Asymmetric Warfare Group training range project to move forward

By Mrs. Jennifer EricksonAugust 1, 2011

FORT A.P. HILL, Va. -- Fort A.P. Hill Garrison Commander Lt. Col. Jack Haefner signed a Finding of No Significant Impact July 29 for the Environmental Assessment for the Asymmetric Warfare Group 800- and 1,200-meter training ranges at Fort A.P. Hill.

The AWG is an Army unit that executes missions, responsibilities, and functions required to eliminate, mitigate, or counter the effects of asymmetric threats, and, as determined by the Secretary of the Army, other similar threats. The training site would prepare the troops for the current conflicts they face today and future threats. The site would be built on 675 acres within a current range area south of Route 301, southeast of Carter’s Corner at the southern end of the post.

While the anticipated average daily number of military personnel expected on site is 24 persons, the AWG ranges could accommodate up to 40 individuals simultaneously participating in multiple training activities and operations.

In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 as amended, both the EA and draft FNSI were available for public comment from April 28-May 28. An open house was also held in November 2010, providing an opportunity learn about the proposed project.

The signed FONSI and EA are available on the Fort A.P. Hill website at

Related Documents:

Final AWG Training Ranges EA and FONSI July 2011 [PDF]

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