Award presented in recognition of contracting excellence

By Larry D. McCaskillMarch 27, 2014

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Expeditionary Contracting Command Contingency Contracting Officer Award is presented to Soldiers and civilians in recognition of honored and valued service to the command.

"Those achieving ECC CCO recognition exemplify the highest standards of technical proficiency, success in operating in challenging contingency environments, completion of advanced civil and military education, and a track record of proven leadership," said Bryan R. Samson, ECC acting director. "They are the seasoned veterans of our formation. With this award comes an expectation that not only will they continue to serve as our expeditionary experts, but also that they will take it upon themselves to develop our more junior Soldiers and, through mentorship and example, make the entire ECC more effective and versatile."

There are two award categories. The standard award is presented to officers, NCOs and civilians who have been assigned to ECC, have at least Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Level II certification in contracting, complete all military contracting proficiency guide for contracting officers online assessments and served as a warranted contracting officer in an expeditionary operation.

According to the nominating process, a military contracting professional can nominate non-contracting personnel who have supported the ECC mission for an honorary award, the second catergory.

Each award is numbered. The first award was an honorary one presented in March 2011 to then Army Contracting Command Executive Director Jeffrey Parsons. It was soon followed by the presentation of a standard award to Maj. Jim Lee, then with the 409th Contracting Support Brigade, Kaiserslautern, Germany, in May 2011.

"The path to receiving an ECC CCO award is long and difficult. When military contracting professionals attain this award they should be very proud and know that they are among the very best in the ECC and our Army," Samson said.

Since its inception, 95 Soldiers and civilians have received standard or honorary awards. Maj. Jarret S. Moffitt, 410th Contracting Support Brigade, Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and Sgt. 1st Class April Johnson, 413th CSB, Fort Shafter, Hawaii, are the latest two to receive the award.

"The number of nominations we receive each year varies, however I would say an average of 30 per year are awarded," said Lela Voliva, the award's administrator.

According to Voliva, ECC contracting professionals can self nominate for the award. The criteria can be found in the ECC command policy memorandum for the award. Information on nominating a non-contracting professional is included. The ECC commander is the approving official.

For information on the award go to the ECC SharePoint site.

Related Links:

For the ECC CCO Award Command Policy