Ground Combat Vehicle Revised Request For Proposal

By G-8 for STAND-TO!December 6, 2010

Ground Combat Vehicle Revised Request For Proposal

What is it'

The U.S. Army released last week a request for proposals (RFP) for the technology development phase of a new infantry fighting vehicle under the Ground Combat Vehicle program. The Army anticipates awarding up to three contracts for the technology development phase in early third quarter of FY 2011.

What has the Army done'

The RFP has been developed in close cooperation with Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) focusing on affordability and program risk reduction by demanding mature technology at the forefront. The Army's decision to release a revised RFP resulted in clear guidance to industry and the public on the Army's priorities in developing the vehicle.

What will the Army do'

The Army will rely on mature technologies and affordability targets in designing and developing the vehicle. The Army anticipates awarding up to three fixed-price incentive fee contracts for the technology development phase. Delivery of the first production vehicle is expected within seven years of the initial contract award.

Why is this important to the Army'

The Army remains firmly committed to the Ground Combat Vehicle program as the centerpiece of its combat vehicle modernization strategy, which will provide Soldiers with protected mobility and a decisive edge in both current and future combat environments. The Army is committed to a nine-man squad vehicle capacity. One of the RFP's four vehicle design imperatives (must-haves) is the vehicle capacity to place a nine-man squad under armor. This capability remains a fundamental requirement in any vehicle design proposed by industry. The RFP clearly conveys the Army's priorities in terms of capabilities, while providing industry with a successful and flexible framework to design and develop an effective and affordable infantry fighting vehicle. The Ground Combat Vehicle acquisition program will follow Department of Defense best acquisition

practices, including full and open competition.


<a href="" target="_blank">Army Modernization</a>

Related article:<a href="" target="_blank"> Army issues RFP for Ground Combat Vehicle</a>

Related STAND-TO!:<a href="" target="_blank"> Army's Ground Combat Vehicle</a>