Memorial Day Safety Message

By U.S. ArmyMay 20, 2014

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Each year on the last Monday in May, we remember and honor fellow Soldiers who

have paid the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our Nation. On 26 May 2014, we again pay

tribute to these men and women, remember their service, and renew our commitment to the


The Memorial Day National Moment of Remembrance honors America's fallen and their

families. Established by Congress in 2000, the "Moment'' asks Americans, wherever they

are at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day, to pause in an act of national unity for the

duration of one minute. This time was chosen because it is the time when most Americans

are enjoying their freedom on the national holiday. I encourage all of you to observe this

National Moment of Remembrance.

We can best honor and recognize those who served before us by continuing to protect

the freedoms of our Nation. We owe it to them not to squander this gift through needless

loss of life. Today, the exceptional work done by each of you plays a deciding role in the

success of the Army Materiel Command. Around the world, our Soldiers and Civilians

remain visible forms of courage, trust, and cooperation. On this Memorial Day, I want

everyone to renew and recommit to our Army Core Values. We are all Ambassadors for

America and our actions must reflect the best of America.

While I encourage each member of this command to take full advantage of the long

weekend to relax and enjoy quality time with your family and friends, I want you to do so

with safety in mind. I ask Commanders, Directors, and Supervisors to discuss safety at

your staff meetings prior to the long weekend. Special emphasis should be placed on using

safety equipment properly (seat belts, personal flotation devices, motorcycle safety gear,

etc.). If you travel, start your trip well rested, and plan to take periodic breaks if traveling

long distances. Drive sensibly, yet defensively. If your activities include indulging in

alcoholic beverages, take care to designate a safe driver or arrange an alternate safe

means of transportation.

Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and support of the Army Materiel Command

mission. My family joins me in extending to all of you and your families, our very best

wishes for a SAFE and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend.



General, USA
