Are you ready for flooding, blinding rain, trees, down power lines?

By Renee Reese, fort Stewart Public AffairsSeptember 15, 2011

FORT STEWART, Ga. - Since the 2011 hurricane season began June 1, there have already been 14 named storms, according to an article by Karen Voyles on And the season does not end until November!

How can one forget Hurricane Irene the ninth named storm of the season which made landfall in North Carolina, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York causing a total of 55 fatalities along her path of destruction?

Northeastern states are still rearing from the flooding caused by Hurricane Lee, the 12th named storm of the season.

Marne Soldier, Marne Families, don't let your guard down. Become proactive and prepare in the event of an evacuation.

"Knowing what to do during an emergency is an important part of being prepared and may make all the difference when seconds count," said Emergency and Contingency Planning Officer Tony Fleeger.

One big disadvantage about living in this area is the threat of possible hurricane landfall which can cause major disruptions to daily life. However, wide spread damage can happen without a hurricane making direct contact in our area. Damaging winds and localized flooding have been a direct result from tropical systems from the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico as far north as the mountain regions in Georgia.

Everyone is accountable for taking suitable prevention measures to prepare themselves and Family Members in the event of a hurricane. The senior commander makes all decisions regarding evacuations of Stewart-Hunter and here is what you need to know to protect your Family.

The greatest threat is storm surge and the guiding principle is "run from the water and hide from the wind."

• On- and off- post Families should prepare to evacuate to inland locations with or without their sponsors.

• Pets should be included when choosing a shelter or a place to go. Make proper arrangements for your pet during an evacuation.

• Preparation is critical and having an evacuation plan is important.

More details can be found on the Web site along contact important telephone numbers. Marne TV is the official source of news, information and updates.

Hypothetically, an evacuation warning has been given. What should you include in your Families supply kit? Here are just a few items that every Family should have on hand.

• cash

• non-perishable or canned food along with a non-electric opener

• clothing

• rainwear

• bedding and sleeping bags

• battery-operated radio and batteries

• flash light

• first aid kit

Some of the things you can do to prepare for the unexpected, such as making an emergency supply kit and developing an emergency plan are the same for both a natural or man-made emergency," said Fleeger. "Remember to get a kit, make a plan, and be informed because being prepared is everyone's responsibility."