National Automotive Center (NAC)

By U.S. ArmyAugust 11, 2014

The NAC seeks solutions to TARDEC's Technology Gaps by reaching out to industry, academia and other government agencies through partnerships.

The NAC is the connection point for U.S. Army ground vehicle technology solutions, serving as the Army focal point to leverage dual-use technologies and their applications to military ground vehicles. The NAC links TARDEC with industry, academia and other government agencies to build collaborative relationships based on mutual technical interests.

The NAC employs several key mechanisms to leverage investments in technology R&D and initiate shared technology programs. The NAC provides guidance on industry ideation and partnership through traditional and non-traditional, industry, academia and other government entities to solve TARDEC design, development, manufacturing and product issues. Email us at:

Connection Mechanisms

The NAC offers a variety of opportunities to create partnerships:

• Advanced Vehicle Power Technology Alliance (AVPTA) is a joint technology R&D partnership between the Department of the Army and the Department of Energy (DoE). The AVPTA welcomes concept papers and proposals in energy efficient vehicle technology. Submit your concept papers and proposals through the DoE Vehicle Technologies Office or Incubator Funding Opportunities Announcements online at the Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) website.

• Michigan Army National Guard (MIARNG) and U.S. Army TARDEC have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that provides a forum where issues related to the development and improvement of military and commercial equipment are discussed and acted upon. Additionally, this forum was created to support the coordinated and collaborative development and improvement of U.S. Army military and commercial equipment for potential use by all military services.

• High-Efficiency Truck Users Forum (HTUF) is a NAC funded program that brings truck original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), suppliers, fleets and other industry stakeholders together to ensure commercial product offerings are capable of meeting high-efficiency military requirements. Two working groups within HTUF are focused on military OEM's and suppliers interested in working more effectively with Army technology planning and procurement staff. The Military Truck Action Group (MTAG) and Commercial Truck Action Group (CTAG) allow maximum industry engagement by keeping members informed and updated on key industry issues and providing opportunity to weigh in on direction and priority.

• Automotive Research Center (ARC) is a university-based, U.S. Army Center of Excellence in Modeling and Simulation. TARDEC manages the center in partnership with The University of Michigan, Clemson University, Oakland University, University of Iowa, Virginia Tech University and Wayne State University. The ARC Executive Committee, composed of government and university principals, selects basic and applied research projects each academic year based on current Army and TARDEC needs. Bi-monthly research seminars and an annual program review are conducted to peer-review projects, provide feedback to researchers, and ensure research projects meet cost and performance objects and align with TARDEC's 30-Year Strategy.

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TARDEC Capabilities Handbook