First Army Division West Soldiers help units improve readiness

By Lt. Col. James Wescott, First Army Public Affairs OfficeJuly 25, 2014

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Staff Sgt. Joshua Elmer (right), an observer coach/trainer with First Army Division West's 189th Infantry Brigade, conducts an after action review with a convoy commander and another Soldier during a Warfighter Exercise at Fort Hunter-Liggett, Calif.... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT HUNTER LIGGETT, Calif. -- A Warfighter Exercise being held here this month is training Army Reserve, Army National Guard, and active duty Army units for potential deployments. Units being trained are the 303rd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade and the 79th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, of the California National Guard.

Col. Randall Wickman, commander of First Army Division West's 189th Infantry Brigade, said the exercise emphasizes multicomponent, multi-echelon training interaction during forward operating base defense and convoy lanes training.

More than 3,600 combat support and combat service support Soldiers are participating in the exercise, Wickman said. First Army is supporting the exercise with observer coach/trainers.

"Our strength is to review the execution of actions in order to lead to further unit improvement," Wickman said. "We get units to see themselves clearly and ensure they leave better than when they arrived."

For this exercise, First Army is working with the 75th Training Division, the 91st Training Support Division, and the California Army National Guard to facilitate integrated active duty-reserve component training, which helps sustain the operational reserve capabilities developed during the last 13 years of persistent conflict.

Helping the 189th Infantry Brigade train Soldiers are the opposing force elements, comprising Soldiers from all three Army components. Besides helping the 189th Infantry Brigade conduct training, the OPFOR Soldiers enhance their own skills, according to Maj. Nakia Reddin of the 91st Training Support Division.

Fort Hunter Liggett personnel are ensuring the exercise has all the necessary training areas, facilities and support, Wickman added. The installation's combination of fixed facilities and terrain adds significant value to the training experience, he said.

First Army, in accordance with Title 11 and Army Total Force Policy, partners with United States Army Reserve and Army National Guard leadership to advise, assist and train reserve component formations to achieve Army Force Generation-directed readiness requirements during both pre- and post-mobilization through multicomponent integrated collective training, enabling Forces Command to provide combatant commanders trained and ready forces in support of worldwide requirements.

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