People of AMCOM: Edward P. Iannone, Jr.

By U.S. ArmyJune 8, 2015

Edward P. Iannone, Jr.
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Name: Edward P. Iannone, Jr.

Organization where you work

AMCOM Logistics Center, Sustainment Optimization and Analysis Branch

Years of service at AMCOM:

5 Years Government and 3 years as a Contractor

Before working at AMCOM, where did you work?

Contractor PM Apache and Iraq, Soldier

What is your job?

I integrated CBM maintenance and logistics concepts into processes and procedures as a key element in the ALC objective to achieve cost-wise readiness. Business Cost Estimating and Financial Management certified Technical Lead for all CBM contracts within the division. I prepared Contract Service Requirement Package (CSRP) for contracts within the division. I was assigned as Trusted Agent for contractors within the division. I prepared funding requests for contractors within the division.

What do you like most about your job?

The people! Knowing what I do contributes to the War Fighter's mission.

Did you serve in the military?


If yes, for how long and what did you do?

I served 27 years and 10 months. Everything from Squad Leader to Aviation Branch Command Sergeant Major.

What are you usually doing when you're not at work?

Travel with my wife, ride my Harley, play golf, and work on the yard.

If you could speak directly to the Soldier you support, what would you say?

Is there anything I can do to make your job easier? Is what we're providing you, helping or do we need to adjust.

What would people be most surprised to learn about you?

I have a soft side. I cry at movies especially when someone helps another.

Who are your heroes or who has inspired you? Why?

Mom and Dad instilled work ethics not to worry about money and time; do what is asked of you, don't complain, just get the job done the best you can. SSG Martir, my first squad leader, taught me to always do my best; never settle for less and always do everything to standard. Soldier's inspire me to be all I can be on a daily bases. CSM (R) Leon Hite, a standard setter. Always squared away, professional in everything he does. The best NCO I have had the pleasure working with. MG (R) Jim Simmons, Jim Myles and LTG Tony Jones made my job easy; Soldier's always came first to them "Taking Care Of Soldier's" was their motto.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A Soldier!

Complete this sentence:

What AMCOM means to me: AMCOM is one of many organizations that on day-to-day bases, focus is to help the War Fighter no matter where they are. That to me is what it's all about. Our Soldiers depend on us, even though most don't know where their parts and equipment come from, they know some organization is taking care of them. I know AMCOM takes care of Soldier's.


If you would like to nominate someone for recognition in "People of AMCOM," contact your supervisor or the AMCOM Public Affairs Office at 256-842-3546. The nomination/interview form is available on the AMCOM internal SharePoint website, or by emailing Selected candidates will be interviewed and featured on AMCOM's Facebook page, external CORE website, and internal SharePoint website.

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