.

For additional information on AMEDD Medal of Honor Awardees, please go to the AMEDD Medal of Honor landing page on the Army Medical Department website located at http://ameddregiment.amedd.army.mil/moh/awardees.html

The current AMEDD Museum officially opened its doors in November 1989 and is considered a "world class" and a "standout" facility in the Army Museum system. It serves as a living reference library and research facility for students of all ages who have an interest in military medicine. It also augments the training of the more than 36,000 military and civilian students who attend the U.S. Army Academy of Health Sciences at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, each year.

The facility is free and open to any member of the public in possession of a valid driver's license or ID card. For additional information, contact the AMEDD Museum at 221-6358/6277or visit the AMEDD Museum landing page on the Army Medical Department website located at http://ameddmuseum.amedd.army.mil/index.html

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