Cooperative Spirit international exercise continues through Oct. 10 in Germany

By Mr. Paul Boyce (FORSCOM)September 15, 2008

Cooperative Spirit 2008 (CS08) is an American, British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand (ABCA) Armies' Program Combat Training Center (CTC) rotation to validate and test interoperability solutions developed by the ABCA Armies' Program. During CS08 from Sept. 11 to Oct. 10, units from the American, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand Armies will work as a coalition under an American Brigade Headquarters (HQ) in a force on force land operation.

"CS08 provides an opportunity to examine tactical and operational level interoperability in a stressful counter insurgency scenario", said Colonel Shane Amor Chief of Staff of the ABCA Armies' Program. "The key is to ensure we can effectively integrate the capabilities of our Armies in coalition operations".

This CS08 rotation will take place at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) which is located in Hohenfels, Germany. The JMRC was selected because of its ability to provide realistic and demanding training in a premier multinational facility. The JMRC falls under the Joint Multinational Training Command (JMTC) located in Grafenwoehr, Germany.

The following units are participating:

-- 3rd Brigade/2nd Infantry Division (Stryker) with the Brigade HQ + one Battalion HQ and one company (United States)

-- 1st Welsh Guards Battalion (Motorized Infantry) (United Kingdom)

-- 2nd Royal Canadian Regiment (RCR) (Infantry) with a battalion HQ and two companies

-- 1st Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) (Infantry) with a battalion HQ and one company

-- 2/1st Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment (RNZIR) (-) with one company attached to the 1 RAR

-- 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment (MPAD) (United States)

-- 478th Civil Affairs Battalion (-) (United States)

-- Utah NG are providing a supporting role to provide logistics, life and administrative support

The ABCA Armies' Program evolved from the relationships forged during World War II. Its focus is to achieve interoperability using doctrine, technology and materiel solutions to close or mitigate interoperability gaps.

CS08 will provide an excellent opportunity for all participants to work together within a challenging training environment and help prepare for success within the Afghanistan area of operations, down to individual Soldier level.

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For additional information contact: Coalition Press Information Center (CPIC), Lt. Col. Robert Cain, country code: (49) 9472-83-6385,